  * This method lists all online users.
  * @param null
  * @return void
 public function online()
     $online = LogModel::where('online = ?', true)->count();
     $users = LogModel::where('online = ?', true)->all();
     $users = $users->result();
     View::with('users', $users)->with('online', $online->num_rows())->render('admin/online');
  *This method loads the homepage 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function index()
     //get all list names from the database
     $data['lists'] = ListsModel::all();
     //get the ending date today
     View::render('home/home', $data);
  * This method loads the users edit profile page.
  * @param int $user_id The unique id of the user whose information to update
 public function getUpdate($user_id)
     $user = UsersModel::where('id = ?', $user_id)->all();
     $user = $user->result_array();
     $data['user'] = $user[0];
     //get the ending date today
     View::render('users/update', $data);
  * Compile the include statements into valid PHP.
  * @param  string  $expression
  * @return string
 protected function compileInclude($pathExpression)
     $fileName = substr($pathExpression, strpos($pathExpression, '\'') + 1, -(strlen($pathExpression) - strripos($pathExpression, '\'')));
     $includeContent = ViewHelper::getContents($fileName, true);
     return $includeContent;
     /*return "<?php echo \$__env->make($expression, array_except(get_defined_vars(), array('__data', '__path')))->render(); ?>";*/
  *This method loads the caching page 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function getCaching()
     //get the ending date today
  *This method loads the users and admin  homepage 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function postDelete()
     //get the ending date today
  *This method loads the homepage 
  *@param int $id The user id
  *@return void
 public function getIndex($id)
     $data['title'] = $this->site_title;
     $data['request_time'] = $this->request_exec_time();
     View::render('index', $data);
  *This method loads a csv file content into the database for a new list
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function getManagenew()
     //get the list id to manage
     $list_id = Input::get('list_id');
     //get information about this list
     $list_info = ListsModel::getById($list_id);
     //open the csv file
     $full_path = Path::base() . $list_info[0]['csv_file_path'];
     //get the first 10 lines
     $file_pointer = fopen($full_path, 'r');
     $itr = 5;
     while (!feof($file_pointer)) {
         if ($itr == 0) {
         //read data into csv
         $data['list_data'][] = fgetcsv($file_pointer);
     //get the column list
     $data['column_list'] = $data['list_data'][0];
     //get table fielnames
     $data['table_fields'] = SubscribersModel::getTableColumnNames();
     //lod the view page with this information
     View::render('lists/managenew', $data);
  *This method loads the login form 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function getLogout()
     LogModel::where('id = ?', Session::get('log_id'))->save(array('online' => false));
     UsersModel::where('id = ?', Session::get('userInfo')['id'])->save(array('online' => false));
     //destry all session data
     //load the login form
  *This method loads the login form 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function getLogout()
     //load the login form
  *This method loads the signup form 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function getIndex()
     //load the singup form
  *This method loads the homepage 
  *@param null
  *@return void
 public function index()
     //get the ending date today