Example #1
  * Loads ARC4 encryption parameters from a file
  * @history
  * 2013.09.30:
  *   (AT)  Initial release
  * @version 2013.09.30
  * @author (AT) Alberto Trevino, Brigham Young Univ. <*****@*****.**>
  * @param string $filename Config file with ARC4 parameters
 public static function loadParameters($filename)
     $config = new Config($filename);
     $key = $config->value("key");
     if ($key) {
     self::$magic = (string) $config->value("magic");
     $compress = $config->value("compress");
     self::$compress = $compress;
Example #2
  * Returns a database connection to the named database.
  * The information on the database is stored in individual Config files. The
  * place were these files are stored is configured via Config's static
  * properties.
  * The config file should contain the following values:
  *   dsn      - The PDO dsn connection string
  *   username - The username to use
  *   password - The password used for connection
  *   arc4     - Config file to ARC4 encryption parameters (optional)
  * The username and passwords can be stored in either ARC4 encrypted form
  * (hex) or as obfuscated strings.
  * The configuration files need to named using the following convention:
  *   connection_name.environment.conf
  * Because Unix filenames are case sensitive, the database name and the
  * environment will be converted to lowercase. Since Oracle schema names
  * are case-insensitive, and MySQL should be configured to be
  * case-insensitive, this should be of little difference. If case-
  * sensitivity is required, the DSN will preserve the casing of the schema
  * name.
  * If no suitable environment is found, the method will do a final attempt
  * to find the connection information in a file named connection_name.conf.
  * If that's not present, it will do a final search for database.conf.
  * The environment value can be any value. If no environment is specified,
  * the value will be taken from the ENVIRONMENT constant. If it is not set,
  * it will revert to "local." You may not specify "production" as the
  *  Production systems must have the ENVIRONMENT constant set.
  * For best results, use the cougar-create-pdo-connection-file script
  * from a command prompt to generate your configuration files.
  * @history
  * 2013.09.30:
  *   (AT)  Initial release
  * 2014.03.10:
  *   (AT)  Allow connection files to have a persistence flag
  * @version 2014.03.10
  * @author (AT) Alberto Trevino, Brigham Young Univ. <*****@*****.**>
  * @param string $name
  *   Database connection name
  * @param string $environment
  *   Environment to use (optional)
  * @return \Cougar\PDO\PDO Database connection
  * @throws \Cougar\Exceptions\Exception
  * @throws \Cougar\Exceptions\ConfigurationFileNotFoundException
 public static function getConnection($name, $environment = null)
     # Make sure we have a database name
     $name = strtolower($name);
     if (!$name) {
         throw new Exception("Database name is required");
     # See if we have an environment
     if ($environment) {
         # Convert the environment to lowercase
         $environment = strtolower($environment);
         # Make sure we are not trying to set "production" as environment
         if ($environment == "production") {
             throw new Exception("You may not override the environment " . "\"production\"");
     } else {
         # Grab the environment from the ENVIROMENT constant
         if (defined("ENVIRONMENT")) {
             $environment = strtolower(ENVIRONMENT);
         } else {
             $environment = "local";
     # Define the list of filenames to look for
     $filenames = array($name . "." . $environment . ".conf", $name . ".conf", "database.conf");
     # Try to load one of the configuration files
     $config = null;
     foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
         try {
             $config = new Config($filename);
         } catch (ConfigurationFileNotFoundException $e) {
             # Ignore file not found exceptions
     if (!$config) {
         throw new ConfigurationFileNotFoundException("Could not load configuration file for " . $name . " database for " . $environment);
     # Get the values
     $dsn = $config->value("dsn");
     $orig_username = $config->value("username");
     $orig_password = $config->value("password");
     $persistent = $config->value("persistent");
     if (!$dsn) {
         throw new Exception("DSN is not declared in the configuration file");
     # Try to decode the username and password via obfuscation
     $username = StringObfuscator::decode($orig_username);
     $password = StringObfuscator::decode($orig_password);
     if ($username == $orig_username && $password == $orig_password) {
         # Try to decode with Arc4
         $param_file = $config->value("arc4");
         if (!$param_file) {
             $param_file = $config->value("encryption");
         if ($param_file) {
         $username = Arc4::decode($username);
         $password = Arc4::decode($password);
     # See if we are establishing a persistent connection
     if ($persistent) {
         return new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true));
     } else {
         # Return the new database connection
         return new PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
Example #3
  * @covers \Cougar\Util\Config::value
 public function testValue()
     $this->assertEquals("value1", $this->object->value("name1"));
     $this->assertEquals("value2", $this->object->value("name2"));
     $this->assertEquals("value3", $this->object->value("name3"));
     $this->assertEquals("value4", $this->object->value("name4"));
     $this->assertEquals("value5", $this->object->value("name5"));
     $this->assertEquals("value6", $this->object->value("name6"));
     $this->assertEquals("value 7", $this->object->value("name7"));
     $this->assertEquals("value 8", $this->object->value("name8"));
     $this->assertEquals("value9", $this->object->value("name 9"));
     $this->assertEquals("value 10", $this->object->value("name 10"));
     $this->assertEquals("Indented value 11", $this->object->value("name11"));
     $this->assertEquals("Indented value 12", $this->object->value("name12"));
     $this->assertEquals("", $this->object->value("no_cache"));
     $this->assertEquals("mysql:hostname=localhost;dbname=UnitTest", $this->object->value("dsn"));
     $this->assertEquals("mysql", $this->object->value("db.type"));
     $this->assertEquals("localhost", $this->object->value("db.hostname"));
     $this->assertEquals("3306", $this->object->value("db.port"));
     $this->assertEquals("UnitTest", $this->object->value("db.schema"));
     $this->assertEquals("user", $this->object->value("db.username"));
     $this->assertEquals(":!:AQwo5+/yMbfoUPHjq+I2WC:!:", $this->object->value("db.password"));
     $this->assertNull($this->object->value("Some other setting"));