/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. */ protected function setUp() { # Set up the encryption parameters Arc4::setKey("0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210"); Arc4::setMagic("MAGIC"); Arc4::useCompression("true"); }
/** * @covers Cougar\Util\Arc4::setMagic * @covers Cougar\Util\Arc4::useCompression * @covers Cougar\Util\Arc4::setKey * @covers Cougar\Util\Arc4::encode */ public function testEncodeDecodeWithCompressionAndMagic() { Arc4::setKey(bin2hex("d8vsR7nnKmG4FwKgX82gzW58QtDWiZGnjVedrZsNnG")); Arc4::setMagic("Magic string"); Arc4::useCompression(true); # Define a list of strings $strings = array("Hello", "Hello World!", "Attack at dawn", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); # Go through each string and encode/decode foreach ($strings as $string) { $encoded_string = Arc4::encode($string); $decoded_string = Arc4::decode($encoded_string); $this->assertEquals($string, $decoded_string); } }