require_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context); require_capability('mod/lti:addcoursetool', $context); $redirecturl = null; $returndata = null; if (empty($errormsg) && !empty($items)) { try { $returndata = lti_tool_configuration_from_content_item($id, $messagetype, $version, $consumerkey, $items); } catch (moodle_exception $e) { $errormsg = $e->getMessage(); } } $pageurl = new moodle_url('/mod/lti/contentitem_return.php'); $PAGE->set_url($pageurl); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('popup'); echo $OUTPUT->header(); // Call JS module to redirect the user to the course page or close the dialogue on error/cancel. $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('mod_lti/contentitem_return', 'init', [$returndata]); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); // Add messages to notification stack for rendering later. if ($errormsg) { // Content item selection has encountered an error. \core\notification::error($errormsg); } else { if (!empty($returndata)) { // Means success. if (!$msg) { $msg = get_string('successfullyfetchedtoolconfigurationfromcontent', 'lti'); } \core\notification::success($msg); } }
/** * Finish displaying the regrade progress page. * @param moodle_url $nexturl where to send the user after the regrade. * @uses exit. This method never returns. */ protected function finish_regrade($nexturl) { global $OUTPUT; \core\notification::success(get_string('regradecomplete', 'quiz_overview')); echo $OUTPUT->continue_button($nexturl); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; }
redirect($PAGE->url); } } break; case 'renamecombine': // Allows to rename the tag and if the tag with the new name already exists these tags will be combined. if ($tagid && ($newname = required_param('newname', PARAM_TAG))) { require_sesskey(); $tag = core_tag_tag::get($tagid, '*', MUST_EXIST); $targettag = core_tag_tag::get_by_name($tag->tagcollid, $newname, '*'); if ($targettag) { $targettag->combine_tags(array($tag)); \core\notification::success(get_string('combined', 'core_tag')); } else { $tag->update(array('rawname' => $newname)); \core\notification::success(get_string('changessaved', 'core_tag')); } } redirect($PAGE->url); break; case 'addstandardtag': require_sesskey(); $tagobjects = array(); if ($tagcoll) { $tagslist = optional_param('tagslist', '', PARAM_RAW); $newtags = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', trim($tagslist), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $tagobjects = core_tag_tag::create_if_missing($tagcoll->id, $newtags, true); } foreach ($tagobjects as $tagobject) { if (!$tagobject->isstandard) { $tagobject->update(array('isstandard' => 1));
/** * Test that session notifications are persisted across session clears. */ public function test_session_persistance() { global $PAGE, $SESSION; // Initially there won't be any notifications. $this->assertCount(0, $SESSION->notifications); // Adding a notification should make one available to fetch. \core\notification::success('Notification created'); $this->assertCount(1, $SESSION->notifications); // Re-creating the session will not empty the notification bag. \core\session\manager::init_empty_session(); $this->assertCount(1, $SESSION->notifications); }
redirect(course_get_url($courseid ?: $course)); } else { if ($form->is_submitted() && ($form->is_validated() || optional_param('gopreviouspage', null, PARAM_RAW))) { // Form was submitted (skip validation for "Previous page" button). $data = $form->get_submitted_data(); if (!isset($SESSION->feedback->is_started) or !$SESSION->feedback->is_started == true) { print_error('error', '', $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $course->id); } $feedbackcompletion->save_response_tmp($data); if (!empty($data->savevalues) || !empty($data->gonextpage)) { if (($nextpage = $feedbackcompletion->get_next_page($gopage)) !== null) { redirect(new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('gopage' => $nextpage))); } else { $feedbackcompletion->save_response(); if (!$feedback->page_after_submit) { \core\notification::success(get_string('entries_saved', 'feedback')); } } } else { if (!empty($data->gopreviouspage)) { $prevpage = $feedbackcompletion->get_previous_page($gopage); redirect(new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('gopage' => intval($prevpage)))); } } } } } // Print the page header. $strfeedbacks = get_string("modulenameplural", "feedback"); $strfeedback = get_string("modulename", "feedback"); echo $OUTPUT->header();