/** * @param Object $container the page that contains the template */ public static function top($container = null) { global $active_tab, $page; // making sure we don't get error while trying to use the SEO layer down the page . if ($page) { $page->js = array_map(function ($item) { return str_replace('{template}', self::$template_url, $item); }, self::$js); } else { $page = new stdClass(); } // if(!$page->seo) // $page->seo = array() ; // // assign SEO values // self::buildSeo(); if (!$active_tab) { $active_tab = '/'; } $tabs = [['url' => '#markets_list', 'title' => 'Events'], ['url' => '/timessquare', 'title' => 'Times Square'], ['url' => '/partypasses', 'title' => 'Party Passes'], ['url' => '/bar-crawls', 'title' => 'Bar Crawls'], ['url' => '/cruises', 'title' => 'Cruises'], ['url' => '/dinners', 'title' => 'Dinners']]; $market_name = $container && $container->market ? $container->market->name : 'Choose City'; //TAKEOVER $takeover = new stdClass(); $takeover->active = FALSE; $takeover->background_image = ""; $takeover->background_link_active = FALSE; $takeover->background_link = ""; $takeover->losangeles = TRUE; $takeover->la_bg = self::$template_url . "content/images/takeover/belvedere_skin.jpg"; $template_url = "/templates/website/"; // Get markets for city dropdown $where = 'market.skybox=1'; $orderby = 'market.name ASC'; $params = ['where' => $where, 'order_by' => $orderby]; // Featured array $featured_array = ["newyork" => "New York", "brooklyn" => "Brooklyn", "newyork" => "Manhattan", "queens" => "Queens", "boston" => "Boston", "newjersey" => "New Jersey", "philadelphia" => "Philly", "baltimore" => "Baltimore", "washington" => "Washington DC", "miami" => "Miami", "losangeles" => "Los Angeles", "chicago" => "Chicago", "atlanta" => "Atlanta"]; $markets = \Crave\Model\market::getMany($params); $num_cols = 3; $per_col = ceil(sizeof($markets) / $num_cols); foreach ($markets as $key => $m) { if ($m->country_code != 'US') { $other_markets[$m->country_code][] = $m; unset($markets[$key]); } } // Set url for markets $url_piece = explode('/', $page->urlpath); unset($url_piece[0]); //remove first value since we know it's blank unset($url_piece[1]); //remove first value since we know it's the market $new_url = ""; foreach ($url_piece as $up) { $set_url .= "/" . $up; } foreach ($markets as $key => $m) { $columns[floor(($key + 1) / $per_col)][] = $m; } // Get slugs for all markets $selected_market = []; foreach ($markets as $m) { $selected_market[$m->slug] = $m->name; } // Check if queryfolder is in array of markets if ($page->vars['market_slug'] != "" && array_key_exists($page->vars['market_slug'], $selected_market)) { setcookie("current_market", $page->vars['market_slug']); $_SESSION['current_market'] = $page->vars['market_slug']; } $t = time(); $market_slug_id = $page->vars['market_id']; $_GET['refresh'] = 1; if ($page->market && !$page->seo) { $page->seo = new stdClass(); } // Meta_tag Formats pulled from page.php if ($page->market && !$page->seo->geo) { $page->seo->geo = new stdClass(); $page->seo->geo->latitude = $page->market->latitude; $page->seo->geo->longitude = $page->market->longitude; $page->seo->geo->city = $page->market->city; $page->seo->geo->state = $page->market->state; $page->seo->geo->country = $page->market->country_name; $page->seo->geo->geo_position = $page->market->latitude . "; " . $page->market->longitude; $page->seo->geo->geo_region = $page->market->state; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>Downtown Countdown</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $template_url; ?> website.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $template_url; ?> content/sidr.dark.css" type="text/css"> <script src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> website.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> js/jquery.carouFredSel-6.0.4-packed.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> js/jquery.sidr.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> js/myjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> js/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div class="top_space" id="top"></div> <header> <div class="container"> <img class="logo" src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> content/images/countdown-logo.png" alt="" /> <div class="counter_col"> <div class="social_media"> <span>share with friends</span> <a href="#"><img src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> content/images/fb.jpg" alt="" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> content/images/tw.jpg" alt="" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="<?php echo $template_url; ?> content/images/ig.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="counter"></div> <!-- <form><input type="text" placeholder="Search"></form> --> </div> </div> <div class="nav_row"> <nav> <a href="/newyork"><li>new york</li></a> <a href="/baltimore"><li>baltimore</li></a> <a href="/washington-dc"><li>washington</li></a> <a href="/atlanta"><li>atlanta</li></a> </nav> </div> </header> <style> .chosen_city { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; } a.city_chosen { display: block; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; } </style> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#right-menu').sidr({ name: 'sidr-existing-content', side: 'right', source: '.sidr' }); }); </script> <?php }
<?php use Crave\Model\market; ?> <div id="market_container"> <? $num_cols = 3; $markets = json_decode(json_encode(market::getSkybox())); $per_col = ceil(sizeof($markets)/$num_cols); foreach ($markets as $key => $m) { if ($m->country_code != 'US') { $other_markets[$m->country_code][] = $m; unset($markets[$key]); } } $country_codes = array( 'UK' => 'Europe', 'CA' => 'Canada' ); foreach ($markets as $key =>$m) { $columns[floor(($key+1)/$per_col)][] = $m; } $this->title = "Choose a City";
global $website, $cache_refresh; ?> <section id="list-places"> <!-- state/place list --> <a id="markets_list" name="markets_list"></a> <span class="list-caption">choose city for your new year's destination</span> <nav> <?php $cache_name = sprintf('jwebsite:%/id:markets_footer', $website->ct_promoter_website_id); if (!$cache_refresh) { \elapsed("Footer : Getting the markets from cache"); $markets = mem($cache_name); } if (!$markets) { $markets = []; $marketIds = \Crave\Model\market::getSlugsFeed(['ct_promoter_website_id' => $website->ct_promoter_website_id, 'where' => ["country_code='US'"], 'order_by' => 'name']); foreach ($marketIds as $marketId) { $market = new \Crave\Model\Market($marketId); if (!$market->country_code) { $market->country_code = 'us'; } $market->url = strtolower("/" . $market->slug); $markets[] = $market; } mem($cache_name, $markets, '10 hours'); } $panels = []; $delimiter_index = ceil(count($markets) / 6); $index = -1; foreach ($markets as $market) { $panels[++$index / $delimiter_index][] = $market;