     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('rezzza:doctrine-multi-mapping:schema:update')->setDescription('Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata')->addOption('em', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'The entity manager to use for this command')->setHelp(<<<EOT
The <info>rezzza:doctrine-multi-mapping:schema:update</info> command generates the SQL needed to
synchronize the database schema with the current mapping metadata of the
default entity manager.

For example, if you add metadata for a new column to an entity, this command
would generate and output the SQL needed to add the new column to the database:

<info>php app/console rezzza:doctrine-multi-mapping:schema:update --dump-sql</info>

Alternatively, you can execute the generated queries:

<info>php app/console rezzza:doctrine-multi-mapping:schema:update --force</info>

You can also update the database schema for a specific entity manager:

<info>php app/console rezzza:doctrine-multi-mapping:schema:update --em=default</info>
Example #2
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('audit:schema:update')->addOption('source-em', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Source entity manager to use for this command')->addOption('audit-em', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Audit entity manager to use for this command');