Example #1
  * Loads a Yaml file.
  * @param mixed  $file The resource
 public function load($file)
     // Load from the file cache, fall back to loading the file.
     // @todo Refactor this to cache parsed definition objects in
     //   https://www.drupal.org/node/2464053
     $content = $this->fileCache->get($file);
     if (!$content) {
         $content = $this->loadFile($file);
         $this->fileCache->set($file, $content);
     // Not supported.
     //$this->container->addResource(new FileResource($path));
     // empty file
     if (null === $content) {
     // imports
     // Not supported.
     //$this->parseImports($content, $file);
     // parameters
     if (isset($content['parameters'])) {
         if (!is_array($content['parameters'])) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "parameters" key should contain an array in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $file));
         foreach ($content['parameters'] as $key => $value) {
             $this->container->setParameter($key, $this->resolveServices($value));
     // extensions
     // Not supported.
     // services
     $this->parseDefinitions($content, $file);
Example #2
  * Loads a Yaml file.
  * @param mixed  $file The resource
 public function load($file)
     // Load from the file cache, fall back to loading the file.
     // @todo Refactor this to cache parsed definition objects in
     //   https://www.drupal.org/node/2464053
     $content = $this->fileCache->get($file);
     if (!$content) {
         $content = $this->loadFile($file);
         $this->fileCache->set($file, $content);
     // Not supported.
     //$this->container->addResource(new FileResource($path));
     // empty file
     if (null === $content) {
     // imports
     // Not supported.
     //$this->parseImports($content, $file);
     // parameters
     if (isset($content['parameters'])) {
         foreach ($content['parameters'] as $key => $value) {
             $this->container->setParameter($key, $this->resolveServices($value));
     // extensions
     // Not supported.
     // services
     $this->parseDefinitions($content, $file);
Example #3
  * @covers ::delete
 public function testDelete()
     $filename = __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/llama-23.txt';
     $realpath = realpath($filename);
     $cid = 'prefix:test:' . $realpath;
     $this->fileCache->set($filename, 23);
     // Ensure data is removed after deletion.
     $result = $this->staticFileCache->fetch([$cid]);
     $this->assertEquals([], $result);
     $result = $this->fileCache->get($filename);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getDefinitions()
     $definitions = array();
     $reader = $this->getAnnotationReader();
     // Clear the annotation loaders of any previous annotation classes.
     // Register the namespaces of classes that can be used for annotations.
     // Search for classes within all PSR-0 namespace locations.
     foreach ($this->getPluginNamespaces() as $namespace => $dirs) {
         foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
             if (file_exists($dir)) {
                 $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS));
                 foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
                     if ($fileinfo->getExtension() == 'php') {
                         if ($cached = $this->fileCache->get($fileinfo->getPathName())) {
                             if (isset($cached['id'])) {
                                 // Explicitly unserialize this to create a new object instance.
                                 $definitions[$cached['id']] = unserialize($cached['content']);
                         $sub_path = $iterator->getSubIterator()->getSubPath();
                         $sub_path = $sub_path ? str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $sub_path) . '\\' : '';
                         $class = $namespace . '\\' . $sub_path . $fileinfo->getBasename('.php');
                         // The filename is already known, so there is no need to find the
                         // file. However, StaticReflectionParser needs a finder, so use a
                         // mock version.
                         $finder = MockFileFinder::create($fileinfo->getPathName());
                         $parser = new StaticReflectionParser($class, $finder, TRUE);
                         /** @var $annotation \Drupal\Component\Annotation\AnnotationInterface */
                         if ($annotation = $reader->getClassAnnotation($parser->getReflectionClass(), $this->pluginDefinitionAnnotationName)) {
                             $this->prepareAnnotationDefinition($annotation, $class);
                             $id = $annotation->getId();
                             $content = $annotation->get();
                             $definitions[$id] = $content;
                             // Explicitly serialize this to create a new object instance.
                             $this->fileCache->set($fileinfo->getPathName(), ['id' => $id, 'content' => serialize($content)]);
                         } else {
                             // Store a NULL object, so the file is not reparsed again.
                             $this->fileCache->set($fileinfo->getPathName(), [NULL]);
     // Don't let annotation loaders pile up.
     return $definitions;
Example #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function write($name, array $data)
     try {
         $encoded_data = $this->encode($data);
     } catch (InvalidDataTypeException $e) {
         throw new StorageException("Invalid data type in config {$name}: {$e->getMessage()}");
     $target = $this->getFilePath($name);
     $status = @file_put_contents($target, $encoded_data);
     if ($status === FALSE) {
         // Try to make sure the directory exists and try writing again.
         $status = @file_put_contents($target, $encoded_data);
     if ($status === FALSE) {
         throw new StorageException('Failed to write configuration file: ' . $this->getFilePath($name));
     } else {
     $this->fileCache->set($target, $data);
     return TRUE;
Example #6
  * Recursively scans a base directory for the requested extension type.
  * @param string $dir
  *   A relative base directory path to scan, without trailing slash.
  * @param bool $include_tests
  *   Whether to include test extensions. If FALSE, all 'tests' directories are
  *   excluded in the search.
  * @return array
  *   An associative array whose keys are extension type names and whose values
  *   are associative arrays of \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension objects, keyed
  *   by absolute path name.
  * @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\Discovery\RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator
 protected function scanDirectory($dir, $include_tests)
     $files = array();
     // In order to scan top-level directories, absolute directory paths have to
     // be used (which also improves performance, since any configured PHP
     // include_paths will not be consulted). Retain the relative originating
     // directory being scanned, so relative paths can be reconstructed below
     // (all paths are expected to be relative to $this->root).
     $dir_prefix = $dir == '' ? '' : "{$dir}/";
     $absolute_dir = $dir == '' ? $this->root : $this->root . "/{$dir}";
     if (!is_dir($absolute_dir)) {
         return $files;
     // Use Unix paths regardless of platform, skip dot directories, follow
     // symlinks (to allow extensions to be linked from elsewhere), and return
     // the RecursiveDirectoryIterator instance to have access to getSubPath(),
     // since SplFileInfo does not support relative paths.
     $flags = \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS;
     $flags |= \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS;
     $flags |= \FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS;
     $flags |= \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF;
     $directory_iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($absolute_dir, $flags);
     // Filter the recursive scan to discover extensions only.
     // Important: Without a RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator
     // would recurse into the entire filesystem directory tree without any kind
     // of limitations.
     $filter = new RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator($directory_iterator);
     // The actual recursive filesystem scan is only invoked by instantiating the
     // RecursiveIteratorIterator.
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($filter, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD);
     foreach ($iterator as $key => $fileinfo) {
         // All extension names in Drupal have to be valid PHP function names due
         // to the module hook architecture.
         if (!preg_match(static::PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN, $fileinfo->getBasename('.info.yml'))) {
         if ($this->fileCache && ($cached_extension = $this->fileCache->get($fileinfo->getPathName()))) {
             $files[$cached_extension->getType()][$key] = $cached_extension;
         // Determine extension type from info file.
         $type = FALSE;
         $file = $fileinfo->openFile('r');
         while (!$type && !$file->eof()) {
             preg_match('@^type:\\s*(\'|")?(\\w+)\\1?\\s*$@', $file->fgets(), $matches);
             if (isset($matches[2])) {
                 $type = $matches[2];
         if (empty($type)) {
         $name = $fileinfo->getBasename('.info.yml');
         $pathname = $dir_prefix . $fileinfo->getSubPathname();
         // Determine whether the extension has a main extension file.
         // For theme engines, the file extension is .engine.
         if ($type == 'theme_engine') {
             $filename = $name . '.engine';
         } else {
             $filename = $name . '.' . $type;
         if (!file_exists(dirname($pathname) . '/' . $filename)) {
             $filename = NULL;
         $extension = new Extension($this->root, $type, $pathname, $filename);
         // Track the originating directory for sorting purposes.
         $extension->subpath = $fileinfo->getSubPath();
         $extension->origin = $dir;
         $files[$type][$key] = $extension;
         if ($this->fileCache) {
             $this->fileCache->set($fileinfo->getPathName(), $extension);
     return $files;