public function test_execute_failure() { $test = \DB\Scoop\Test::fetch_one(); $this->expectException(\Scoop\Exception\Database\Mysql::class); $this->expectExceptionCode(1062); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp("/.*Duplicate entry '\\d*' for key '\\w*'.*/i"); \DB\Scoop\Test::query("INSERT INTO\n scoop.test\n (id)\n VALUES\n (?)", [$test->id]); }
public function test_is_loaded_from_db() { $generic = new Generic(); $this->assertFalse($generic->get_loaded_from_database(), "created models should not be marked loaded from the database"); $this->assertTrue(\DB\Scoop\Test::fetch_one()->get_loaded_from_database(), "fetched models should be marked as loaded from the database"); }
public function test_has_id() { $test = new Test(); $this->assertFalse($test->has_id(), "models without an id should say they don't have an id"); $test = Test::fetch_one(); $this->assertTrue($test->has_id(), "models with an id should say they have an id"); }