Example #1
 public function assertPersistedPropertyValue($entity, $propertyName, $expectedPropertyValue, $forceDirectAccess = true)
     $persistedPropertyValue = ObjectAccess::getProperty($entity, $propertyName, $forceDirectAccess);
     $this->test->assertSame($expectedPropertyValue, $persistedPropertyValue, 'The property ' . $propertyName . ' did not have the expected persistent value');
     return $this;
  * Process form
  * @param  EmailTemplate $entity
  * @return bool True on successful processing, false otherwise
 public function process(EmailTemplate $entity)
     // always use default locale during template edit in order to allow update of default locale
     if ($entity->getId()) {
         // refresh translations
     if (in_array($this->request->getMethod(), array('POST', 'PUT'))) {
         // deny to modify system templates
         if ($entity->getIsSystem() && !$entity->getIsEditable()) {
             $this->form->addError(new FormError($this->translator->trans('oro.email.handler.attempt_save_system_template')));
             return false;
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             // mark an email template creating by an user as editable
             if (!$entity->getId()) {
             return true;
     return false;
Example #3
  * Saves an address making a copy in case it was already persisted. Then
  * returns the saved address.
  * @param AddressInterface $address The address to save
  * @return AddressInterface saved address.
 public function saveAddress(AddressInterface $address)
     if ($address->getId()) {
         $addressToSave = clone $address;
         $this->addressEventDispatcher->dispatchAddressOnCloneEvent($address, $addressToSave);
         return $addressToSave;
     return $address;
Example #4
 public function refreshEntity($entity)
     if (!in_array($entity, $this->managedEntities)) {
         throw new \Exception('The entity to be refreshed is not handled by the entity factory', 1416484011);
  * @access public
  * @param ObjectManager $manager
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $userAdmin = new User();
     $userAdmin->setRoles(array('ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_MODERATOR', 'ROLE_ADMIN'));
     $userAdmin->setRegisteredDate(new \DateTime('now'));
     $userTest = new User();
     $userTest->setRegisteredDate(new \DateTime('now'));
     $userManager = $this->container->get('fos_user.user_manager');
     $manager->refresh($userAdmin, $userTest);
     $this->addReference('user-admin', $userAdmin);
     $this->addReference('user-test', $userTest);
  * Get completeness for a product
  * @param int|string $id
  * @return JSONResponse
 public function getAction($id)
     $product = $this->productRepository->getFullProduct($id);
     if (null === $product->getFamily()) {
         return new JsonResponse();
     // Product have to be refreshed to have the completeness values generated by generateMissingForProduct()
     // (on ORM, completeness is not calculated the same way and product doesn't need to be refreshed)
     if (AkeneoStorageUtilsExtension::DOCTRINE_MONGODB_ODM === $this->storageDriver) {
     $channels = $this->channelRepository->getFullChannels();
     $locales = $this->userContext->getUserLocales();
     $filteredLocales = $this->collectionFilter->filterCollection($locales, 'pim.internal_api.locale.view');
     $completenesses = $this->completenessManager->getProductCompleteness($product, $channels, $filteredLocales);
     return new JsonResponse($this->compNormalizer->normalize($completenesses, 'internal_api'));
  * Process form
  * @param  RequestStatus $entity
  * @return bool True on successful processing, false otherwise
 public function process(RequestStatus $entity)
     // always use default locale during template edit in order to allow update of default locale
     if ($entity->getId()) {
         // refresh translations
     if (in_array($this->request->getMethod(), ['POST', 'PUT'], true)) {
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             return true;
     return false;
Example #8
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface::refreshUser()
 public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
     $userClass = get_class($user);
     if (!$this->supportsClass($userClass)) {
         throw new UnsupportedUserException("Unsupported user '" . $userClass . "'");
     /* @var ADH\UserBundle\Entity\User $user */
     if ($this->entityManager->contains($user)) {
     } else {
         $user = $this->userRepository->findOneById($user->getId());
     if ($user === null) {
         throw new UsernameNotFoundException("User does not exist.");
     return $user;
Example #9
  * @param ObjectManager $manager
  * @param array $data
  * @param User $clientUser
  * @return ClientAccount
 private function createClientAccount(ObjectManager $manager, array $data, User $clientUser)
     $securityRepository = $manager->getRepository('WealthbotAdminBundle:Security');
     $account = new ClientAccount();
     $account->setGroupType($this->getReference('client-account-group-type-' . $data['group_type_key']));
     if ($data['consolidator_index']) {
         $consolidator = $clientUser->getClientAccounts()->get($data['consolidator_index'] - 1);
     foreach ($data['owners'] as $ownerType) {
         $accountOwner = new ClientAccountOwner();
         if ($ownerType === ClientAccountOwner::OWNER_TYPE_SELF) {
         } else {
     if (isset($data['account_contribution'])) {
         $accountContribution = new AccountContribution();
     if (isset($data['securities'])) {
         foreach ($data['securities'] as $securityItem) {
             //ToDo: CE-402. Check that code is not needed more.
             //                $security = $securityRepository->findOneBySymbol($securityItem['symbol']);
             //                if (!$security) {
             //                    /** @var SecurityType $securityType */
             //                    $securityType = $this->getReference('security-type-' . $securityItem['type']);
             //                    $security = new Security();
             //                    $security->setName($securityItem['name']);
             //                    $security->setSymbol($securityItem['symbol']);
             //                    $security->setSecurityType($securityType);
             //                    $security->setExpenseRatio($securityItem['exp_ratio']);
             //                }
             //                $securityAssignment = new SecurityAssignment();
             //                $securityAssignment->setSecurity($security);
             //                $securityAssignment->setRia($clientUser->getRia()); Deprecated
             //                $accountOutsideFund = new AccountOutsideFund();
             //                $accountOutsideFund->setAccount($account);
             //                $accountOutsideFund->setSecurityAssignment($securityAssignment);
             //                $accountOutsideFund->setIsPreferred(false);
             //                $manager->persist($accountOutsideFund);
     $this->addReference('client-account-' . $account->getId(), $account);
     return $account;
Example #10
  * Reload an site instance.
  * @param Site $site
 public function reloadSite(Site $site)
Example #11
  * Reload an annuaire instance.
  * @param Annuaire $annuaire
 public function reloadAnnuaire(Annuaire $annuaire)
Example #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function reloadUser(UserInterface $user)
  * Load data fixtures with the passed EntityManager
  * @param ObjectManager $manager
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $gal = new Folder();
     $this->addReference('media-folder-en', $gal);
     $subgal = new Folder();
     $this->addReference('images-folder-en', $subgal);
     $subgal = new Folder();
     $this->addReference('files-folder-en', $subgal);
     $subgal = new Folder();
     $this->addReference('slides-folder-en', $subgal);
     $subgal = new Folder();
     $this->addReference('videos-folder-en', $subgal);
  * @access public
  * @param  Object                                                          $entity
  * @return \CCDNForum\ForumBundle\Model\Component\Gateway\GatewayInterface
 public function refresh($entity)
     return $this;
Example #15
 function it_reloads_user(ObjectManager $objectManager, UserInterface $user)
Example #16
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function refresh(JobInterface $job)
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function translateObject($contentDocument, $locale)
     return $contentDocument;
 public function executeImmediatelyCronjob(AbstractCronjob $cronjob)
  * Reload this object in $locale
  * @param string $locale
 public function reloadInLocale($locale)
     $this->locale = $locale;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function deleteItem(ItemInterface $item)