public function generate() { if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') { throw new \Exception("This script only can be used in CLI"); } $config = $this->config->database; system('/usr/bin/mysqldump -u ' . $config->username . ' -p' . $config->password . ' -r /tmp/phosphorum.sql ' . $config->dbname); system('bzip2 /tmp/phosphorum.sql'); $sourcePath = '/tmp/phosphorum.sql.bz2'; if (!file_exists($sourcePath)) { throw new \Exception("Backup could not be created"); } list($accessToken, $host) = AuthInfo::loadFromJsonFile(APP_PATH . '/app/config/backup.auth'); $client = new Client($accessToken, "phosphorum", null, $host); $dropboxPath = '/phosphorum.sql.bz2'; $pathError = Path::findErrorNonRoot($dropboxPath); if ($pathError !== null) { throw new \Exception("Invalid <dropbox-path>: {$pathError}"); } try { $client->delete($dropboxPath); } catch (\Exception $e) { // ... } $size = null; if (\stream_is_local($sourcePath)) { $size = \filesize($sourcePath); } $fp = fopen($sourcePath, "rb"); $client->uploadFile($dropboxPath, WriteMode::add(), $fp, $size); fclose($fp); @unlink($sourcePath); }
/** * A helper function that checks for the correct number of command line arguments, * loads the auth-file, and creates a \Dropbox\Client object. * * It returns an array where the first element is the \Dropbox\Client object and the * rest of the elements are the arguments you wanted. */ function parseArgs($exampleName, $argv, $requiredParams = null, $optionalParams = null) { if ($requiredParams === null) { $requiredParams = array(); } if ($optionalParams === null) { $optionalParams = array(); } $minArgs = 1 + count($requiredParams); $maxArgs = $minArgs + count($optionalParams); $programName = $argv[0]; $args = \array_slice($argv, 1); // If no args. Print help message. if (count($args) === 0) { // Construct the param list for the "Usage" line. $paramSpec = ""; foreach ($requiredParams as $p) { $paramSpec .= " " . $p[0]; } if (count($optionalParams) > 0) { $paramSpec .= " ["; foreach ($optionalParams as $p) { $paramSpec .= " " . $p[0]; } $paramSpec .= " ]"; } echo "\n"; echo "Usage: {$programName} auth-file{$paramSpec}\n"; echo "\n"; // Print out help for each param. printParamHelp("auth-file", "A file with authorization information. You can use the \"examples/authorize.php\" " . "program to generate this file."); foreach (array_merge($requiredParams, $optionalParams) as $param) { list($paramName, $paramDesc) = $param; printParamHelp($paramName, $paramDesc); } echo "\n"; echo "OPTIONS:\n"; echo "\n"; echo "--locale=... (example: --locale=fr)\n"; echo " The locale you want the Dropbox API to use for localized strings.\n"; echo "\n"; exit(0); } $locale = null; // Parse out the option args. $nonOptionArgs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($args); $i++) { $arg = $args[$i]; if ($arg === "-" || $arg === "--") { // No more options. Put the rest on the list of non-option args. for ($i++; $i < count($args); $i++) { \array_push($nonOptionArgs, $args[$i]); } break; } if (startsWith($arg, "-")) { if (startsWith($arg, "--")) { $option = substr($arg, 2); } else { $option = substr($arg, 1); } $equalPos = \strpos($option, "="); if ($equalPos === false) { $optionName = $option; $optionArg = null; } else { $optionName = \substr($option, 0, $equalPos); $optionArg = \substr($option, $equalPos + 1); } if ($optionName === 'locale') { if ($optionArg === null) { fwrite(STDERR, "\"locale\" option requires an argument.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Run with no arguments for help.\n"); die; } $locale = $optionArg; if (count($locale) === 0) { fwrite(STDERR, "\"locale\" must not be empty.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Run with no arguments for help.\n"); die; } } else { fwrite(STDERR, "Unknown option: \"{$optionName}\".\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Run with no arguments for help.\n"); die; } } else { \array_push($nonOptionArgs, $arg); } } $givenArgs = count($nonOptionArgs); // Make sure the argument count is compatible with the parameter count. if ($minArgs === $maxArgs) { if (count($nonOptionArgs) !== $minArgs) { fwrite(STDERR, "Expecting exactly {$minArgs} non-option arguments, got {$givenArgs}.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Run with no arguments for help.\n"); die; } } else { if ($givenArgs < $minArgs) { fwrite(STDERR, "Expecting at least {$minArgs} non-option arguments, got {$givenArgs}.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Run with no arguments for help.\n"); die; } else { if ($givenArgs > $maxArgs) { fwrite(STDERR, "Expecting at most {$maxArgs} non-option arguments, got {$givenArgs}.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Run with no arguments for help.\n"); die; } } } try { list($accessToken, $host) = dbx\AuthInfo::loadFromJsonFile($nonOptionArgs[0]); } catch (dbx\AuthInfoLoadException $ex) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error loading <auth-file>: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n"); die; } $client = new dbx\Client($accessToken, "examples-{$exampleName}", $locale, $host); // Fill in the extra/optional arg slots with nulls. $ret = array_slice($nonOptionArgs, 1); while (count($ret) < $maxArgs) { array_push($ret, null); } // Return the args they need, plus the $client object in front. array_unshift($ret, $client); return $ret; }
function testBadAuthJsonFields() { $minimal = array("access_token" => "an_access_token"); // check that we detect every missing field foreach ($minimal as $key => $value) { $tmp = $minimal; unset($tmp[$key]); file_put_contents("test.json", json_encode($tmp, true)); try { dbx\AuthInfo::loadFromJsonFile("test.json"); $this->fail("Expected exception"); } catch (dbx\AuthInfoLoadException $e) { // Expecting this exception. } } $correct = array("access_token" => "an_access_token", "host" => ""); // check that we detect non-string fields foreach ($correct as $key => $value) { $tmp = $correct; $tmp[$key] = 123; file_put_contents("test.json", json_encode($tmp, true)); try { dbx\AuthInfo::loadFromJsonFile("test.json"); $this->fail("Expected exception"); } catch (dbx\AuthInfoLoadException $e) { // Expecting this exception. } } }
<?php require_once "config/config.php"; require_once "dropbox-sdk/Dropbox/autoload.php"; use Dropbox as dbx; header('Content-type: application/json'); if ((empty($access_code) || isset($_POST['access_code']) && $_POST['access_code'] == $access_code) && isset($_POST['id']) && is_numeric($_POST['id']) && isset($_FILES['files'])) { try { list($accessToken, $host) = dbx\AuthInfo::loadFromJsonFile("./config/dropbox.json"); $locale = null; $client = new dbx\Client($accessToken, "upload-file", $locale, $host); if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][0])) { $sourcePath = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][0]; $dropboxPath = "/" . $_FILES['files']['name'][0]; } else { print '{"files":[{"id":' . $_POST['id'] . ',"name":"","size":"","error":"PHP upload error #' . $_FILES['files']['error'][0] . ' occurred."}]}'; die; } $pathError = dbx\Path::findErrorNonRoot($dropboxPath); if ($pathError !== null) { print '{"files":[{"id":' . $_POST['id'] . ',"name":"' . $dropboxPath . '","size":"","error":"Invalid <dropbox-path>: ' . $pathError . '"}]}'; die; } $size = null; if (\stream_is_local($sourcePath)) { $size = \filesize($sourcePath); } $fp = fopen($sourcePath, "rb"); $metadata = $client->uploadFile($dropboxPath, dbx\WriteMode::add(), $fp, $size); fclose($fp); if ($logging) {