Example #1
  * Renders the template revisions table for the Revisions tab
  * @param TemplateModel $template A Template entity
  * @param int $version_id ID of template version to mark as selected
  * @return string Table HTML for insertion into Template edit form
 protected function renderRevisionsPartial($template, $version_id = FALSE)
     if (!bool_config_item('save_tmpl_revisions')) {
         return FALSE;
     $table = ee('CP/Table');
     $table->setColumns(array('rev_id', 'rev_date', 'rev_author', 'manage' => array('encode' => FALSE)));
     $data = array();
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($template->Versions as $version) {
         $attrs = array();
         // Last item should be marked as current
         if ($template->Versions->count() == $i) {
             $toolbar = '<span class="st-open">' . lang('current') . '</span>';
         } else {
             $toolbar = ee('View')->make('_shared/toolbar')->render(array('toolbar_items' => array('txt-only' => array('href' => ee('CP/URL', 'design/template/edit/' . $template->getId(), array('version' => $version->getId())), 'title' => lang('view'), 'content' => lang('view')))));
         // Mark currently-loaded version as selected
         if (!$version_id && $template->Versions->count() == $i or $version_id == $version->getId()) {
             $attrs = array('class' => 'selected');
         $data[] = array('attrs' => $attrs, 'columns' => array($i, ee()->localize->human_time($version->item_date), $version->Author->getMemberName(), $toolbar));
     return ee('View')->make('_shared/table')->render($table->viewData(''));