Example #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function postClear(FeedInterface $feed, StateInterface $state)
     $tokens = ['@item' => $this->getItemLabel(), '@items' => $this->getItemLabelPlural(), '%title' => $feed->label()];
     if ($state->deleted) {
         $state->setMessage($this->formatPlural($state->deleted, 'Deleted @count @item from %title.', 'Deleted @count @items from %title.', $tokens));
     } else {
         $state->setMessage($this->t('There are no @items to delete.', $tokens));
Example #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fetch(FeedInterface $feed, StateInterface $state)
     $sink = $this->generateSink();
     $configuration = $this->getConfiguration();
     $yt_state = ['channel_id' => $feed->getSource(), 'api_key' => $configuration['api_key'], 'import_limit' => $configuration['import_limit'], 'page_limit' => $configuration['page_limit'], 'pageToken' => ''];
     $url = FeedsYoutubeHandler::buildURL($yt_state);
     $response = $this->get($url, $sink, $this->getCacheKey($feed));
     // 304, nothing to see here.
     if ($response->getStatusCode() == Response::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
         $state->setMessage($this->t('The feed has not been updated.'));
         throw new EmptyFeedException();
     return new HttpFetcherResult($sink, $response->getHeaders());
Example #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fetch(FeedInterface $feed, StateInterface $state)
     $response = $this->get($feed->getSource(), $this->getCacheKey($feed));
     // 304, nothing to see here.
     if ($response->getStatusCode() == 304) {
         $state->setMessage($this->t('The feed has not been updated.'));
         throw new EmptyFeedException();
     // Copy the temp stream to a real file.
     $download_file = drupal_tempnam('temporary://', 'feeds_http_fetcher');
     $dest_stream = Utils::create(fopen($download_file, 'w+'));
     Utils::copyToStream($response->getBody(), $dest_stream);
     return new HttpFetcherResult($download_file, $response->getHeaders());
Example #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process(FeedInterface $feed, ItemInterface $item, StateInterface $state)
     $existing_entity_id = $this->existingEntityId($feed, $item);
     $skip_existing = $this->configuration['update_existing'] == static::SKIP_EXISTING;
     // Bulk load existing entities to save on db queries.
     if ($skip_existing && $existing_entity_id) {
     // Delay building a new entity until necessary.
     if ($existing_entity_id) {
         $entity = $this->storageController->load($existing_entity_id);
     $hash = $this->hash($item);
     $changed = $existing_entity_id && $hash !== $entity->get('feeds_item')->hash;
     // Do not proceed if the item exists, has not changed, and we're not
     // forcing the update.
     if ($existing_entity_id && !$changed && !$this->configuration['skip_hash_check']) {
     // Build a new entity.
     if (!$existing_entity_id) {
         $entity = $this->newEntity($feed);
     try {
         // Set field values.
         $this->map($feed, $entity, $item);
         // This will throw an exception on failure.
         // Set the values that we absolutely need.
         $entity->get('feeds_item')->target_id = $feed->id();
         $entity->get('feeds_item')->hash = $hash;
         $entity->get('feeds_item')->imported = REQUEST_TIME;
         // And... Save! We made it.
         // Track progress.
         $existing_entity_id ? $state->updated++ : $state->created++;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $state->setMessage($e->getMessage(), 'warning');