public function em()
     return parent::getEntityManager();
Example #2
  * Populate the EntityRepository $repo with $count entities.
  * @see \Population\Populator::populate
  * @access public
  * @param EntityRepository $repo
  * @param int $count
  * @param array $options
  * @param callable $callback Function which populates the data for each instance. It is passed a single argument,
  *     the entity to be populated. If $callback returns false, the entity will not be persisted.
  * @param array $options (default: array())
  *     perFlush:        Limit the number of insertions performed in a single flush (default: 100)
  *     clearAfterFlush: Clear the EntityManager after each flush (default:true)
  *     factory:         Optionally, specify a factory callback for populated objects
  *     constructorArgs: An array of args, passed directly to the document's constructor (default: null)
  * @return void
 public function populateEntity(EntityRepository $repo, $count, $callback, array $options = array())
     $em = $repo->getEntityManager();
     if (isset($options['factory'])) {
         $factory = $options['factory'];
     } else {
         $reflClass = $repo->getClassMetadata()->reflClass;
         $factory = array($reflClass, 'newInstanceArgs');
     $this->populateObject($em, $factory, $count, $callback, $options);
 function addLast($entity, $persist = true)
     if (!$entity instanceof $this->className) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The item must be an instace of ' . $this->className);
     $parentEntityId = $this->getParentIdentifierValue($entity);
     if (!array_key_exists($parentEntityId, $this->cachedMaxOrder)) {
         $this->cachedMaxOrder[$parentEntityId] = null;
     if ($this->cachedMaxOrder[$parentEntityId] === null) {
         $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()->select('MAX(o.' . $this->orderField . ')')->from($this->className, 'o');
         if ($this->useParent()) {
             $qb = $this->addParentQueryBuilderCondition($qb, $parentEntityId);
         $this->cachedMaxOrder[$parentEntityId] = $qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
         if ($this->cachedMaxOrder[$parentEntityId] == null) {
             $this->cachedMaxOrder[$parentEntityId] = 1;
     if ($persist) {