Example #1
  * Ensures that Stable overrides all relevant core library assets.
 public function testStableLibraryOverrides()
     // First get the clean library definitions with no active theme.
     $libraries_before = $this->getAllLibraries();
     $libraries_before = $this->removeVendorAssets($libraries_before);
     // Now get the library definitions with Stable as the active theme.
     $libraries_after = $this->getAllLibraries();
     $libraries_after = $this->removeVendorAssets($libraries_after);
     $root = \Drupal::root();
     foreach ($libraries_before as $extension => $libraries) {
         foreach ($libraries as $library_name => $library) {
             // Allow skipping libraries.
             if (in_array("{$extension}/{$library_name}", $this->librariesToSkip)) {
             $library_after = $libraries_after[$extension][$library_name];
             // Check that all the CSS assets are overridden.
             foreach ($library['css'] as $index => $asset) {
                 $clean_path = $asset['data'];
                 $stable_path = $library_after['css'][$index]['data'];
                 // Make core/misc assets look like they are coming from a "core"
                 // module.
                 $replacements = ['core/misc/' => "core/modules/core/css/"];
                 $expected_path = strtr($clean_path, $replacements);
                 // Adjust the module asset paths to correspond with the Stable folder
                 // structure.
                 $expected_path = str_replace("core/modules/{$extension}/css/", "core/themes/stable/css/{$extension}/", $expected_path);
                 $assert_path = str_replace("core/modules/{$extension}/", '', $clean_path);
                 $this->assertEqual($expected_path, $stable_path, "{$assert_path} from the {$extension}/{$library_name} library is overridden in Stable.");
  * Activates a specified theme.
  * Installs the theme if not already installed and makes it the active theme.
  * @param string $theme_name
  *   The name of the theme to be activated.
 protected function activateTheme($theme_name)
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeInitializationInterface $theme_initializer */
     $theme_initializer = $this->container->get('theme.initialization');
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface $theme_manager */
     $theme_manager = $this->container->get('theme.manager');
     // Assert message.
     $this->pass(sprintf('Activated theme "%s"', $theme_name));
  * Ensures that all core module and theme library files exist.
 public function testCoreLibraryCompleteness()
     // First verify all libraries with no active theme.
     // Then verify all libraries for each core theme. This may seem like
     // overkill but themes can override and extend other extensions' libraries
     // and these changes are only applied for the active theme.
     foreach ($this->allThemes as $theme) {