Example #1
  * gets a file pointer from a specified file
  * @param   string $filename
  * @param array $options
  * @return  mixed $res file pointer | true | false
 public static function getFPFromFile($filename, $options = array())
     if (isset($options)) {
         self::$options = $options;
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         self::$errors[] = lang::translate('File does not exists') . ' : ' . $options['filename'];
         return false;
     if (isset($options['maxsize'])) {
         $size = filesize($options['filename']);
         //  check the file is less than the maximum file size
         if ($size > $options['maxsize']) {
             $error = lang::translate('File is too large.');
             $error .= lang::translate('Max size is ') . bytes::bytesToGreek($options['maxsize']);
             self::$errors[] = $error;
             return false;
     // check for right content
     if (isset($options['allow_mime'])) {
         $type = file::getMime($options['filename']);
         if (!in_array($type, $options['allow_mime'])) {
             self::$errors[] = lang::translate('This Content type is not allowed') . MENU_SUB_SEPARATOR_SEC . $type;
             return false;
     $fp = fopen($filename, 'rb');
     return $fp;
 protected function _doImages_inline_callback($matches)
     $whole_match = $matches[1];
     $alt_text = $matches[2];
     $url = $matches[3] == '' ? $matches[4] : $matches[3];
     $title =& $matches[7];
     $alt_text = $this->encodeAttribute($alt_text);
     $url = $this->encodeAttribute($url);
     $type = $this->getType($url);
     if (!$this->isFigure($type, $url)) {
         return $str = "![{$alt_text}]({$url})";
     if (empty($alt_text)) {
         $alt_text = '';
     $video = lang::translate('Video');
     $figure = lang::translate('Figure');
     $id = uniqid();
     $str = "<div id =\"{$id}\">";
     $str .= '</div>';
     $str .= "![{$alt_text}]({$url})";
     if ($type == 'mp4') {
         $m = ++self::$m;
         self::$media['movie'][] = "{$video} {$m} [{$alt_text}](#{$id}).";
     } else {
         $f = ++self::$f;
         self::$media['figure'][] = "{$figure} {$f} [{$alt_text}](#{$id}).";
     return $str;
Example #3
  * checks if a user if locked
  * if locked set 403 error
  * @return boolean $res true if locked else false
 public static function lockedSet403($message = null)
     if (self::locked()) {
         moduleloader::$status['403'] = true;
         if (!$message) {
             $message = lang::translate('You can not access this page, because your account has been locked!');
         moduleloader::$message = $message;
         return true;
     return false;
Example #4
  * method for creating a confirm form
  * @param string $legend text of the legend
  * @param string $submit text of the submit
  * @return string $form the confirm form.
 public static function confirmForm($legend, $submit_value = null, $submit_name = 'submit')
     $html = new html();
     if (!$submit_value) {
         $submit_value = lang::translate('Submit');
     $html->submit($submit_name, $submit_value);
     return $html->getStr();
Example #5
  * Get translations
  * @return array $ary array with translations
 public function getTranslations()
     if (class_exists('\\diversen\\lang')) {
         return array('altPrev' => \diversen\lang::translate('Previous'), 'altNext' => \diversen\lang::translate('Next page'), 'altPage' => \diversen\lang::translate('Page'));
     } else {
         return array('altPrev' => 'Previous', 'altNext' => 'Next page', 'altPage' => 'Page');
Example #6
  * method for getting child menus to a module. 
  * @param  string   $module
  * @return array    children menus items
 public static function getChildrenMenus($module)
     $db = new db();
     $children = $db->selectAll('menus', null, array('parent' => $module));
     foreach ($children as $key => $val) {
         $children[$key]['title'] = lang::translate($val['title']);
     return $children;
Example #7
  * gets  a messages attached parts
  * @param type $message
  * @return array $parts attachments
 function getParts($message)
     $parts = array();
     $gen_sub = false;
     try {
         $parts['subject'] = $message->subject;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $gen_sub = true;
     $parts['plain'] = '';
     $parts['images'] = array();
     $parts['movies'] = array();
     $parts['unknown'] = array();
     $parts['date'] = $message->getHeader('Date', 'string');
     $from = $message->getHeader('From', 'string');
     $parts['from'] = trim($this->extractMailFrom($from));
     $parts['html'] = array();
     // test if it is not a multi part message
     if (!$message->isMultipart()) {
         $parts['plain'] = $this->decodePlain($message);
     foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($message) as $part) {
         try {
             $type = $this->getContentType($part);
             if ($type == 'text/plain') {
                 // text plain
                 $parts['plain'] = $this->decodePlain($part);
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'image/jpeg' || $type == 'image/png' || $type == 'image/jpg') {
                     // image
                     $file = base64_decode($part->getContent());
                     $human = $this->getHeadersHuman($part);
                     $parts['images'][] = array('name' => $human['content-name'], 'type' => $human['content-type'], 'file' => $file);
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'text/html') {
                         // thtml
                         $parts['html'][] = $part->getContent();
                     } else {
                         // else unknown
                         $parts['unknown'][] = $part;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (empty($parts['plain'])) {
         $parts['plain'] = lang::translate('No title');
     if ($gen_sub) {
         $parts['subject'] = strings::substr2($parts['plain'], 20, 3, false);
     return $parts;
  * getting filter help from filters
  * @param array $filters
  * @return string $filters_help
 public static function getFiltersHelp($filters)
     if (empty($filters)) {
         return '';
     $str = '<span class="small-font">';
     $i = 1;
     if (is_string($filters)) {
         $ary = array();
         $ary[] = $filters;
         $filters = $ary;
     foreach ($filters as $val) {
         $t = lang::translate("filter_" . $val . "_help");
         if ($t == "NT: filter_" . $val . "_help") {
         $str .= $i . ") " . $t . "<br />";
     $str .= '</span>';
     return $str;
Example #9
  * checks if if size is allowed
  * @param string $filename the name of the file
  * @param int $maxsize bytes
  * @return boolean $res
 public static function checkMaxSize($file, $maxsize = null)
     if (!$maxsize) {
         $maxsize = self::$options['maxsize'];
     if ($file['size'] > $maxsize) {
         $error = lang::translate('File is too large.') . ' ';
         $error .= lang::translate('Max size is ') . ' ' . bytes::bytesToGreek($maxsize);
         self::$errors[] = $error;
         return false;
     return true;
Example #10
  * sets a file field with info about max file size
  * @param string $filename 
  * @param int $max_bytes
  * @param array $options
 public static function fileWithLabel($filename, $max_bytes, $options = array())
     $bytes = bytes::getNativeMaxUpload();
     if ($max_bytes < $bytes) {
         $bytes = $max_bytes;
     self::hidden('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $bytes);
     $label = lang::translate('Max size per file') . ". ";
     $size = bytes::bytesToGreek($bytes);
     $label .= $size;
     if (isset($options['multiple'])) {
         $max_files = ini_get('max_file_uploads');
         $label .= "<br />";
         $label .= lang::translate('Max number of files: <span class="notranslate">{MAX_FILES}</span>', array('MAX_FILES' => $max_files));
     } else {
         $label .= "<br />";
         $label .= lang::translate('Only one file at a time');
     if (isset($options['allowed'])) {
         $label .= '<br />';
         $label .= lang::translate('Allowed file-types: ') . $options['allowed'];
     self::label($filename, $label);
     self::file($filename, $options);
 public function getAdminLink($id)
     $str = html::createLink("/account/admin/edit/{$id}", lang::translate('(Admin) Edit profile'));
     return $str;