Example #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function toInternal($date, $format = null)
     if (!in_array(strtolower($format), ['jd', 'gjd', 'geo', 'geo-centric', 'rjd', 'reduced', 'mjd', 'modified', 'tjd', 'truncated', 'djd', 'dublin', 'j1900', 'j2000', 'lilian', 'rata-die', 'mars-sol'])) {
         $format = 'gjd';
     if (in_array(strtolower($format), ['jd', 'gjd', 'geo', 'geo-centric'])) {
         $jdc = $date;
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['rjd', 'reduced'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '2400000', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['mjd', 'modified'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '2400000.5', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['tjd', 'truncated'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '2440000.5', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['djd', 'dublin', 'j1900'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '2415020', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['j2000'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '2451545', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['lilian'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '2299159.5', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['rata-die'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add($date, '1721424.5', 18);
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($format), ['mars-sol'])) {
         $jdc = BC::add(BC::mul($date, '1.02749', 18), '2405522', 18);
     return Calends::toInternalFromUnix(BC::mul(BC::sub($jdc, 2440587.5, 18), 86400, 18));
Example #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function convert(Calends $cal)
     $source = last(explode('\\', get_called_class()));
     $start = $source::createInstance(IntlTimeZone::getGMT(), static::$locale);
     $start->setTime(BC::mul($cal->getDate('unix'), 1000, 15));
     $end = $source::createInstance(IntlTimeZone::getGMT(), static::$locale);
     $end->setTime(BC::mul($cal->getEndDate('unix'), 1000, 15));
     return ['start' => $start, 'duration' => new DateInterval("PT{$cal->getDuration(0)}S"), 'end' => $end];
Example #3
  * @covers ::fromInternal
 public function testFromInternal()
     $this->assertEquals('22 Tebeth 5730 00:00:00.000000 +00:00', Hebrew::fromInternal(['seconds' => BC::pow(2, 62), 'nano' => 0, 'atto' => 0]));
     $this->assertEquals('22 Tebeth 5731 00:00:00.000000 +00:00', Hebrew::fromInternal(['seconds' => BC::add(BC::pow(2, 62), BC::mul(86400, 384)), 'nano' => 0, 'atto' => 0]));
Example #4
  * Convert a Unix timestamp to an internal TAI array
  * @internal
  * @param string|float|integer $stamp Unix timestamp to convert into the
  *        internal TAI array representation
  * @return string[]
 public static function toInternalFromUnix($stamp)
     $stamp = is_null($stamp) ? microtime(true) : (is_numeric($stamp) ? $stamp : 0);
     $time = [];
     if (BC::comp($stamp, BC::sub(0, BC::pow(2, 62, 18), 18), 18) === -1) {
         $stamp = BC::sub(0, BC::pow(2, 62, 18), 18);
     } elseif (BC::comp($stamp, BC::sub(BC::pow(2, 63, 18), BC::pow(2, 62, 18), 18), 18) >= 0) {
         $stamp = BC::sub(BC::sub(BC::pow(2, 63, 18), BC::pow(2, 62, 18), 18), BC::pow(10, -18, 18), 18);
     $unix_seconds = BC::div($stamp, 1, 0);
     $time['seconds'] = BC::add($unix_seconds, BC::pow(2, 62, 18), 0);
     $time['nano'] = gmp_strval(gmp_abs(BC::mul(BC::sub($stamp, $unix_seconds, 18), BC::pow(10, 9, 18), 0)), 10);
     $time['atto'] = gmp_strval(gmp_abs(BC::mul(BC::sub(BC::mul(BC::sub($stamp, $unix_seconds, 18), BC::pow(10, 9, 18), 9), BC::mul(BC::comp($unix_seconds, 0, 18), $time['nano'], 18), 18), BC::pow(10, 9, 18), 0)), 10);
     return $time;
Example #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function toInternal($date, $format = null)
     $greg = new DateTime($date);
     return Calends::toInternalFromUnix(BC::add(BC::mul(BC::sub(\JulianToJD($greg->format('n'), $greg->format('j'), $greg->format('Y')), 2440587, 18), 86400, 18), BC::mod($greg->getTimestamp(), 86400, 18), 18));
Example #6
  * Retrieve the calendar's date at the Unix Epoch
  * @return array
 protected function getEpochUnitArray($positive = true)
     $unitArray = [];
     foreach ($this->units()->where('is_auxiliary', 0)->get() as $unit) {
         $unitArray[$unit->internal_name] = $positive ? $unit->unix_epoch : BC::mul(BC::sub($unit->unix_epoch, $unit->uses_zero ? 0 : 1, 18), -1, 18);
     return $unitArray;
Example #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function toInternal($date, $format = null)
     $greg = new DateTime(str_replace(['6L', '7L'], ['06', '07'], str_ireplace(array_values(static::$months), array_keys(static::$months), $date)));
     return Calends::toInternalFromUnix(BC::add(BC::mul(BC::sub(\JewishToJD($greg->format('n'), $greg->format('j'), $greg->format('Y')), 2440587, 18), 86400, 18), BC::mod($greg->getTimestamp(), 86400, 18), 18));
Example #8
 protected function scaleReduce($value)
     if (!is_null($this->scale_amount)) {
         $scaled = BC::parse("{$value} " . ($this->scale_inverse ? '/' : '*') . " {$this->scale_amount}", null, 18);
     } else {
         $lengths = $this->lengths()->get();
         $lCount = $lengths->count();
         if ($lCount == 0) {
             $scaled = 0;
         } else {
             $lSum = $lengths->sum('scale_amount');
             $adjLoops = BC::div($value, $lCount, 0);
             $adjUnits = BC::modfrac($value, $lCount, 18);
             $adjRemains = BC::modfrac($adjUnits, 1, 18);
             $adjUnits = BC::add($adjUnits, $this->getEpochValue(), 0);
             $adjustment = BC::mul($adjLoops, $lSum, 18);
             for ($lNum = $this->getEpochValue(); BC::comp($lNum, $adjUnits) < 0; $lNum = BC::parse("({$lNum} + 1) % {$lCount}", null, 0)) {
                 $adjustment = BC::add($adjustment, $lengths[$lNum]->scale_amount, 18);
             $scaled = BC::parse("{$adjustment} + ({$adjRemains} * {lAmount})", ['lAmount' => $lengths[BC::parse("({$lNum} - 1 + {$lCount}) % {$lCount}", null, 0)]->scale_amount], 18);
     return $scaled;