public function getParser() { $parser = parent::getParser(); $xmlOption = new CommandLineOption("xml", "Get the listing as XML."); $parser->description('Get the list of available shells for this CoreTyson app.')->addOption($xmlOption); return $parser; }
public function __construct(Console $console = null) { parent::__construct($console); foreach ($this->tasks as $task) { if (!($className = Core::className($task, 'Shell/Tasks', 'Task'))) { if (!($className = Core::className($task, 'Console/Tasks', 'Task'))) { throw new MissingTaskException(['class' => $task . 'Task']); } } $this->_loadedTasks[$task] = new $className($console); } }
/** * Gets the option parser instance and configures it. * * @return CommandLineParser */ public function getParser() { $parser = parent::getParser(); $parser->description(['PHP Built-in Server', '<warning>[WARN] Don\'t use this at the production environment</warning>']); $parser->options()["help"]->removeAlias("h"); $hostOptn = new CommandLineOption("host", "Server host name", ServerShell::DEFAULT_HOST); $hostOptn->addAlias('h'); $portOptn = new CommandLineOption("port", "Server port", ServerShell::DEFAULT_PORT); $portOptn->addAlias('p'); $documentRootOptn = new CommandLineOption("document-root", "Server DocumentRoot", getcwd()); $documentRootOptn->addAlias('d'); $parser->addOption($hostOptn)->addOption($portOptn)->addOption($documentRootOptn); return $parser; }
/** * Display help for this console. * * @return CommandLineParser */ public function getParser() { $parser = parent::getParser(); $parser->description('This shell provides a REPL that you can use to interact ' . 'with your application in an interactive fashion. You can use ' . 'it to run adhoc queries with your models, or experiment ' . 'and explore the features of CoreTyson and your application.' . "\n\n" . 'You will need to have psysh installed for this Shell to work.'); return $parser; }
public function getParser() { $parser = parent::getParser(); $parser->description('Get the list of routes connected in this application. '); return $parser; }
public function getParser() { $parser = parent::getParser(); $parser->addOption('bootstrap', ['alias' => ['b'], 'description' => 'Will load bootstrap.php from plugin.'])->addOption('routes', ['alias' => ['r'], 'description' => 'Will load routes.php from plugin.'])->addOption('autoload', ['description' => 'Will autoload the plugin using CoreTyson. ' . 'Set to true if you are not using composer to autoload your plugin.'])->addArgument('plugin', ['description' => 'Name of the plugin to load.']); return $parser; }