generateScriptTag() public static method

Generate the markup for a JavaScript tag
public static generateScriptTag ( string $src, boolean $async = false ) : string
$src string The script path
$async boolean True to add the async attribute
return string The markup string
Example #1
  * Replace the dynamic script tags (see #4203)
  * @param string $strBuffer The string with the tags to be replaced
  * @return string The string with the replaced tags
 public static function replaceDynamicScriptTags($strBuffer)
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceDynamicScriptTags']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceDynamicScriptTags'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceDynamicScriptTags'] as $callback) {
             $strBuffer = static::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback}[1]($strBuffer);
     $arrReplace = array();
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal jQuery scripts
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY']) as $script) {
             $strScripts .= "\n" . trim($script) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_JQUERY]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal MooTools scripts
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) as $script) {
             $strScripts .= "\n" . trim($script) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_MOOTOOLS]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal <body> tags
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_BODY']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_BODY'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_BODY']) as $script) {
             $strScripts .= trim($script) . "\n";
     // Command scheduler
     if (!\Config::get('disableCron')) {
         $strScripts .= "\n" . \Template::generateInlineScript('setTimeout(function(){var e=function(e,t){try{var n=new XMLHttpRequest}catch(r){return}"GET",e,!0),n.onreadystatechange=function(){this.readyState==4&&this.status==200&&typeof t=="function"&&t(this.responseText)},n.send()},t="system/cron/cron.";e(t+"txt",function(n){parseInt(n||0)<Math.round(+(new Date)/1e3)-' . \Frontend::getCronTimeout() . '&&e(t+"php")})},5e3);') . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_BODY]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     $objCombiner = new \Combiner();
     // Add the CSS framework style sheets
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_FRAMEWORK_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_FRAMEWORK_CSS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_FRAMEWORK_CSS']) as $stylesheet) {
     // Add the internal style sheets
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_CSS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) as $stylesheet) {
             $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($stylesheet);
             if ($options->static) {
                 $objCombiner->add($stylesheet, $options->mtime, $options->media);
             } else {
                 $strScripts .= \Template::generateStyleTag(static::addStaticUrlTo($stylesheet), $options->media) . "\n";
     // Add the user style sheets
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_USER_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_USER_CSS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_USER_CSS']) as $stylesheet) {
             $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($stylesheet);
             if ($options->static) {
                 $objCombiner->add($stylesheet, $options->mtime, $options->media);
             } else {
                 $strScripts .= \Template::generateStyleTag(static::addStaticUrlTo($stylesheet), $options->media) . "\n";
     // Create the aggregated style sheet
     if ($objCombiner->hasEntries()) {
         $strScripts .= \Template::generateStyleTag($objCombiner->getCombinedFile(), 'all') . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_CSS]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal scripts
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'])) {
         $objCombiner = new \Combiner();
         $objCombinerAsync = new \Combiner();
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) as $javascript) {
             $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($javascript);
             if ($options->static) {
                 if ($options->async) {
                     $objCombinerAsync->add($javascript, $options->mtime);
                 } else {
                     $objCombiner->add($javascript, $options->mtime);
             } else {
                 $strScripts .= \Template::generateScriptTag(static::addStaticUrlTo($javascript), $options->async) . "\n";
         // Create the aggregated script and add it before the non-static scripts (see #4890)
         if ($objCombiner->hasEntries()) {
             $strScripts = \Template::generateScriptTag($objCombiner->getCombinedFile()) . "\n" . $strScripts;
         if ($objCombinerAsync->hasEntries()) {
             $strScripts = \Template::generateScriptTag($objCombinerAsync->getCombinedFile(), true) . "\n" . $strScripts;
     // Add the internal <head> tags
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_HEAD']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HEAD'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_HEAD']) as $head) {
             $strScripts .= trim($head) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_HEAD]]'] = $strScripts;
     return str_replace(array_keys($arrReplace), array_values($arrReplace), $strBuffer);
Example #2
  * Create a new template
  * @param \PageModel   $objPage
  * @param \LayoutModel $objLayout
 protected function createTemplate($objPage, $objLayout)
     /** @var \FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
     $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($objPage->template);
     $this->Template = $objTemplate;
     $this->Template->viewport = '';
     $this->Template->framework = '';
     $arrFramework = deserialize($objLayout->framework);
     // Generate the CSS framework
     if (is_array($arrFramework) && in_array('layout.css', $arrFramework)) {
         $strFramework = '';
         if (in_array('responsive.css', $arrFramework)) {
             $this->Template->viewport = '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">' . "\n";
         // Wrapper
         if ($objLayout->static) {
             $arrSize = deserialize($objLayout->width);
             if (isset($arrSize['value']) && $arrSize['value'] != '' && $arrSize['value'] >= 0) {
                 $arrMargin = array('left' => '0 auto 0 0', 'center' => '0 auto', 'right' => '0 0 0 auto');
                 $strFramework .= sprintf('#wrapper{width:%s;margin:%s}', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit'], $arrMargin[$objLayout->align]);
         // Header
         if ($objLayout->rows == '2rwh' || $objLayout->rows == '3rw') {
             $arrSize = deserialize($objLayout->headerHeight);
             if (isset($arrSize['value']) && $arrSize['value'] != '' && $arrSize['value'] >= 0) {
                 $strFramework .= sprintf('#header{height:%s}', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit']);
         $strContainer = '';
         // Left column
         if ($objLayout->cols == '2cll' || $objLayout->cols == '3cl') {
             $arrSize = deserialize($objLayout->widthLeft);
             if (isset($arrSize['value']) && $arrSize['value'] != '' && $arrSize['value'] >= 0) {
                 $strFramework .= sprintf('#left{width:%s;right:%s}', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit'], $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit']);
                 $strContainer .= sprintf('padding-left:%s;', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit']);
         // Right column
         if ($objLayout->cols == '2clr' || $objLayout->cols == '3cl') {
             $arrSize = deserialize($objLayout->widthRight);
             if (isset($arrSize['value']) && $arrSize['value'] != '' && $arrSize['value'] >= 0) {
                 $strFramework .= sprintf('#right{width:%s}', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit']);
                 $strContainer .= sprintf('padding-right:%s;', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit']);
         // Main column
         if ($strContainer != '') {
             $strFramework .= sprintf('#container{%s}', substr($strContainer, 0, -1));
         // Footer
         if ($objLayout->rows == '2rwf' || $objLayout->rows == '3rw') {
             $arrSize = deserialize($objLayout->footerHeight);
             if (isset($arrSize['value']) && $arrSize['value'] != '' && $arrSize['value'] >= 0) {
                 $strFramework .= sprintf('#footer{height:%s}', $arrSize['value'] . $arrSize['unit']);
         // Add the layout specific CSS
         if ($strFramework != '') {
             $this->Template->framework = \Template::generateInlineStyle($strFramework) . "\n";
     // Overwrite the viewport tag (see #6251)
     if ($objLayout->viewport != '') {
         $this->Template->viewport = '<meta name="viewport" content="' . $objLayout->viewport . '">' . "\n";
     $this->Template->mooScripts = '';
     // Make sure TL_JAVASCRIPT exists (see #4890)
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'])) {
         $arrAppendJs = $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'];
         $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'] = array();
     } else {
         $arrAppendJs = array();
         $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'] = array();
     $arrPackages = \System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.packages');
     // jQuery scripts
     if ($objLayout->addJQuery) {
         if ($objLayout->jSource == 'j_googleapis' || $objLayout->jSource == 'j_fallback') {
             if (($strVersion = $arrPackages['contao-components/jquery']) !== null) {
                 $this->Template->mooScripts .= \Template::generateScriptTag('//' . $strVersion . '.min.js') . "\n";
                 // Local fallback (thanks to DyaGa)
                 if ($objLayout->jSource == 'j_fallback') {
                     $this->Template->mooScripts .= \Template::generateInlineScript('window.jQuery || document.write(\'<script src="' . TL_ASSETS_URL . 'assets/jquery/js/jquery.min.js">\\x3C/script>\')') . "\n";
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/jquery/js/jquery.min.js|static';
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/jquery/js/jquery.min.js|static';
     // MooTools scripts
     if ($objLayout->addMooTools) {
         if ($objLayout->mooSource == 'moo_googleapis' || $objLayout->mooSource == 'moo_fallback') {
             if (($strVersion = $arrPackages['contao-components/mootools']) !== null) {
                 $this->Template->mooScripts .= \Template::generateScriptTag('//' . $strVersion . '/mootools-yui-compressed.js') . "\n";
                 // Local fallback (thanks to DyaGa)
                 if ($objLayout->mooSource == 'moo_fallback') {
                     $this->Template->mooScripts .= \Template::generateInlineScript('window.MooTools || document.write(\'<script src="' . TL_ASSETS_URL . 'assets/mootools/js/mootools-core.min.js">\\x3C/script>\')') . "\n";
                 $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/mootools/js/mootools-more.min.js|static';
                 $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/mootools/js/mootools-mobile.min.js|static';
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/mootools/js/mootools.min.js|static';
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/mootools/js/mootools.min.js|static';
     // Picturefill
     if ($objLayout->picturefill) {
         $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'assets/respimage/js/respimage.min.js|static';
     // Check whether TL_APPEND_JS exists (see #4890)
     if (!empty($arrAppendJs)) {
         $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'], $arrAppendJs);
     // Initialize the sections
     $this->Template->header = '';
     $this->Template->left = '';
     $this->Template->main = '';
     $this->Template->right = '';
     $this->Template->footer = '';
     // Initialize the custom layout sections
     $this->Template->sections = array();
     $this->Template->sPosition = $objLayout->sPosition;
     // Default settings
     $this->Template->layout = $objLayout;
     $this->Template->language = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
     $this->Template->charset = \Config::get('characterSet');
     $this->Template->base = \Environment::get('base');
     $this->Template->disableCron = \Config::get('disableCron');
     $this->Template->cronTimeout = $this->getCronTimeout();
     $this->Template->isRTL = false;
  * Replace the dynamic script tags (see #4203)
  * @param string $strBuffer The string with the tags to be replaced
  * @return string The string with the replaced tags
 public static function replaceDynamicScriptTags($strBuffer)
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceDynamicScriptTags']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceDynamicScriptTags'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceDynamicScriptTags'] as $callback) {
             $strBuffer = static::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($strBuffer);
     $arrReplace = array();
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal jQuery scripts
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY']) as $script) {
             $strScripts .= "\n" . trim($script) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_JQUERY]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal MooTools scripts
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS']) as $script) {
             $strScripts .= "\n" . trim($script) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_MOOTOOLS]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal <body> tags
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_BODY']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_BODY'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_BODY']) as $script) {
             $strScripts .= trim($script) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_BODY]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     $objCombiner = new \Combiner();
     // Add the CSS framework style sheets
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_FRAMEWORK_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_FRAMEWORK_CSS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_FRAMEWORK_CSS']) as $stylesheet) {
     // Add the internal style sheets
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_CSS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_CSS']) as $stylesheet) {
             $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($stylesheet);
             if ($options->static) {
                 if ($options->mtime === null) {
                     $options->mtime = filemtime(TL_ROOT . '/' . $stylesheet);
                 $objCombiner->add($stylesheet, $options->mtime, $options->media);
             } else {
                 $strScripts .= \Template::generateStyleTag(static::addStaticUrlTo($stylesheet), $options->media) . "\n";
     // Add the user style sheets
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_USER_CSS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_USER_CSS'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_USER_CSS']) as $stylesheet) {
             $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($stylesheet);
             if ($options->static) {
                 $objCombiner->add($stylesheet, $options->mtime, $options->media);
             } else {
                 $strScripts .= \Template::generateStyleTag(static::addStaticUrlTo($stylesheet), $options->media) . "\n";
     // Create the aggregated style sheet
     if ($objCombiner->hasEntries()) {
         $strScripts .= \Template::generateStyleTag($objCombiner->getCombinedFile(), 'all') . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_CSS]]'] = $strScripts;
     $strScripts = '';
     // Add the internal scripts
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'])) {
         $objCombiner = new \Combiner();
         $objCombinerAsync = new \Combiner();
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']) as $javascript) {
             $options = \StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($javascript);
             if ($options->static) {
                 if ($options->mtime === null) {
                     $options->mtime = filemtime(TL_ROOT . '/' . $javascript);
                 $options->async ? $objCombinerAsync->add($javascript, $options->mtime) : $objCombiner->add($javascript, $options->mtime);
             } else {
                 $strScripts .= \Template::generateScriptTag(static::addStaticUrlTo($javascript), $options->async) . "\n";
         // Create the aggregated script and add it before the non-static scripts (see #4890)
         if ($objCombiner->hasEntries()) {
             $strScripts = \Template::generateScriptTag($objCombiner->getCombinedFile()) . "\n" . $strScripts;
         if ($objCombinerAsync->hasEntries()) {
             $strScripts = \Template::generateScriptTag($objCombinerAsync->getCombinedFile(), true) . "\n" . $strScripts;
     // Add the internal <head> tags
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_HEAD']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HEAD'])) {
         foreach (array_unique($GLOBALS['TL_HEAD']) as $head) {
             $strScripts .= trim($head) . "\n";
     $arrReplace['[[TL_HEAD]]'] = $strScripts;
     return str_replace(array_keys($arrReplace), array_values($arrReplace), $strBuffer);