Example #1
 public function run(array $params)
     global $f3;
     $goodsBasicService = new GoodsBasicService();
     $goods = $goodsBasicService->loadGoodsById('20');
     $sql = 'update ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' set goods_after_service = ? ';
     $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
     $dbEngine->exec($sql, array(1 => $goods['goods_after_service']));
Example #2
  * 记录帐户变动
  * @param   int    $userId        用户id
  * @param   float  $userMoney     可用余额变动
  * @param   float  $frozenMoney   冻结余额变动
  * @param   int    $rankPoints    等级积分变动
  * @param   int    $payPoints     消费积分变动
  * @param   string $changeDesc    变动说明
  * @param   int    $changeType    变动类型:参见常量文件
  * @return  void
 function logChange($userId, $userMoney = 0, $frozenMoney = 0, $rankPoints = 0, $payPoints = 0, $changeDesc = '', $changeType = AccountLog::ACT_OTHER, $adminUserId = 0)
     /* 插入帐户变动记录 */
     $accountLogInfo = array('user_id' => $userId, 'user_money' => $userMoney, 'frozen_money' => $frozenMoney, 'rank_points' => $rankPoints, 'pay_points' => $payPoints, 'change_time' => Time::gmTime(), 'change_desc' => $changeDesc, 'change_type' => $changeType, 'admin_user_id' => $adminUserId);
     // 插入一条记录
     $dataMapper = new DataMapper('account_log');
     // 更新用户信息
     $sql = "UPDATE " . DataMapper::tableName('users') . " SET user_money = user_money + ('{$userMoney}')," . " frozen_money = frozen_money + ('{$frozenMoney}')," . " rank_points = rank_points + ('{$rankPoints}')," . " pay_points = pay_points + ('{$payPoints}')" . " WHERE user_id = ? Order By user_id asc LIMIT 1 ";
     $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
     $dbEngine->exec($sql, $userId);
 public function run(array $params)
     global $f3;
     // 每次处理多少条记录
     $batchProcessCount = 100;
     $baseService = new BaseService();
     $totalGoodsCount = $baseService->_countArray('goods', null);
     // 记录处理开始
     for ($offset = 0; $offset < $totalGoodsCount; $offset += $batchProcessCount) {
         $goodsArray = $baseService->_fetchArray('goods', 'goods_id', null, array('order' => 'goods_id asc'), $offset, $batchProcessCount);
         foreach ($goodsArray as $goodsItem) {
             $sql = "update " . DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' set ' . ' user_buy_number = (select sum(goods_number) from ' . DataMapper::tableName('order_goods') . ' where goods_id = ? )' . ' ,user_pay_number = (select sum(goods_number) from ' . DataMapper::tableName('order_goods') . ' where goods_id = ? and order_goods_status > 0)' . ' where goods_id = ? order by goods_id asc limit 1 ';
             $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
             $dbEngine->exec($sql, array(1 => $goodsItem['goods_id'], $goodsItem['goods_id'], $goodsItem['goods_id']));
         printLog('calculate goods buy number offset : ' . $offset);
     printLog('calculate goods buy number finished , offset : ' . $offset);
Example #4
  * 商品数据转化
 private function convertGoods()
     global $f3;
     // 在这里配置源商品图片的路径前缀
     $f3->set('srcImagePrefix', "http://img.bangzhufu.com/static/");
     $tableMigrate = new TableMigrate();
     $tableMigrate->batchProcessCount = 100;
     // 每次批处理 100 个商品,防止商品过多搞死系统
     // 清空数据
     $dstTable = new DstDataMapper('goods');
     $goodsGalleryTable = new DstDataMapper('goods_gallery');
     $tableMigrate->setAutoIncValue($goodsGalleryTable, 1);
     $goodsAttrTable = new DstDataMapper('goods_attr');
     $tableMigrate->setAutoIncValue($goodsAttrTable, 1);
     $currentTime = time();
     $tableMigrate->convertTable('team', array(array('begin_time < ? and end_time > ?', $currentTime, $currentTime)), array('order' => 'id asc'), 'goods', array('id' => 'goods_id', 'user_id' => 'goods_sn', 'title' => 'goods_name', 'summary' => 'goods_brief', 'group_id' => 'cat_id', 'partner_id' => 'suppliers_id', 'team_price' => 'shop_price', 'market_price' => 'market_price', 'agent_price' => 'suppliers_price', 'product' => 'goods_name_short', 'condbuy' => 'condbuy', 'image' => null, 'image1' => null, 'image2' => null, 'agent_fare' => 'suppliers_shipping_fee', 'farefree' => 'shipping_free_number', 'detail' => 'goods_desc', 'notice' => 'goods_notice', 'sort_order' => 'sort_order', 'seo_title' => 'seo_title', 'seo_keyword' => 'seo_keyword', 'seo_description' => 'seo_description', 'express_relate' => 'shipping_fee', 'city_id' => 'goods_number'), array('user_id' => function ($user_id, $record) {
         global $f3;
         //在这里生成 goods_sn
         return $f3->get('sysConfig[goods_sn_prefix]') . $record->id;
     }, 'express_relate' => function ($express_relate, $record) {
         // 最土系统 -1 表示免邮费,我们这里修改邮费为 0
         if ($record['farefree'] < 0) {
             return 0;
         $dataArray = unserialize($express_relate);
         $maxShippingFee = 0;
         // 取最大的快递费
         foreach ($dataArray as $data) {
             $maxShippingFee = $data['price'] > $maxShippingFee ? $data['price'] : $maxShippingFee;
         return $maxShippingFee;
     }, 'farefree' => function ($farefree, $record) {
         // 最土 -1 表示免运费,我们这里一律改成不免邮费
         if ($farefree < 0) {
             return 0;
         return $farefree;
     }, 'city_id' => function ($city_id, $record) {
         return 1000;
         // 所有库存缺省都设置为 1000
     }), function ($srcRecord) {
         global $f3;
         $srcImagePrefix = $f3->get('srcImagePrefix');
         $fetchImageArray = array();
         if (!empty($srcRecord->image)) {
             $fetchImageArray[] = $srcImagePrefix . $srcRecord->image;
         if (!empty($srcRecord->image1)) {
             $fetchImageArray[] = $srcImagePrefix . $srcRecord->image1;
         if (!empty($srcRecord->image2)) {
             $fetchImageArray[] = $srcImagePrefix . $srcRecord->image2;
         if (!empty($fetchImageArray)) {
             // 设置 fetchImageArray 的值,用于后面图片抓取
             $f3->set('fetchImageArray_' . $srcRecord->id, $fetchImageArray);
     }, function ($srcRecord, $dstRecord) {
         global $f3;
         $fetchImageArray = $f3->get('fetchImageArray_' . $srcRecord->id);
         if (empty($fetchImageArray)) {
         // 我们在这里做图片的抓取操作
         foreach ($fetchImageArray as $fetchImageUrl) {
             fetchGoodsImage($srcRecord->id, $fetchImageUrl);
             //usleep(200000); // 睡 200 ms,防止抓取太快服务器不响应
         // 释放资源
         $f3->clear('fetchImageArray_' . $srcRecord->id);
         // 处理 condbuy 字段
         if (empty($srcRecord->condbuy)) {
         // 需要更新商品的选择
         $dstRecord->goods_type = $f3->get('sysConfig[condbuy_goods_type]');
         // 删除旧的数据
         $sql = 'delete from ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods_attr') . ' where goods_id = ?';
         $dbEngine = DstDataMapper::getDbEngine();
         $dbEngine->exec($sql, $srcRecord->id);
         // 解析 condbuy {红色}{绿色}{蓝色}
         $condBuyArray = explode('}{', '}' . $srcRecord->condbuy . '{');
         foreach ($condBuyArray as $condBuyItem) {
             if (empty($condBuyItem)) {
             $dataMapper = new DataMapper('goods_attr');
             $dataMapper->goods_id = $srcRecord->id;
             $dataMapper->attr_id = $f3->get('sysConfig[condbuy_attr_id]');
             $dataMapper->attr_value = $condBuyItem;
             $dataMapper->attr_price = 0;
     // 重设表的 AUTO_INCREMENT 值
     $tableMigrate->resetAutoIncValue($dstTable, 'goods_id');
     // 清理数据
Example #5
  * 删除 order_info 下面对应的所有 order_goods 记录
  * @param int $orderId 订单ID号
 public function removeAllOrderGoods($orderId)
     // 参数验证
     $validator = new Validator(array('orderId' => $orderId));
     $orderId = $validator->required()->digits()->min(1)->validate('orderId');
     $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
     $dbEngine->exec('DELETE from ' . DataMapper::tableName('order_goods') . ' where order_id = ' . $orderId);
Example #6
  * 统计每个商品分类有多少商品,不计算子分类的商品数量(比如 A 下面有 B, C 分类,
  * 这里计算的 A 包含的商品数量不计算 B, C 的在内)
  * @param int $ttl 缓存时间
  * @return array
  * 格式  array(array(cat_id, goods_count), ...)
 public function calcCategoryGoodsCount($ttl = 0)
     $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
     return $dbEngine->exec('select cat_id, count(1) as goods_count from ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' group by cat_id ', null, $ttl);
Example #7
  * 取得一个商品在某个属性组中的属性
  * @param  int $groupId
  * @param  int $goods_id
  * @param int  $ttl
  * @return array|null
 public function fetchGoodsAttributeArrayOfAttrGroup($groupId, $goods_id, $ttl = 0)
     // 参数验证
     $validator = new Validator(array('groupId' => $groupId, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'ttl' => $ttl));
     $groupId = $validator->required()->digits()->min(1)->validate('groupId');
     $goods_id = $validator->required()->digits()->min(1)->validate('goods_id');
     $ttl = $validator->digits()->min(0)->validate('ttl');
     // 取得商品的属性
     $sql = "SELECT a.*, " . "g.goods_attr_id, g.attr_value, g.attr_price " . 'FROM ' . DataMapper::tableName('meta') . ' AS a ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods_attr') . ' AS g ON a.meta_id = g.attr_id and g.goods_id = ? ' . "WHERE a.parent_meta_id = ? and a.meta_type = ? " . 'ORDER BY a.meta_sort_order, g.attr_price, g.goods_attr_id';
     $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
     $result = $dbEngine->exec($sql, array(1 => $goods_id, $groupId, GoodsAttrItem::META_TYPE), $ttl);
     if (empty($result)) {
         // 没有属性,则返回
         return null;
     // 处理属性,属性分为 2 类,一类用于显示,一类用于选择价格
     $attrubuteArray = array();
     $attrubuteArray['prop'] = array();
     //属性  0: 直接用于显示的属性
     $attrubuteArray['spec'] = array();
     //规格 1: 用户单选属性,不同价格   2: 用户多选属性,不同价格
     foreach ($result as $attrItem) {
         $attrData = GoodsAttrItem::decodeGoodsAttrItemData($attrItem['meta_data']);
         if (GoodsAttrItem::ATTR_TYPE_DISPLAY == $attrData['attr_type']) {
             // 只是用于显示的属性
             $attrubuteArray['prop'][$attrItem['meta_id']] = array('name' => $attrItem['meta_name'], 'value' => $attrItem['attr_value'], 'goods_attr_id' => $attrItem['goods_attr_id'], 'attr_input_type' => $attrData['attr_input_type'], 'attr_type' => $attrData['attr_type'], 'attr_desc' => $attrItem['meta_desc'], 'meta_id' => $attrItem['meta_id']);
         } else {
             // 用于选择不同价格的属性
             $attrubuteArray['spec'][$attrItem['meta_id']]['meta_id'] = $attrItem['meta_id'];
             $attrubuteArray['spec'][$attrItem['meta_id']]['attr_input_type'] = $attrData['attr_input_type'];
             $attrubuteArray['spec'][$attrItem['meta_id']]['attr_type'] = $attrData['attr_type'];
             $attrubuteArray['spec'][$attrItem['meta_id']]['attr_desc'] = $attrItem['meta_desc'];
             $attrubuteArray['spec'][$attrItem['meta_id']]['name'] = $attrItem['meta_name'];
             $attrubuteArray['spec'][$attrItem['meta_id']]['values'][] = array('label' => $attrItem['attr_value'], 'price' => $attrItem['attr_price'], 'goods_attr_id' => $attrItem['goods_attr_id']);
     return $attrubuteArray;
Example #8
 public function __construct()
     $this->searchTable = DataMapper::tableName('goods_attr') . ' as ga INNER JOIN ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' as g on ga.goods_id = g.goods_id';
Example #9
  * 取得商品的属性值列表
  * @param int $goods_id 商品 ID
  * @param int $typeId 商品类型 ID
  * @param int $ttl 缓存时间
  * @return array
 public function fetchGoodsAttrItemValueArray($goods_id, $typeId, $ttl = 0)
     // 首先验证参数
     $validator = new Validator(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'typeId' => $typeId));
     $goods_id = $validator->required()->digits()->min(1)->validate('goods_id');
     $typeId = $validator->required()->digits()->min(1)->validate('typeId');
     $tableJoin = DataMapper::tableName('meta') . ' as m LEFT JOIN (select * from ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods_attr') . ' where goods_id = ' . $goods_id . ')' . ' as ga on m.meta_id = ga.attr_item_id';
     return $this->_fetchArray($tableJoin, 'm.meta_id, m.meta_type, m.meta_name, m.meta_key, m.meta_ename, m.meta_data, ga.goods_attr_id, ga.attr_item_value', array(array('m.meta_type = ? and m.parent_meta_id = ? ', self::META_TYPE_GOODS_TYPE_ATTR_ITEM, $typeId)), array('order' => 'm.meta_key asc, m.meta_sort_order desc, m.meta_id asc'), 0, 0, $ttl);
Example #10
  * 对 order_info , order_goods 做 inner_join 查询
  * @param array $condArray
  * @param int   $offset
  * @param int   $limit
  * @param int   $ttl
  * @return array
 public function fetchOrderInfoOrderGoodsArray(array $condArray, $offset = 0, $limit = 10, $ttl = 0)
     // 参数验证
     $validator = new Validator(array('condArray' => $condArray), '');
     $condArray = $validator->requireArray(true)->validate('condArray');
     $tableInnerJoinStr = DataMapper::tableName('order_goods') . ' as og INNER JOIN ' . DataMapper::tableName('order_info') . ' as oi ON og.order_id = oi.order_id';
     return $this->_fetchArray($tableInnerJoinStr, 'og.*, oi.user_id, oi.pay_time, oi.add_time, oi.order_sn, ' . 'oi.consignee, oi.address, oi.mobile', $condArray, array('order' => 'og.order_id desc, og.rec_id desc'), $offset, $limit, $ttl);
Example #11
 protected function prepareSearchParam($searchParamArray)
     if (!is_array($searchParamArray)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('searchParam illegal : ' . var_export($searchParamArray, true));
     // 调用父类先处理
     $searchParamArray = parent::prepareSearchParam($searchParamArray);
     $resultParamArray = array();
     foreach ($searchParamArray as $searchParam) {
         $addParam = true;
         if (is_array($searchParam) && count($searchParam) == 3) {
             switch ($searchParam[0]) {
                 /** 根据过滤规则,我们构造子查询
                  *  结构 array('ga.filter', '123.321.45', '100_20.34.67_78')
                  *  其中 123.321.45 为 attr_item_id
                  *  100_20.34.67_78 为 goods_attr_id 对应的值
                 case 'ga.filter':
                     // 不加入这个参数
                     $addParam = false;
                     // 没有值,不需要过滤
                     $trimSearchParam2 = trim(str_replace('.', '', $searchParam[2]));
                     // 有可能没有值,全部为点 "..."
                     if (empty($searchParam[1]) || empty($searchParam[2]) || empty($trimSearchParam2)) {
                     $goodsTypeService = new GoodsTypeService();
                     // 构造子查询
                     $queryJoinTable = '';
                     $firstJoinTable = '';
                     $queryCondArray = array();
                     // 构造子查询
                     $attrItemIdArray = explode('.', $searchParam[1]);
                     $goodsAttrIdStrArray = explode('.', $searchParam[2]);
                     $count = min(count($attrItemIdArray), count($goodsAttrIdStrArray));
                     for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
                         $attrItemId = abs(intval($attrItemIdArray[$index]));
                         $goodsAttrIdArray = explode('_', $goodsAttrIdStrArray[$index]);
                         // 跳过无效值
                         if ($attrItemId <= 0 || empty($goodsAttrIdArray)) {
                         $goodsAttrItemCond = array();
                         foreach ($goodsAttrIdArray as $goodsAttrId) {
                             $goodsAttrId = abs(intval($goodsAttrId));
                             $goodsAttr = $goodsTypeService->loadGoodsAttrById($goodsAttrId);
                             // 无效的属性,返回
                             if ($goodsAttr->isEmpty()) {
                             $goodsAttrItemCond[] = array("attr_item_value = ?", $goodsAttr['attr_item_value']);
                         if (!empty($goodsAttrItemCond)) {
                             $condArray = QueryBuilder::buildAndFilter(array(array('attr_item_id = ?', $attrItemId), QueryBuilder::buildOrFilter($goodsAttrItemCond)));
                             $tmpTableName = 'ga' . $index;
                             $tmpTable = '(select distinct(goods_id) from ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods_attr') . ' where ' . array_shift($condArray) . ') as ' . $tmpTableName;
                             $queryCondArray = array_merge($queryCondArray, $condArray);
                             if (empty($queryJoinTable)) {
                                 $queryJoinTable = $tmpTable;
                                 $firstJoinTable = $tmpTableName;
                             } else {
                                 $queryJoinTable .= ' INNER JOIN ' . $tmpTable . ' on ' . $firstJoinTable . '.goods_id = ' . $tmpTableName . '.goods_id ';
                     // 构造子查询
                     $this->searchTable = DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' as g INNER JOIN ' . '(select distinct(' . $firstJoinTable . '.goods_id) from (' . $queryJoinTable . ')) as ga on g.goods_id = ga.goods_id';
                      * 这里是一个很 tricky 的构造查询的方法
                      * 我们不想拼接 SQL 语句,比如 attr_item_value = $attr_item_value,
                      * 而是采用 array('attr_item_value = ?', $attr_item_value),这样可以 SQL Bind 避免 SQL 注入
                      * 由于前面的 子查询带了很多 ? 查询,所以我们需要把参数值 unshift 到第一个的位置
                     // 头部压入一个空条件
                     array_unshift($queryCondArray, '1=1');
                     // 把这个参数压入到头部
                     array_unshift($resultParamArray, $queryCondArray);
         //  是否加入参数
         if ($addParam) {
             $resultParamArray[] = $searchParam;
     return $resultParamArray;
Example #12
 public function __construct()
     $this->searchTable = DataMapper::tableName('order_info') . ' as oi LEFT JOIN ' . DataMapper::tableName('order_refer') . ' as orf on oi.order_id = orf.order_id';
Example #13
 public function __construct()
     $this->searchTable = DataMapper::tableName('order_goods') . ' as og LEFT JOIN ' . DataMapper::tableName('order_info') . ' as oi ON og.order_id = oi.order_id ';
Example #14
 public function __construct()
     $this->searchTable = DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' as g LEFT JOIN ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods_promote') . ' as gp on g.goods_id = gp.goods_id';
Example #15
 public function post($f3)
     // 权限检查
     // 参数验证
     $validator = new Validator($f3->get('POST'));
     $payTimeStart = $validator->required()->digits()->validate('payTimeStart');
     $payTimeEnd = $validator->required()->digits()->validate('payTimeEnd');
     $suppliers_id = $validator->required()->digits()->validate('suppliers_id');
     if (!$this->validate($validator)) {
         goto out;
     $orderGoodsIdArray = $validator->validate('orderGoodsIdArray');
     $memo = $validator->validate('memo');
     if (empty($orderGoodsIdArray) || !is_array($orderGoodsIdArray)) {
         goto out;
     // 取得供货商的信息
     $userSupplierService = new UserSupplierService();
     $supplier = $userSupplierService->loadSupplierById($suppliers_id);
     if ($supplier->isEmpty()) {
         goto out;
     // 取得所有 order_goods 记录
     $orderGoodsService = new OrderGoodsService();
     $orderGoodsArray = $orderGoodsService->_fetchArray('order_goods', 'rec_id, order_goods_status, goods_number,suppliers_id, suppliers_price, suppliers_shipping_fee, suppliers_refund, shipping_id', array(array(QueryBuilder::buildInCondition('rec_id', $orderGoodsIdArray))), array('order' => 'rec_id asc'), 0, $f3->get('sysConfig[max_query_record_count]'), 0);
     //最多限制 max_query_record_count 条记录
     if (empty($orderGoodsArray)) {
         goto out;
     // 检查订单,计算订单结算金额
     $totalGoodsPrice = 0;
     $totalShippingFee = 0;
     $totalRefund = 0;
     $totalOrderGoodsCount = 0;
     //剔除非法的 orderGoodsId
     $invalidOrderGoodsIdArray = array();
     foreach ($orderGoodsArray as $orderGoodsItem) {
         if (OrderGoodsService::OGS_UNPAY == $orderGoodsItem['order_goods_status'] || $orderGoodsItem['suppliers_id'] != $suppliers_id || $orderGoodsItem['shipping_id'] <= 0) {
             // 非法订单,剔除掉
             $invalidOrderGoodsIdArray[] = $orderGoodsItem['rec_id'];
         $totalGoodsPrice += $orderGoodsItem['goods_number'] * $orderGoodsItem['suppliers_price'];
         $totalShippingFee += $orderGoodsItem['suppliers_shipping_fee'];
         $totalRefund += $orderGoodsItem['suppliers_refund'];
     //剔除非法的 orderGoodsId
     $orderGoodsIdArray = array_diff($orderGoodsIdArray, $invalidOrderGoodsIdArray);
     if (empty($orderGoodsIdArray)) {
         goto out;
     // 取得当前结算的管理员
     $authAdminUser = AuthHelper::getAuthUser();
     $dbEngine = DataMapper::getDbEngine();
     try {
         // 我们这里需要事务保障
         //创建 order_settle 记录
         $orderSettleService = new OrderSettleService();
         $orderSettle = $orderSettleService->loadOrderSettleBySettleId(0);
         $orderSettle->user_id = $authAdminUser['user_id'];
         $orderSettle->user_name = $authAdminUser['user_name'];
         $orderSettle->settle_start_time = $payTimeStart;
         $orderSettle->settle_end_time = $payTimeEnd;
         $orderSettle->suppliers_id = $suppliers_id;
         $orderSettle->suppliers_name = $supplier['suppliers_name'];
         $orderSettle->suppliers_goods_price = $totalGoodsPrice;
         $orderSettle->suppliers_shipping_fee = $totalShippingFee;
         $orderSettle->suppliers_refund = $totalRefund;
         $orderSettle->create_time = Time::gmTime();
         $orderSettle->memo = $memo;
         // 更新 order_goods ,设置上 settle_id
         $sql = "update " . DataMapper::tableName('order_goods') . ' set settle_id = ? where ' . QueryBuilder::buildInCondition('rec_id', $orderGoodsIdArray);
         $dbEngine->exec($sql, $orderSettle->settle_id);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     // 回到结算页面
     RouteHelper::reRoute($this, RouteHelper::getRefer(), false);