public function testShouldDeleteTaxonomy()
     // this is not a super user
     $user = User::create(array('first_name' => 'darryl', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pass$darryl', 'permissions' => array('superuser' => 1)));
     // create dummy content type
     $cType = ContentType::create(array('type' => 'Blog', 'enable_revisions' => true));
     // create taxonomy and give it also a child
     $taxonomy = ContentTypeTaxonomy::create(array('taxonomy' => 'categories', 'description' => 'some description', 'content_type_id' => $cType->id));
     $childTaxonomy = ContentTypeTaxonomy::create(array('taxonomy' => 'categories-child', 'description' => 'some description', 'content_type_id' => $cType->id));
     // create now terms
     $lifestyleTerm = ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::create(array('term' => 'lifestyle', 'slug' => 'lifestyle', 'content_type_taxonomy_id' => $taxonomy->id));
     $sportsTerm = ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::create(array('term' => 'sports', 'slug' => 'sports', 'content_type_taxonomy_id' => $taxonomy->id));
     $codingTerm = ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::create(array('term' => 'coding', 'slug' => 'coding', 'content_type_taxonomy_id' => $taxonomy->id));
     // create a Blog post
     $content = Content::create(array('title' => 'Blog Post Title', 'body' => 'Some blog body', 'slug' => 'blog-post-title', 'status' => Content::CONTENT_PUBLISHED, 'author_id' => $user->id, 'content_type_id' => $cType->id));
     // lets verify first that the post was indeed to have those 3 terms
     $c = Content::with('terms')->find($content->id);
     $this->assertCount(3, $c->terms->toArray(), "The Blog post should have 3 terms");
     $this->assertCount(3, ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::all()->toArray(), "Ther should be 3 terms");
     // now lets start to delete the taxonomy
     // it should also delete the terms and the BLog post should no longer have those terms
     $result = $this->commandDispatcher->dispatchFromArray('Darryldecode\\Backend\\Components\\ContentBuilder\\Commands\\DeleteTaxonomyCommand', array('taxonomyId' => $taxonomy->id));
     $this->assertEquals(200, $result->getStatusCode());
     $this->assertEquals('Taxonomy successfully deleted.', $result->getMessage());
     // the blog post should not contain any terms anymore
     $c = Content::with('terms')->find($content->id);
     $this->assertCount(0, $c->terms->toArray(), "The Blog Post should not have any terms anymore");
     // taxonomy should be delete
     $this->assertInternalType('null', ContentTypeTaxonomy::find($taxonomy->id));
 public function testDeletingAndDeletedEvent()
     $loggedInUser = $this->createUserAndLoggedIn();
     // create event dispatcher mock and inject it to laravel application
     $eventDispatcherMock = $this->getMockBuilder('Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher')->setMethods(array('fire'))->getMock();
     // se expectations
     $eventDispatcherMock->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('fire')->withConsecutive(array($this->equalTo('taxonomyTerm.deleting'), $this->isType('array')), array($this->equalTo('taxonomyTerm.deleted'), $this->isType('array')));
     // inject to laravel "events" IoC alias
     $this->application['events'] = $eventDispatcherMock;
     // lets generate dummy data so we have something to work on
     // let's prove first we now have a term
     $this->assertEquals('lifestyle', ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::all()->first()->term);
     // now let's delete the term
     $request = Request::create('', 'GET', array('taxonomyId' => 1, 'termId' => 1));
     $result = $this->commandDispatcher->dispatchFrom('Darryldecode\\Backend\\Components\\ContentBuilder\\Commands\\DeleteTaxonomyTermCommand', $request);
 public function testShouldDeleteTerm()
     // create user and logged in
     $user = User::create(array('first_name' => 'darryl', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pass$darryl', 'permissions' => array('blog.manage' => 1)));
     // create content type
     $blogContentType = ContentType::create(array('type' => 'blog', 'enable_revisions' => true));
     // create taxonomy for blog content type
     $taxonomy = $blogContentType->taxonomies()->create(array('taxonomy' => 'categories', 'description' => ''));
     // add term to the taxonomy
     $taxonomy->terms()->create(array('term' => 'coding', 'slug' => 'coding'));
     // let's prove first we have now 1 taxonomy term for categories which is coding
     $this->assertCount(1, ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::all()->toArray());
     $this->assertEquals('coding', ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::all()->first()->term);
     // now let's delete the term
     $request = Request::create('', 'GET', array('taxonomyId' => $blogContentType->id, 'termId' => $taxonomy->id));
     $result = $this->commandDispatcher->dispatchFrom('Darryldecode\\Backend\\Components\\ContentBuilder\\Commands\\DeleteTaxonomyTermCommand', $request);
     // we should not be able to delete it because we don't have a permission for a blog to manage
     $this->assertEquals('Taxonomy Term successfully deleted.', $result->getMessage());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $result->getStatusCode());
     // let's prove that there is no term now on our records