Example #1
  * Start services for a Job
  * @param Job $build
 public function start(Job $build)
     foreach ($build->getServices() as $service) {
         try {
             $image = $this->docker->getImageManager()->find($service->getRepository(), $service->getTag());
         } catch (ImageNotFoundException $e) {
             $image = $this->docker->getImageManager()->pull($service->getRepository(), $service->getTag(), $this->logger->getBuildCallback());
         $container = new DockerContainer($service->getConfig());
         $this->docker->getContainerManager()->run($container, null, array(), true);
Example #2
 public function testCommit()
     $container = new Container();
     $docker = $this->getDocker();
     $manager = $docker->getContainerManager();
     $image = $docker->commit($container, ['repo' => 'test', 'tag' => 'foo']);
     $this->assertEquals('test', $image->getRepository());
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $image->getTag());
Example #3
 public function __construct(Build $build, $cmd = null)
     $config = ['Memory' => 256 * 1024 * 1204, 'Image' => $build->getImageName(), 'Env' => ['SYMFONY_ENV=prod']];
     if (null !== $cmd) {
         $config['Cmd'] = $cmd;
  * Rename a container (API v1.17)
  * @param Container $container
  * @param string $newname
  * @throws \Docker\Exception\UnexpectedStatusCodeException
 public function rename(Container $container, $newname)
     $response = $this->client->post(['/containers/{id}/rename?name={newname}', ['id' => $container->getId(), 'newname' => $newname]]);
     if ($response->getStatusCode() !== "204") {
         throw UnexpectedStatusCodeException::fromResponse($response);
     return $this;
  * Unpause a container
  * @param Container $container
  * @throws \Docker\Exception\UnexpectedStatusCodeException
 public function unpause(Container $container)
     $response = $this->client->post(['/containers/{id}/unpause', ['id' => $container->getId()]]);
     if ($response->getStatusCode() !== "204") {
         throw UnexpectedStatusCodeException::fromResponse($response);
     return $this;
Example #6
  * Commit a container into an image
  * @param \Docker\Container $container
  * @param array             $config
  * @throws Exception\UnexpectedStatusCodeException
  * @return \Docker\Image
  * @see http://docs.docker.com/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.7/#create-a-new-image-from-a-containers-changes
 public function commit(Container $container, $config = [])
     if (isset($config['run'])) {
         $config['run'] = json_encode($config['run']);
     $config['container'] = $container->getId();
     $response = $this->httpClient->post(['/commit{?config*}', ['config' => $config]]);
     if ($response->getStatusCode() !== "201") {
         throw new UnexpectedStatusCodeException($response->getStatusCode(), (string) $response->getBody());
     $image = new Image();
     if (array_key_exists('repo', $config)) {
     if (array_key_exists('tag', $config)) {
     return $image;
  * @param Container $container
  * @return array
 private function getContainerHosts(Container $container)
     $inspection = $container->getRuntimeInformations();
     $hosts = [substr($container->getName(), 1) . $this->tld];
     if (isset($inspection['Config']['Env']) && is_array($inspection['Config']['Env'])) {
         $env = $inspection['Config']['Env'];
         foreach (preg_grep('/DOMAIN_NAME=/', $env) as $row) {
             $row = substr($row, strlen('DOMAIN_NAME='));
             $hosts = array_merge($hosts, explode(',', $row));
     return $hosts;
Example #8
  * Send a signal to container
  * @param Container $container
  * @param string $signal
  * @throws \Docker\Exception\UnexpectedStatusCodeException
 public function kill(Container $container, $signal = "SIGKILL")
     $response = $this->client->post(['/containers/{id}/kill?signal={signal}', ['id' => $container->getId(), 'signal' => $signal]]);
     if ($response->getStatusCode() !== "204") {
         throw UnexpectedStatusCodeException::fromResponse($response);
Example #9
  * Run a build (it's suppose the image exist in docker
  * @param Job $build Build to run
  * @param string|array $command Command to use when run the build (null, by default, will use the command registered to the image)
  * @return integer The exit code of the command run inside (0 = success, otherwise it has failed)
 public function run(Job $build, $command = null)
     $image = $this->docker->getImageManager()->find($build->getRepository(), $build->getTag());
     $config = array('HostConfig' => array('Links' => array()));
     foreach ($build->getServices() as $service) {
         if ($service->getContainer()) {
             $config['HostConfig']['Links'][] = sprintf('%s:%s', $service->getContainer()->getRuntimeInformations()['Name'], $service->getName());
     $container = new DockerContainer($config);
     if (is_string($command)) {
         $command = array('/bin/bash', '-c', $command);
     if (is_array($command)) {
     $this->docker->getContainerManager()->run($container, $this->logger->getRunCallback(), array(), false, $this->timeout);
     return $container->getExitCode();
Example #10
 public function __construct(Build $build)
     parent::__construct(['Memory' => 256 * 1024 * 1204, 'Env' => $this->getBuildEnv($build), 'Image' => $build->getImageName(), 'Cmd' => ['buildapp'], 'Volumes' => ['/.composer/cache' => []]]);
 protected function configureContainer(Container $container, array $config)
     if (!empty($config['name'])) {
     if (!empty($config['exposed_ports'])) {
         $ports = new PortCollection($config['exposed_ports']);
     // TODO: Process Tmpfs configuration
Example #12
  * @return Container|null
 public function getContainer()
     if (null === $this->container && strlen($this->getContainerId()) > 0) {
         $container = new Container();
         $this->container = $container;
     return $this->container;
Example #13
  * Delete a container from docker server
  * @param \Docker\Container  $container
  * @param boolean           $volumes
  * @return \Docker\Manager\ContainerManager
 public function remove(Container $container, $volumes = false)
     $response = $this->client->delete(['/containers/{id}?v={volumes}', ['id' => $container->getId(), 'v' => $volumes]]);
     if ($response->getStatusCode() !== "204") {
         throw UnexpectedStatusCodeException::fromResponse($response);
     return $this;
Example #14
 public function testInvalidConfigImageParsing()
     $container = new Container(['Image' => 'postgres']);
     $this->setExpectedException('\\Docker\\Exception\\InvalidRepoTagException', 'Invalid repoTag: postgres');
     $image = $container->getImage();
 public function testExposeRandomPort()
     $container = new Container(['Image' => 'ubuntu:precise', 'Cmd' => ['/bin/sleep', '1']]);
     $port = new Port('80/tcp');
     $manager = $this->getManager();
     $manager->start($container, ['PortBindings' => $port->toSpec()]);
     $this->assertInternalType('integer', $container->getMappedPort(80)->getHostPort());
Example #16
 public function testInvalidContainerNameTwo()
     $container = new Container();
     $this->setExpectedException('Exception', 'Name was not correctly formatted.');
Example #17
 public function __construct(Build $build)
     parent::__construct(['Image' => $build->getImageName('yuhao'), 'Cmd' => ['yuhao.sh'], 'Env' => ['SSH_URL=' . $build->getProject()->getGitUrl(), 'REF=' . $build->getRef(), 'IS_PULL_REQUEST=' . ($build->isPullRequest() ? 1 : 0)]]);