getQueryPart() public method

Gets a query part by its name.
public getQueryPart ( string $queryPartName ) : mixed
$queryPartName string
return mixed
Example #1
  * Returns the sql expression to determinate the distincts numbers of lines
  * @return string
 protected function getDistinct()
     if (isset($this->conf->group)) {
         return $this->conf->group;
     return implode(', ', $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart('select'));
Example #2
  * @return bool|string
 public function getTotal()
     if ($this->total) {
         return $this->total;
     $queryBuilder = $this->repository->getEm()->createQueryBuilder();
     $fromParts = $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart('from');
     if ($fromParts) {
         foreach ($fromParts as $from) {
             $queryBuilder->from($from['table'], $from['alias']);
     $where = $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart('where');
     if ($where) {
         $queryBuilder->add('where', (string) $where);
     $parameters = $this->queryBuilder->getParameters();
     if ($parameters) {
         foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
             $queryBuilder->setParameter($key, $value);
     return $this->total = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchColumn();
Example #3
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function hasJoinAlias($joinAlias)
     $joinParts = $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart('join');
     foreach ($joinParts as $rootAlias => $joins) {
         foreach ($joins as $join) {
             if ($join['joinAlias'] === $joinAlias) {
                 return true;
     return false;
  * @internal
 private function incorporateDbalQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder $qb, FilterInterface $filter)
     $criteria = $this->getFilteringCriteria($filter);
     // extraindo os rootAliases, pois o DBAL\QueryBuilder não tem
     $fromPart = $qb->getQueryPart('from');
     $rootAliases = array();
     foreach ($fromPart as $part) {
         $rootAliases[] = $part['alias'];
     $visitor = new DbalQueryExpressionVisitor($qb->getConnection(), $rootAliases, $this->fieldMap);
     if ($whereExpression = $criteria->getWhereExpression()) {
     if ($criteria->getOrderings()) {
         foreach ($criteria->getOrderings() as $sort => $order) {
             $qb->addOrderBy($visitor->getFieldName($sort), $order);
     if (($firstResult = $criteria->getFirstResult()) !== null) {
     if (($maxResults = $criteria->getMaxResults()) !== null) {
Example #5
  * For repeating fields, the load method adds extra joins and selects to the query that
  * fetches the related records from the field and field value tables in the same query as the content fetch.
  * @param QueryBuilder  $query
  * @param ClassMetadata $metadata
  * @return void
 public function load(QueryBuilder $query, ClassMetadata $metadata)
     $field = $this->mapping['fieldname'];
     $boltname = $metadata->getBoltName();
     $from = $query->getQueryPart('from');
     if (isset($from[0]['alias'])) {
         $alias = $from[0]['alias'];
     } else {
         $alias = $from[0]['table'];
     $query->addSelect($this->getPlatformGroupConcat('fields', $query))->leftJoin($alias, $this->mapping['tables']['field_value'], 'f', "f.content_id = {$alias}.id AND f.contenttype='{$boltname}' AND'{$field}'");
Example #6
  * For relations, the load method adds an extra ->addSelect() and ->leftJoin() to the query that
  * fetches the related records from the join table in the same query as the content fetch.
  * IDs are returned comma-separated which the ->hydrate() method can then turn into pointers
  * to the related entities.
  * @param QueryBuilder  $query
  * @param ClassMetadata $metadata
 public function load(QueryBuilder $query, ClassMetadata $metadata)
     $field = $this->mapping['fieldname'];
     $target = $this->mapping['target'];
     $boltname = $metadata->getBoltName();
     $from = $query->getQueryPart('from');
     if (isset($from[0]['alias'])) {
         $alias = $from[0]['alias'];
     } else {
         $alias = $from[0]['table'];
     $query->addSelect($this->getPlatformGroupConcat("{$field}.to_id", $field, $query))->leftJoin($alias, $target, $field, "{$alias}.id = {$field}.from_id AND {$field}.from_contenttype='{$boltname}' AND {$field}.to_contenttype='{$field}'")->addGroupBy("{$alias}.id");
  * Add the additional query conditions returned by the QueryRestrictionBuilder
  * to the current query and return the original set of conditions so that they
  * can be restored after the query has been built/executed.
  * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\Expression\CompositeExpression|mixed
 protected function addAdditonalWhereConditions()
     $queryRestrictionBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(QueryRestrictionBuilder::class, $this->getQueriedTables(), $this->expr(), $this->getQueryContext());
     $originalWhereConditions = $this->concreteQueryBuilder->getQueryPart('where');
     if ($originalWhereConditions instanceof CompositeExpression) {
         $originalWhereConditions = clone $originalWhereConditions;
     $additionalQueryRestrictions = $queryRestrictionBuilder->getVisibilityConstraints();
     if ($additionalQueryRestrictions->count() !== 0) {
         // save the original query conditions so we can restore
         // them after the query has been built.
     return $originalWhereConditions;
Example #8
  * @inheritdoc
 public function load(QueryBuilder $query, ClassMetadata $metadata)
     $field = $this->mapping['fieldname'];
     $boltname = $metadata->getBoltName();
     if ($this->mapping['data']['has_sortorder']) {
         $order = "{$field}.sortorder";
     } else {
         $order = "{$field}.id";
     $from = $query->getQueryPart('from');
     if (isset($from[0]['alias'])) {
         $alias = $from[0]['alias'];
     } else {
         $alias = $from[0]['table'];
     $query->addSelect($this->getPlatformGroupConcat("{$field}.slug", $order, $field, $query))->leftJoin($alias, 'bolt_taxonomy', $field, "{$alias}.id = {$field}.content_id AND {$field}.contenttype='{$boltname}' AND {$field}.taxonomytype='{$field}'")->addGroupBy("{$alias}.id");
Example #9
  * Add the additional query conditions returned by the QueryRestrictionBuilder
  * to the current query and return the original set of conditions so that they
  * can be restored after the query has been built/executed.
  * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\Expression\CompositeExpression|mixed
 protected function addAdditionalWhereConditions()
     $originalWhereConditions = $this->concreteQueryBuilder->getQueryPart('where');
     $expression = $this->restrictionContainer->buildExpression($this->getQueriedTables(), $this->expr());
     // This check would be obsolete, as the composite expression would not add empty expressions anyway
     // But we keep it here to only clone the previous state, in case we really will change it.
     // Once we remove this state preserving functionality, we can remove the count check here
     // and just add the expression to the query builder.
     if ($expression->count() > 0) {
         if ($originalWhereConditions instanceof CompositeExpression) {
             // Save the original query conditions so we can restore
             // them after the query has been built.
             $originalWhereConditions = clone $originalWhereConditions;
     // @todo add hook to be able to add additional restrictions
     return $originalWhereConditions;
Example #10
  * Preprocess and execute SELECT query.
  * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder $qb
  * @throws \Lokhman\Silex\ARM\Exception\RepositoryException
  * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement
 private function preprocess(QueryBuilder $qb)
     // for each FROM part in QueryBuilder
     foreach ($qb->getQueryPart('from') as $part) {
         $table = $table = $this->prefix . $part['table'];
         if (!isset($this->app['arm'][$table])) {
             self::raise('No repository registered for "' . $table . '".');
         $tables[$part['alias']] = $this->app['arm'][$table];
     // for each JOIN part in QueryBuilder
     foreach ($qb->getQueryPart('join') as $part) {
         $table = $this->prefix . $part[0]['joinTable'];
         if (!isset($this->app['arm'][$table])) {
             self::raise('No repository registered for "' . $table . '".');
         $tables[$part[0]['joinAlias']] = $this->app['arm'][$table];
     // re-define select columns
     $qb->select($this->formatSelect($qb, $tables));
     // execute pre-formatted SELECT query ( $qb->execute() )
     return $this->db->executeQuery($this->formatQuery($qb, $tables), $qb->getParameters(), $qb->getParameterTypes());
Example #11
  * Modifies the passed DBAL query builder object to calculate
  * the total count.
  * @param QueryBuilder $builder
  * @return $this
 private function addTotalCountSelect(QueryBuilder $builder)
     $select = $builder->getQueryPart('select');
     $select[0] = ' SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $select[0];
     return $this;
  * @test
 public function getQueryPartDelegatesToConcreteQueryBuilder()
Example #13
  * @param QueryBuilder $q
  * @param array        $tables          $tables[0] should be primary table
  * @param bool         $innerJoinTables
  * @param null         $whereExpression
  * @param null         $having
 protected function applySearchQueryRelationship(QueryBuilder $q, array $tables, $innerJoinTables, $whereExpression = null, $having = null)
     $primaryTable = $tables[0];
     $joinType = $innerJoinTables ? 'join' : 'leftJoin';
     $this->useDistinctCount = true;
     $joins = $q->getQueryPart('join');
     if (!array_key_exists($primaryTable['alias'], $joins)) {
         $q->{$joinType}($primaryTable['from_alias'], MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX . $primaryTable['table'], $primaryTable['alias'], $primaryTable['condition']);
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             $q->{$joinType}($table['from_alias'], MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX . $table['table'], $table['alias'], $table['condition']);
         if ($whereExpression) {
         if ($having) {
Example #14
  * Gets a query part by its name.
  * @param string $queryPartName
  * @return mixed
 public function getQueryPart($queryPartName)
     return $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart($queryPartName);
 private function hasQueryBuilderJoins(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder)
     $joins = $queryBuilder->getQueryPart('join');
     return !empty($joins);
Example #16
  * @TODO Temporary workaround for PostgreSQL databases that don't use a sequence.
  * @param QueryBuilder $query
 private function setLastInsertId(QueryBuilder $query)
     $seq = null;
     if ($query->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() === 'postgresql') {
         $sequences = $query->getConnection()->getSchemaManager()->listSequences();
         $desiredSeq = $query->getQueryPart('from')['table'] . '_id_seq';
         foreach ($sequences as $sequence) {
             if ($desiredSeq === $sequence->getName()) {
                 $seq = $desiredSeq;
     $this->lastInsertId = $query->getConnection()->lastInsertId($seq);
Example #17
  * Get root alias.
  * @return string
 public function getAlias()
     $from = $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart('from');
     return $from[0]['alias'];
Example #18
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param $wherePart
  * @param $value
  * @return string
 protected function processWhereField(QueryBuilder $qb, $wherePart, $value)
     $paramName = $this->getParameterName($wherePart);
     $column = $this->getColumnName($wherePart);
     $columnName = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($column);
     $operator = $this->getOperator($wherePart);
     if (strpos($operator, 'BETWEEN') !== false) {
         if (!is_array($value) || !isset($value[0]) || !isset($value[1])) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('BETWEEN value must be a 2 item array with numeric keys');
         $gtParam = $paramName . 'GreaterThan';
         $ltParam = $paramName . 'LessThan';
         $clause = "{$columnName} {$operator} {$gtParam} AND {$ltParam}";
         $qb->setParameter($gtParam, $value[0])->setParameter($ltParam, $value[1]);
         return $clause;
     } else {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             if ($operator == '<>' || $operator == '!=') {
                 $clause = "{$columnName} NOT IN({$paramName})";
                 $qb->setParameter($paramName, $value, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY);
             } else {
                 $clause = "{$columnName} IN({$paramName})";
                 $qb->setParameter($paramName, $value, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY);
             return $clause;
         } else {
             if ($value === null && $this->acceptsNull($qb->getQueryPart('from'), $column)) {
                 if ($operator == '<>' || $operator == '!=') {
                     $clause = $this->db->getDatabasePlatform()->getIsNotNullExpression($columnName);
                     return $clause;
                 } else {
                     $clause = $this->db->getDatabasePlatform()->getIsNullExpression($columnName);
                     return $clause;
             } elseif ($value !== null) {
                 $clause = "{$columnName} {$operator} {$paramName}";
                 $qb->setParameter($paramName, $value);
                 return $clause;
             } else {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException("Value for {$column} is null, but null is not allowed on this column");