Example #1
  * Rotate log file if size specified in config is reached.
  * Also if `rotate` count is reached oldest file is removed.
  * @return mixed True if rotated successfully or false in case of error.
  *   Void if file doesn't need to be rotated.
 protected function _rotateLines()
     $filepath = $this->_path . $this->_file;
     $file = new File($filepath);
     $fileContent = $file->read();
     $fileLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $fileContent);
     if (!$file->exists() and count($fileLines) < $this->_maxLine) {
     while (count($fileLines) >= $this->_maxLine) {
     return $file->write(implode(PHP_EOL, $fileLines));
Example #2
  * Update the applications plugins.php file.
  * @param string $plugin Name of plugin.
  * @return bool If modify passed.
 protected function _modifyBootstrap($plugin)
     $finder = "/\nPluginLoader::load\\((.|.\n|\n\\s\\s|\n\t|)+'{$plugin}'(.|.\n|)+\\);\n/";
     $plugins = new File($this->_pluginsFile, false);
     $contents = $plugins->read();
     if (!preg_match("@\n\\s*nPluginLoader::loadAll@", $contents)) {
         $contents = preg_replace($finder, "", $contents);
         $this->out(sprintf('%s modified', $this->_pluginsFile));
         return true;
     return false;
Example #3
  * Update the applications plugins.php file.
  * @param string $plugin Name of plugin.
  * @param bool $hasBootstrap Whether or not bootstrap should be loaded.
  * @param bool $hasRoutes Whether or not routes should be loaded.
  * @param bool $hasAutoloader Whether or not there is an autoloader configured for
  * the plugin.
  * @return bool If modify passed.
 protected function _modifyBootstrap($plugin, $hasBootstrap, $hasRoutes, $hasAutoloader)
     $bootstrap = new File($this->_pluginsFile, false);
     $contents = $bootstrap->read();
     if (!preg_match("@\n\\s*PluginLoader::loadAll@", $contents)) {
         $autoloadString = $hasAutoloader ? "'autoload' => true" : '';
         $bootstrapString = $hasBootstrap ? "'bootstrap' => true" : '';
         $routesString = $hasRoutes ? "'routes' => true" : '';
         $append = "\\PluginLoader::load('%s', [%s]);\n";
         $options = implode(', ', array_filter([$autoloadString, $bootstrapString, $routesString]));
         $bootstrap->append(str_replace(', []', '', sprintf($append, $plugin, $options)));
         $this->out(sprintf('%s modified', $this->_pluginsFile));
         return true;
     return false;
Example #4
  * testReplaceText method
  * @return void
 public function testReplaceText()
     $TestFile = new File(TEST_ROOT . '/Fixture/FileTest.txt');
     $TmpFile = new File(sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tests' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cakephp.file.test.tmp', true);
     // Copy the test file to the temporary location
     $TestFile->copy($TmpFile->getPath(), true);
     // Replace the contents of the temporary file
     $result = $TmpFile->replaceText('welcome.php', 'welcome.tmp');
     // Double check
     $expected = 'This is the welcome.tmp file in vendors directory';
     $contents = $TmpFile->read();
     $this->assertContains($expected, $contents);
     $search = ['This is the', 'welcome.php file', 'in tmp directory'];
     $replace = ['This should be a', 'welcome.tmp file', 'in the Lib directory'];
     // Replace the contents of the temporary file
     $result = $TmpFile->replaceText($search, $replace);
     // Double check
     $expected = 'This should be a welcome.tmp file in vendors directory';
     $contents = $TmpFile->read();
     $this->assertContains($expected, $contents);