public function index($id = null) { if (!$id) { \Core\Route::redirectTo('/absent'); } else { $id = str_replace("id", "", $id); $user = \Models\User::findUserById($id); if (isset($user['id'])) { $user = \Models\User::getUserPersonalById($user['id']); $task = \Models\Load::issetUploadFile('task'); if ($task != false) { \Models\Load::uploadTask($_FILES[$task]); } $data = \Models\User::findUserById($id); $tasks = \Models\Task::showTask(); echo View::make('header', ['title' => $user['l_name'] . " " . $user['f_name']]); if ($user['member'] == 'Mather') { echo View::make('user.leftside', ['id' => $id, 'user' => $user]); } if ($user['member'] == 'Father') { echo View::make('user.profileF', ['data' => $data, 'tasks' => $tasks]); } else { echo View::make('user.profile', ['data' => $data, 'tasks' => $tasks]); } echo View::make('footer'); } else { \Core\Route::redirectTo('/absent'); } } }
public function index() { if (!isset($_GET['code'])) { header("Location: ../sign-in/index"); exit; } $testActivation = \Models\User::getUsernameByActivationCode($_GET['code']); if (!isset($testActivation['username'])) { echo \Core\View::make('header', ['title' => 'Activation unsuccessful']); echo \Core\View::make('activation.bad'); echo \Core\View::make('footer'); } else { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $user = \Models\User::setUserActivatedAt($date, $_GET['code']); if (isset($user['id'])) { $subject = 'Welcome'; $body = "Congratulations. Your account is activated."; $result = Mailer::send($user['email'], $subject, $body); if ($result == 'Message has been sent') { echo \Core\View::make('header'); echo \Core\View::make('activation.good', ['title' => 'Activation successful']); echo \Core\View::make('footer'); } } } }
/** * Render the subpage page. * * @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request * @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */ public function subpage(Request $request, Response $response) { $translator = $this->get('translator'); $data = ['title' => $translator->get('welcome.subpage_text'), 'welcomeMessage' => $translator->get('welcome.subpage_message')]; $view = View::make('layouts::default', $data); $view->nest('body', 'welcome.subpage', $data); return $response->write($view); }
public function personal() { if (\Models\Auth::isAuth()) { $avatar = \Models\Images::issetUploadImages('avatar'); if ($avatar != false) { \Models\Images::uploadAvatar($_FILES[$avatar]); } $personal = []; $personal = \Models\User::getUserPersonalById($_SESSION['auth']['id']); $plug = \Models\Images::isPlug($_SESSION['auth']['id'] . '.jpg'); echo View::make('header', ['title' => 'Personal']); echo View::make('user.leftside', ['id' => $_SESSION['auth']['id'], 'plug' => $plug]); echo View::make('user.personal', ['personal' => $personal]); echo View::make('footer'); } else { \Core\Route::redirectTo('/absent'); } }
public function index() { echo View::make('header', ['title' => 'Authentication']); echo View::make('sign_in.sign-in', ['title' => 'Sign in']); echo View::make('footer'); }
public function index() { echo View::make('header', ['title' => 'Add task']); echo View::make('task.add-task'); echo View::make('footer'); }
public function index() { echo \Core\View::make('header', ['title' => 'Registration']); echo \Core\View::make('sign_up.sign-up', ['title' => 'Registration']); echo \Core\View::make('footer'); }
public function index() { echo View::make('header', ['title' => 'Test page']); echo View::make('welcome'); echo View::make('footer'); }
public function index() { echo View::make('header', ['title' => 'Page is not found']); echo View::make('404'); echo View::make('footer'); }
/** * Add a view instance to the view data. * * <code> * // Add a View instance to a View's data * $view = View::make('foo')->nest('footer', 'Partials/Footer'); * * // Equivalent functionality using the "with" method * $view = View::make('foo')->with('footer', View::make('Partials/Footer')); * </code> * * @param string $key * @param string $view * @param array $data * @param string|null $module * @return View */ public function nest($key, $view, array $data = array(), $module = null) { return $this->with($key, View::make($view, $data, $module)); }
public function password() { echo \Core\View::make('header', ['title' => 'Recovery password']); echo \Core\View::make('', ['title' => 'Recovery password']); echo \Core\View::make('footer'); }