Example #1
 protected function getComparisonExpression(Select $select)
     if ($this->isExpr()) {
         return (string) $this->expr;
     } else {
         return $select->quoteWithAlias($this->tableName, $this->columnName);
Example #2
 private function filterIsOrIsNot($operator, Select $select, $conditionSetName, $value)
     // Don't attempt to filter if no value is available
     if (!$value) {
         return $select;
     $quotedAlias = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->tableName, $this->columnName);
     $operator = self::OP_IS === $operator ? '=' : '!=';
     return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$quotedAlias} {$operator} ?", $value);
Example #3
 private function filter($operator, Select $select, $conditionSetName, $value)
     $quotedAlias = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->relationship->getSourceTable()->getTableName(), $this->relationship->getSourceColumnName());
     switch ($operator) {
         case self::OP_NOT_EMPTY:
         case self::OP_CONTAINS:
             $operator = 'IN';
         case self::OP_NOT_CONTAINS:
         case self::OP_EMPTY:
             $operator = 'NOT IN';
     return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$quotedAlias} {$operator} (?)", new Expr($this->relationship->getFilterSubquery($value)));
Example #4
  * Fetch a single row from this listing by using the supplied ID value to
  * match against the listing's primary key field.
  * @param Fields $fields
  * @param mixed $id
  * @return \Dewdrop\Db\Row
 public function fetchRow(Fields $fields, $id)
     $select = $this->getModifiedSelect($fields);
     $quotedPrimaryKey = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->primaryKey->getTable()->getTableName(), $this->primaryKey->getName());
     $select->where("{$quotedPrimaryKey} = ?", $id);
     return $this->select->getAdapter()->fetchRow($select);
Example #5
 public function modifySelect(Fields $fields, Select $select)
     $conditionSetName = $this->prefix . 'filters';
     $filteredInQueryString = [];
     $select->registerConditionSet($conditionSetName, $this->getConditionSetConjunction());
     foreach ($this->getFilteredFieldIds() as $index => $id) {
         $urlId = urlencode($id);
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if ($urlId === $field->getQueryStringId()) {
                 $callback = $this->getFieldAssignment($field);
                 $defaults = $this->defaultVars->getDefaultVars($field);
                 $select = call_user_func($callback, $select, $conditionSetName, array_merge($defaults, $this->getFilterVars($index)));
                 $filteredInQueryString[] = $field->getQueryStringId();
     /* @var $field FieldInterface */
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (in_array($field->getQueryStringId(), $filteredInQueryString)) {
         $defaults = $this->defaultVars->getDefaultVars($field);
         if (count($defaults)) {
             $select = call_user_func($this->getFieldAssignment($field), $select, $conditionSetName, $defaults);
     foreach ($this->customFilters as $filter) {
         $select = $filter['filter']->apply($select, $conditionSetName, $filter['vars']);
     return $select;
Example #6
  * Augment the provided Select object with a comma-separated list of values for this
  * many-to-many relationship, using the name parameter as the name of the value in
  * the resultset.
  * @param Select $select
  * @param string $name
  * @return Select
 public function augmentSelect(Select $select, $name)
     $anchorColumn = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->sourceTable->getTableName(), $this->getSourceColumnName());
     $titleColumn = $this->findReferenceTitleColumn();
     $driver = $select->getAdapter()->getDriver();
     if ($driver instanceof \Dewdrop\Db\Driver\Pdo\Pgsql) {
         $expr = new Expr("ARRAY_TO_STRING(\n                    ARRAY(\n                        SELECT {$titleColumn}\n                        FROM {$this->getReferenceTableName()} ref\n                        JOIN {$this->xrefTableName} xref\n                            ON xref.{$this->xrefReferenceColumnName} = ref.{$this->getReferenceColumnName()}\n                        WHERE xref.{$this->xrefAnchorColumnName} = {$anchorColumn}\n                        ORDER BY {$titleColumn}\n                    ),\n                    ', '\n                )");
     } else {
         $expr = new Expr("(SELECT\n                    GROUP_CONCAT({$titleColumn} SEPARATOR ', ')\n                    FROM {$this->getReferenceTableName()} ref\n                    JOIN {$this->xrefTableName} xref\n                        ON xref.{$this->xrefReferenceColumnName} = ref.{$this->getReferenceColumnName()}\n                    WHERE xref.{$this->xrefAnchorColumnName} = {$anchorColumn}\n                    ORDER BY {$titleColumn}\n                )");
     return $select->columns([$name => $expr]);
Example #7
  * Get the basic columns contained in the listing table.
  * @param Select $select
  * @return Select
 private function selectFromTable(Select $select)
     return $select->from([$this->getAlias($this->table->getTableName()) => $this->table->getTableName()], ['*']);
Example #8
  * @todo Could use REVERSE() trick here, but we'd need to require at least PG 9.1.
 private function filterEndsWith(Select $select, $conditionSetName, $value)
     $quotedAlias = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->tableName, $this->columnName);
     $operator = $select->getAdapter()->getDriver()->getCaseInsensitiveLikeOperator();
     return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$quotedAlias} {$operator} ?", '%' . $value);
  * Using the supplied \Dewdrop\Fields and \Dewdrop\Db\Select, modify the
  * Select to include only the current page with the correct number of
  * records.  The DB driver is used to ensure we can get the total number
  * of records that _would_ have been returned had no pagination been applied
  * after the query has been executed (using whatever facility is provided
  * for that use in the specific RDBMS).
  * @param Fields $fields
  * @param Select $select
  * @return Select
  * @throws Exception
 public function modifySelect(Fields $fields, Select $select)
     if (!$this->isEnabled()) {
         return $select;
     $column = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->field->getTable()->getTableName(), $this->field->getName());
     $this->showingDeletedRecords = (bool) $this->request->getQuery($this->getQueryParameterName());
     if ($this->isShowingDeletedRecords()) {
         return $select->where("{$column} = true");
     } else {
         return $select->where("{$column} = false");
Example #10
  * Provide a default sorting strategy for reference columns.
  * @param DbField $field
  * @param Select $select
  * @param string $direction
  * @return Select
  * @throws Select\SelectException
 public function sortDbReference(DbField $field, Select $select, $direction)
     $optionPairs = $field->getOptionPairs();
     $tableName = $optionPairs->getTableName();
     try {
         $titleColumn = $optionPairs->detectTitleColumn();
     } catch (TitleColumnNotDetectedException $e) {
         $titleColumn = $field->getName();
     if ($titleColumn instanceof Expr) {
         $orderSpec = "{$titleColumn} {$direction}";
     } else {
         $orderSpec = new Expr("{$select->quoteWithAlias($tableName, $titleColumn)} {$direction}");
     return $select->order($orderSpec);
Example #11
  * Using the supplied \Dewdrop\Fields and \Dewdrop\Db\Select, modify the
  * Select to include only the current page with the correct number of
  * records.  The DB driver is used to ensure we can get the total number
  * of records that _would_ have been returned had no pagination been applied
  * after the query has been executed (using whatever facility is provided
  * for that use in the specific RDBMS).
  * @param Fields $fields
  * @param Select $select
  * @return Select
  * @throws Exception
 public function modifySelect(Fields $fields, Select $select)
     if ($this->request->getQuery($this->prefix . 'disable-pagination')) {
     $driver = $select->getAdapter()->getDriver();
     $this->page = (int) $this->request->getQuery($this->prefix . 'listing-page', 1);
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return $select;
     return $select->limit($this->getPageSize(), $this->getPageSize() * ($this->page - 1));
Example #12
  * Use the OVER() window function to store a count of the total number
  * of rows that would have been retrieved if no LIMIT clause was applied
  * on the supplied Select object.  The total row count will be added
  * to the result set as a _dewdrop_count column.
  * @param Select $select
  * @return void
 public function prepareSelectForTotalRowCalculation(Select $select)
     $select->columns(['_dewdrop_count' => new Expr('COUNT(*) OVER()')]);
Example #13
  * Attempt to order the options statement using the options table
  * metadata.  Dewdrop supports two manual sorting columns by
  * convention: sort_index and sort_order.  If either of those
  * columns is present in your options table, the options will be
  * sorted by them.  Otherwise, we'll sort by the title column.
  * @param array $columns The columns portion of the table metadata.
  * @param Select $stmt
  * @return \Dewdrop\Db\Select
 protected function orderStmt(array $columns, Select $stmt)
     $sortColumn = null;
     if (array_key_exists('sort_index', $columns)) {
         $sortColumn = 'sort_index';
     } elseif (array_key_exists('sort_order', $columns)) {
         $sortColumn = 'sort_order';
     if ($sortColumn) {
         $primaryKey = null;
         foreach ($columns as $column => $meta) {
             if ($meta['PRIMARY']) {
                 $primaryKey = $column;
         return $stmt->order(array($this->tableName . '.' . $sortColumn, $this->tableName . '.' . $primaryKey));
     } elseif ($this->titleColumn instanceof Expr) {
         return $stmt->order($this->titleColumn);
     } else {
         return $stmt->order($this->tableName . '.' . $this->titleColumn);
Example #14
  * Use the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS facility in MySQL to calculate the total
  * number of rows that would have been returned from a query if no LIMIT
  * had been applied.
  * @param Select $select
  * @return void
 public function prepareSelectForTotalRowCalculation(Select $select)
Example #15
 private function getAliasForComparison(Select $select)
     $quotedAlias = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->tableName, $this->columnName);
     $dbAdapter = $select->getAdapter();
     $metadata = $dbAdapter->getTableMetadata($this->tableName);
     if ($this->truncateTimestamps && 'timestamp' === $metadata['columns'][$this->columnName]['GENERIC_TYPE']) {
         $quotedAlias = $dbAdapter->getDriver()->truncateTimestampToDate($quotedAlias);
     return $quotedAlias;
Example #16
  * Apply the filter to the supplied Select object.
  * @param Select $select
  * @param string $conditionSetName
  * @param array $queryVars
  * @return Select
  * @throws InvalidOperator
 public function apply(Select $select, $conditionSetName, array $queryVars)
     if ($this->isExpr()) {
         $expression = (string) $this->expr;
     } else {
         $expression = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->tableName, $this->columnName);
     $op1 = trim($queryVars['operand1']);
     $op2 = trim($queryVars['operand2']);
     switch ($queryVars['comp']) {
         case static::OP_IS:
             if ('' === $op1) {
                 return $select;
             return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$expression} = ?", $op1);
         case static::OP_IS_BETWEEN:
             if ('' === $op1 && '' === $op2) {
                 return $select;
             } elseif ('' === $op1) {
                 return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$expression} <= ?", $op2);
             } elseif ('' === $op2) {
                 return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$expression} >= ?", $op1);
             } else {
                 if ($op1 > $op2) {
                     $op1Temp = $op1;
                     $op1 = $op2;
                     $op2 = $op1Temp;
                 $db = $select->getAdapter();
                 return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, sprintf("{$expression} BETWEEN %s AND %s", $db->quote($op1), $db->quote($op2)));
         case static::OP_IS_LESS_THAN:
             if ('' === $op1) {
                 return $select;
             return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$expression} < ?", $op1);
         case static::OP_IS_MORE_THAN:
             if ('' === $op1) {
                 return $select;
             return $select->whereConditionSet($conditionSetName, "{$expression} > ?", $op1);
             throw new InvalidOperator("{$queryVars['comp']} is not a valid operator for numeric filters.");
Example #17
  * Augment the provided Select object with all the EAV attribute values from this
  * definition.
  * @param Select $select
  * @return Select
  * @throws Select
 public function augmentSelect(Select $select)
     $db = $this->table->getAdapter();
     $id = current($this->table->getPrimaryKey());
     $rootTableAlias = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->table->getTableName(), $id);
     foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
         $alias = 'eav_' . $attribute['attribute_id'];
         $table = $this->table->getTableName() . $this->valueTablePrefix . $attribute['backend_type'];
         $select->joinLeft([$alias => $table], $db->quoteInto("{$alias}.{$id} = {$rootTableAlias} AND {$alias}.attribute_id = ?", $attribute['attribute_id']), [$alias => 'value']);
     return $select;
Example #18
  * Augment the provided Select object with a comma-separated list of values for this
  * many-to-many relationship, using the name parameter as the name of the value in
  * the resultset.
  * @param Select $select
  * @param string $name
  * @return Select
 public function augmentSelect(Select $select, $name)
     $anchorColumn = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->sourceTable->getTableName(), $this->getSourceColumnName());
     $titleColumn = $this->findReferenceTitleColumn();
     $expr = new Expr("ARRAY_TO_STRING(\n                ARRAY(\n                    SELECT {$titleColumn}\n                    FROM {$this->getReferenceTableName()} ref\n                    JOIN {$this->xrefTableName} xref\n                        ON xref.{$this->xrefReferenceColumnName} = ref.{$this->getReferenceColumnName()}\n                    WHERE xref.{$this->xrefAnchorColumnName} = {$anchorColumn}\n                    ORDER BY {$titleColumn}\n                ),\n                ', '\n            )");
     return $select->columns([$name => $expr]);
Example #19
 public function testJoinUsingInternalException()
     $select = new Select($this->db);
     try {
         $select->joinUsingInternal('type', 'name', 'cond');
     } catch (SelectException $e) {
         $this->assertSame('You can only perform a joinUsing after specifying a FROM table', $e->getMessage());
Example #20
 public function modifySelect(Fields $fields, Select $select)
     $conditionSetName = $this->prefix . 'filters';
     $select->registerConditionSet($conditionSetName, $this->getConditionSetConjunction());
     foreach ($this->getFilteredFieldIds() as $index => $id) {
         $urlId = urlencode($id);
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if ($urlId === $field->getQueryStringId()) {
                 $callback = $this->getFieldAssignment($field);
                 $select = call_user_func($callback, $select, $conditionSetName, $this->getFilterVars($index));
     foreach ($this->customFilters as $filter) {
         $select = $filter['filter']->apply($select, $conditionSetName, $filter['vars']);
     return $select;