/** * The Constructor. * * @param array $config Possible options values are: * - `'driver'` _object_: the driver instance which will log the coverage data. * - `'path'` _array_ : the path(s) which contain the code source files. * - `'base'` _string_: the base path of the repo (default: `getcwd`). * - `'prefix'` _string_: some prefix to remove to get the real file path. */ public function __construct($config = []) { $defaults = ['driver' => null, 'path' => [], 'include' => '*.php', 'exclude' => [], 'type' => 'file', 'skipDots' => true, 'leavesOnly' => false, 'followSymlinks' => true, 'recursive' => true, 'base' => str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', getcwd())]; $config += $defaults; if (Interceptor::instance()) { $config += ['prefix' => rtrim(Interceptor::instance()->cachePath(), DS)]; } else { $config += ['prefix' => '']; } $this->_driver = $config['driver']; $this->_paths = (array) $config['path']; $this->_base = $config['base']; $this->_prefix = $config['prefix']; $files = Dir::scan($this->_paths, $config); foreach ($files as $file) { $this->_coverage[realpath($file)] = []; } }
/** * The default `'load'` filter. */ protected function _load() { return Filter::on($this, 'load', [], function ($chain) { $files = Dir::scan($this->args()->get('spec'), ['include' => $this->args()->get('pattern'), 'type' => 'file']); foreach ($files as $file) { require $file; } }); }