addToUrl() public static method

Add the request token to the URL
public static addToUrl ( string $strRequest, boolean $blnAddRef = true, array $arrUnset = [] ) : string
$strRequest string
$blnAddRef boolean
$arrUnset array
return string
  * Recursively render the filetree
  * @param string  $path
  * @param integer $intMargin
  * @param boolean $mount
  * @param boolean $blnProtected
  * @param array   $arrFound
  * @return string
 protected function renderFiletree($path, $intMargin, $mount = false, $blnProtected = true, $arrFound = array())
     // Invalid path
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         return '';
     // Make sure that $this->varValue is an array (see #3369)
     if (!is_array($this->varValue)) {
         $this->varValue = array($this->varValue);
     static $session;
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $session = $objSessionBag->all();
     $flag = substr($this->strField, 0, 2);
     $node = 'tree_' . $this->strTable . '_' . $this->strField;
     $xtnode = 'tree_' . $this->strTable . '_' . $this->strName;
     // Get session data and toggle nodes
     if (\Input::get($flag . 'tg')) {
         $session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')] = isset($session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')]) && $session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $this->redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)' . $flag . 'tg=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     $return = '';
     $intSpacing = 20;
     $files = array();
     $folders = array();
     $level = $intMargin / $intSpacing + 1;
     // Mount folder
     if ($mount) {
         $folders = array($path);
     } else {
         foreach (scan($path) as $v) {
             if (strncmp($v, '.', 1) === 0) {
             if (is_dir($path . '/' . $v)) {
                 $folders[] = $path . '/' . $v;
             } else {
                 $files[] = $path . '/' . $v;
     $folders = array_values($folders);
     $files = array_values($files);
     // Sort descending (see #4072)
     if ($this->sort == 'desc') {
         $folders = array_reverse($folders);
         $files = array_reverse($files);
     $folderClass = $this->files || $this->filesOnly ? 'tl_folder' : 'tl_file';
     // Process folders
     for ($f = 0, $c = count($folders); $f < $c; $f++) {
         $content = scan($folders[$f]);
         $currentFolder = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $folders[$f]);
         $countFiles = count($content);
         // Check whether there are subfolders or files
         foreach ($content as $file) {
             if (strncmp($file, '.', 1) === 0) {
             } elseif (!$this->files && !$this->filesOnly && is_file($folders[$f] . '/' . $file)) {
             } elseif (!empty($arrFound) && !in_array($currentFolder . '/' . $file, $arrFound) && !preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($currentFolder . '/' . $file, '/') . '\\//', $arrFound)) {
         if (!empty($arrFound) && $countFiles < 1 && !in_array($currentFolder, $arrFound)) {
         $tid = md5($folders[$f]);
         $folderAttribute = 'style="margin-left:20px"';
         $session[$node][$tid] = is_numeric($session[$node][$tid]) ? $session[$node][$tid] : 0;
         $currentFolder = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $folders[$f]);
         $blnIsOpen = !empty($arrFound) || $session[$node][$tid] == 1 || count(preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($currentFolder, '/') . '\\//', $this->varValue)) > 0;
         $return .= "\n    " . '<li class="' . $folderClass . ' toggle_select hover-div"><div class="tl_left" style="padding-left:' . $intMargin . 'px">';
         // Add a toggle button if there are childs
         if ($countFiles > 0) {
             $folderAttribute = '';
             $img = $blnIsOpen ? 'folMinus.svg' : 'folPlus.svg';
             $alt = $blnIsOpen ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode'] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode'];
             $return .= '<a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl($flag . 'tg=' . $tid) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($alt) . '" onclick="return AjaxRequest.toggleFiletree(this,\'' . $xtnode . '_' . $tid . '\',\'' . $currentFolder . '\',\'' . $this->strField . '\',\'' . $this->strName . '\',' . $level . ')">' . \Image::getHtml($img, '', 'style="margin-right:2px"') . '</a>';
         $protected = $blnProtected;
         // Check whether the folder is public
         if ($protected === true && array_search('.public', $content) !== false) {
             $protected = false;
         $folderImg = $protected ? 'folderCP.svg' : 'folderC.svg';
         $folderLabel = $this->files || $this->filesOnly ? '<strong>' . \StringUtil::specialchars(basename($currentFolder)) . '</strong>' : \StringUtil::specialchars(basename($currentFolder));
         // Add the current folder
         $return .= \Image::getHtml($folderImg, '', $folderAttribute) . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('fn=' . $this->urlEncode($currentFolder)) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectNode']) . '">' . $folderLabel . '</a></div> <div class="tl_right">';
         // Add a checkbox or radio button
         if (!$this->filesOnly) {
             switch ($this->fieldType) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->strName . '[]" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFolder) . '" class="tl_tree_checkbox" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFolder) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFolder, $this->varValue) . '>';
                 case 'radio':
                     $return .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $this->strName . '" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFolder) . '" class="tl_tree_radio" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFolder) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFolder, $this->varValue) . '>';
         $return .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div></li>';
         // Call the next node
         if ($blnIsOpen) {
             $return .= '<li class="parent" id="' . $xtnode . '_' . $tid . '"><ul class="level_' . $level . '">';
             $return .= $this->renderFiletree($folders[$f], $intMargin + $intSpacing, false, $protected, $arrFound);
             $return .= '</ul></li>';
     // Process files
     if ($this->files || $this->filesOnly) {
         for ($h = 0, $c = count($files); $h < $c; $h++) {
             $thumbnail = '';
             $currentFile = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $files[$h]);
             $currentEncoded = $this->urlEncode($currentFile);
             $objFile = new \File($currentFile);
             if (!empty($this->arrValidFileTypes) && !in_array($objFile->extension, $this->arrValidFileTypes)) {
             // Ignore files not matching the search criteria
             if (!empty($arrFound) && !in_array($currentFile, $arrFound)) {
             $return .= "\n    " . '<li class="tl_file toggle_select hover-div"><div class="tl_left" style="padding-left:' . ($intMargin + $intSpacing) . 'px">';
             $thumbnail .= ' <span class="tl_gray">(' . $this->getReadableSize($objFile->filesize);
             if ($objFile->width && $objFile->height) {
                 $thumbnail .= ', ' . $objFile->width . 'x' . $objFile->height . ' px';
             $thumbnail .= ')</span>';
             // Generate thumbnail
             if ($objFile->isImage && $objFile->viewHeight > 0 && \Config::get('thumbnails') && ($objFile->isSvgImage || $objFile->height <= \Config::get('gdMaxImgHeight') && $objFile->width <= \Config::get('gdMaxImgWidth'))) {
                 $imageObj = \Image::create($currentEncoded, array(400, $objFile->height && $objFile->height < 50 ? $objFile->height : 50, 'box'));
                 $importantPart = $imageObj->getImportantPart();
                 $thumbnail .= '<br>' . \Image::getHtml($imageObj->executeResize()->getResizedPath(), '', 'style="margin:0 0 2px -19px"');
                 if ($importantPart['x'] > 0 || $importantPart['y'] > 0 || $importantPart['width'] < $objFile->width || $importantPart['height'] < $objFile->height) {
                     $thumbnail .= ' ' . \Image::getHtml($imageObj->setZoomLevel(100)->setTargetWidth(320)->setTargetHeight($objFile->height && $objFile->height < 40 ? $objFile->height : 40)->executeResize()->getResizedPath(), '', 'style="margin:0 0 2px 0;vertical-align:bottom"');
             $return .= \Image::getHtml($objFile->icon, $objFile->mime) . ' ' . \StringUtil::convertEncoding(\StringUtil::specialchars(basename($currentFile)), \Config::get('characterSet')) . $thumbnail . '</div> <div class="tl_right">';
             // Add checkbox or radio button
             switch ($this->fieldType) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->strName . '[]" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFile) . '" class="tl_tree_checkbox" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFile) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFile, $this->varValue) . '>';
                 case 'radio':
                     $return .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $this->strName . '" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . md5($currentFile) . '" class="tl_tree_radio" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($currentFile) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . $this->optionChecked($currentFile, $this->varValue) . '>';
             $return .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div></li>';
     return $return;
Example #2
     * Add a breadcrumb menu to the file tree
     * @param string $strKey
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public static function addFilesBreadcrumb($strKey = 'tl_files_node')
        /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSession */
        $objSession = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
        // Set a new node
        if (isset($_GET['fn'])) {
            // Check the path (thanks to Arnaud Buchoux)
            if (\Validator::isInsecurePath(\Input::get('fn', true))) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Insecure path ' . \Input::get('fn', true));
            $objSession->set($strKey, \Input::get('fn', true));
            \Controller::redirect(preg_replace('/(&|\\?)fn=[^&]*/', '', \Environment::get('request')));
        $strNode = $objSession->get($strKey);
        if ($strNode == '') {
        // Check the path (thanks to Arnaud Buchoux)
        if (\Validator::isInsecurePath($strNode)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Insecure path ' . $strNode);
        // Currently selected folder does not exist
        if (!is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strNode)) {
            $objSession->set($strKey, '');
        $objUser = \BackendUser::getInstance();
        $strPath = \Config::get('uploadPath');
        $arrNodes = explode('/', preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(\Config::get('uploadPath'), '/') . '\\//', '', $strNode));
        $arrLinks = array();
        // Add root link
        $arrLinks[] = \Image::getHtml('filemounts.svg') . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('fn=') . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAllNodes']) . '">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filterAll'] . '</a>';
        // Generate breadcrumb trail
        foreach ($arrNodes as $strFolder) {
            $strPath .= '/' . $strFolder;
            // Do not show pages which are not mounted
            if (!$objUser->hasAccess($strPath, 'filemounts')) {
            // No link for the active folder
            if ($strPath == $strNode) {
                $arrLinks[] = \Image::getHtml('folderC.svg') . ' ' . $strFolder;
            } else {
                $arrLinks[] = \Image::getHtml('folderC.svg') . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('fn=' . $strPath) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectNode']) . '">' . $strFolder . '</a>';
        // Check whether the node is mounted
        if (!$objUser->hasAccess($strNode, 'filemounts')) {
            $objSession->set($strKey, '');
            throw new AccessDeniedException('Folder ID "' . $strNode . '" is not mounted');
        // Limit tree
        $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['root'] = array($strNode);
        // Insert breadcrumb menu
        $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['breadcrumb'] .= '

<ul id="tl_breadcrumb">
  <li>' . implode(' &gt; </li><li>', $arrLinks) . '</li>
Example #3
     * Render the versions dropdown menu
     * @return string
    public function renderDropdown()
        $objVersion = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT tstamp, version, username, active FROM tl_version WHERE fromTable=? AND pid=? ORDER BY version DESC")->execute($this->strTable, $this->intPid);
        if ($objVersion->numRows < 2) {
            return '';
        $versions = '';
        while ($objVersion->next()) {
            $versions .= '
  <option value="' . $objVersion->version . '"' . ($objVersion->active ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['version'] . ' ' . $objVersion->version . ' (' . \Date::parse(\Config::get('datimFormat'), $objVersion->tstamp) . ') ' . $objVersion->username . '</option>';
        return '
<div class="tl_version_panel">

<form action="' . ampersand(\Environment::get('request'), true) . '" id="tl_version" class="tl_form" method="post">
<div class="tl_formbody">
<input type="hidden" name="FORM_SUBMIT" value="tl_version">
<input type="hidden" name="REQUEST_TOKEN" value="' . REQUEST_TOKEN . '">
<select name="version" class="tl_select">' . $versions . '
<button type="submit" name="showVersion" id="showVersion" class="tl_submit">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['restore'] . '</button>
<a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('versions=1&amp;popup=1') . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['showDifferences']) . '" onclick="Backend.openModalIframe({\'width\':768,\'title\':\'' . \StringUtil::specialchars(str_replace("'", "\\'", sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['recordOfTable'], $this->intPid, $this->strTable))) . '\',\'url\':this.href});return false">' . \Image::getHtml('diff.svg') . '</a>

  * Recursively render the pagetree
  * @param integer $id
  * @param integer $intMargin
  * @param boolean $protectedPage
  * @param boolean $blnNoRecursion
  * @param array   $arrFound
  * @return string
 protected function renderPagetree($id, $intMargin, $protectedPage = false, $blnNoRecursion = false, $arrFound = array())
     static $session;
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $session = $objSessionBag->all();
     $flag = substr($this->strField, 0, 2);
     $node = 'tree_' . $this->strTable . '_' . $this->strField;
     $xtnode = 'tree_' . $this->strTable . '_' . $this->strName;
     // Get the session data and toggle the nodes
     if (\Input::get($flag . 'tg')) {
         $session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')] = isset($session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')]) && $session[$node][\Input::get($flag . 'tg')] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $this->redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)' . $flag . 'tg=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     $objPage = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT id, alias, type, protected, published, start, stop, hide, title FROM tl_page WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($id);
     // Return if there is no result
     if ($objPage->numRows < 1) {
         return '';
     $return = '';
     $intSpacing = 20;
     $childs = array();
     // Check whether there are child records
     if (!$blnNoRecursion) {
         $objNodes = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT id FROM tl_page WHERE pid=?" . (!empty($arrFound) ? " AND id IN(" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $arrFound)) . ")" : '') . " ORDER BY sorting")->execute($id);
         if ($objNodes->numRows) {
             $childs = $objNodes->fetchEach('id');
     $return .= "\n    " . '<li class="' . ($objPage->type == 'root' ? 'tl_folder' : 'tl_file') . ' toggle_select hover-div"><div class="tl_left" style="padding-left:' . ($intMargin + $intSpacing) . 'px">';
     $folderAttribute = 'style="margin-left:20px"';
     $session[$node][$id] = is_numeric($session[$node][$id]) ? $session[$node][$id] : 0;
     $level = $intMargin / $intSpacing + 1;
     $blnIsOpen = !empty($arrFound) || $session[$node][$id] == 1 || in_array($id, $this->arrNodes);
     if (!empty($childs)) {
         $folderAttribute = '';
         $img = $blnIsOpen ? 'folMinus.svg' : 'folPlus.svg';
         $alt = $blnIsOpen ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode'] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode'];
         $return .= '<a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl($flag . 'tg=' . $id) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($alt) . '" onclick="return AjaxRequest.togglePagetree(this,\'' . $xtnode . '_' . $id . '\',\'' . $this->strField . '\',\'' . $this->strName . '\',' . $level . ')">' . \Image::getHtml($img, '', 'style="margin-right:2px"') . '</a>';
     // Set the protection status
     $objPage->protected = $objPage->protected || $protectedPage;
     // Add the current page
     if (!empty($childs)) {
         $return .= \Image::getHtml($this->getPageStatusIcon($objPage), '', $folderAttribute) . ' <a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('pn=' . $objPage->id) . '" title="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($objPage->title . ' (' . $objPage->alias . \Config::get('urlSuffix') . ')') . '">' . ($objPage->type == 'root' ? '<strong>' : '') . $objPage->title . ($objPage->type == 'root' ? '</strong>' : '') . '</a></div> <div class="tl_right">';
     } else {
         $return .= \Image::getHtml($this->getPageStatusIcon($objPage), '', $folderAttribute) . ' ' . ($objPage->type == 'root' ? '<strong>' : '') . $objPage->title . ($objPage->type == 'root' ? '</strong>' : '') . '</div> <div class="tl_right">';
     // Add checkbox or radio button
     switch ($this->fieldType) {
         case 'checkbox':
             $return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->strName . '[]" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . $id . '" class="tl_tree_checkbox" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($id) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . static::optionChecked($id, $this->varValue) . '>';
         case 'radio':
             $return .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $this->strName . '" id="' . $this->strName . '_' . $id . '" class="tl_tree_radio" value="' . \StringUtil::specialchars($id) . '" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()"' . static::optionChecked($id, $this->varValue) . '>';
     $return .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div></li>';
     // Begin a new submenu
     if ($blnIsOpen || !empty($childs) && $objSessionBag->get('page_selector_search') != '') {
         $return .= '<li class="parent" id="' . $node . '_' . $id . '"><ul class="level_' . $level . '">';
         for ($k = 0, $c = count($childs); $k < $c; $k++) {
             $return .= $this->renderPagetree($childs[$k], $intMargin + $intSpacing, $objPage->protected, $blnNoRecursion, $arrFound);
         $return .= '</ul></li>';
     return $return;
  * Run the tests for given table
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $table
  * @return array
 protected function runTestsForTable($module, $table)
     $db = Database::getInstance();
     $user = BackendUser::getInstance();
     $return = [];
     switch ($table) {
         case 'tl_calendar_events':
             $calendars = $db->execute("SELECT id, title FROM tl_calendar WHERE seo_serp_ignore='' ORDER BY title");
             while ($calendars->next()) {
                 $test = $this->runTests($table, $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_calendar_events WHERE pid=?")->execute($calendars->id));
                 $return[] = ['url' => Backend::addToUrl($this->redirectParamName . '=' . $module . '|' . base64_encode('table=' . $table . '&id=' . $calendars->id)), 'reference' => $calendars->title, 'message' => $this->generateTestMessage($test), 'result' => $test, 'hasAccess' => $user->isAdmin || is_array($user->calendars) && in_array($calendars->id, $user->calendars)];
         case 'tl_news':
             $archives = $db->execute("SELECT id, title FROM tl_news_archive WHERE seo_serp_ignore='' ORDER BY title");
             while ($archives->next()) {
                 $test = $this->runTests($table, $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_news WHERE pid=?")->execute($archives->id));
                 $return[] = ['url' => Backend::addToUrl($this->redirectParamName . '=' . $module . '|' . base64_encode('table=' . $table . '&id=' . $archives->id)), 'reference' => $archives->title, 'message' => $this->generateTestMessage($test), 'result' => $test, 'hasAccess' => $user->isAdmin || is_array($user->news) && in_array($archives->id, $user->news)];
         case 'tl_page':
             $rootIds = $db->execute("SELECT id FROM tl_page WHERE type='root' AND seo_serp_ignore=''");
             $pageIds = $db->getChildRecords($rootIds->fetchEach('id'), 'tl_page');
             if (count($pageIds) > 0) {
                 $pages = $db->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_page WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $pageIds) . ")");
                 if ($pages->numRows) {
                     $notes = [];
                     $test = $this->runTests($table, $pages->reset());
                     // Add the note if the user is not admin and there are some errors or warnings
                     if (!$user->isAdmin && ($test['errors'] > 0 || $test['warnings'] > 0)) {
                         $rootCount = 0;
                         $userCount = 0;
                         // Count the total root pages and those the user has access to
                         while ($pages->next()) {
                             if ($pages->type === 'root') {
                                 if (in_array($pages->id, (array) $user->pagemounts)) {
                         if ($userCount < $rootCount) {
                             $notes[] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['seo_serp_module.pagesNote'];
                     $return[] = ['url' => Backend::addToUrl($this->redirectParamName . '=' . $module), 'message' => $this->generateTestMessage($test), 'result' => $test, 'hasAccess' => true, 'notes' => $notes];
     return $return;
Example #6
  * Generate the widget and return it as string
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     $arrOptions = array();
     if (!$this->multiple && count($this->arrOptions) > 1) {
         $this->arrOptions = array($this->arrOptions[0]);
     // The "required" attribute only makes sense for single checkboxes
     if ($this->mandatory && !$this->multiple) {
         $this->arrAttributes['required'] = 'required';
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $state = $objSessionBag->get('checkbox_groups');
     // Toggle the checkbox group
     if (\Input::get('cbc')) {
         $state[\Input::get('cbc')] = isset($state[\Input::get('cbc')]) && $state[\Input::get('cbc')] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $objSessionBag->set('checkbox_groups', $state);
         $this->redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)cbc=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     $blnFirst = true;
     $blnCheckAll = true;
     foreach ($this->arrOptions as $i => $arrOption) {
         // Single dimension array
         if (is_numeric($i)) {
             $arrOptions[] = $this->generateCheckbox($arrOption, $i);
         $id = 'cbc_' . $this->strId . '_' . \StringUtil::standardize($i);
         $img = 'folPlus.svg';
         $display = 'none';
         if (!isset($state[$id]) || !empty($state[$id])) {
             $img = 'folMinus.svg';
             $display = 'block';
         $arrOptions[] = '<div class="checkbox_toggler' . ($blnFirst ? '_first' : '') . '"><a href="' . \Backend::addToUrl('cbc=' . $id) . '" onclick="AjaxRequest.toggleCheckboxGroup(this,\'' . $id . '\');Backend.getScrollOffset();return false">' . \Image::getHtml($img) . '</a>' . $i . '</div><fieldset id="' . $id . '" class="tl_checkbox_container checkbox_options" style="display:' . $display . '"><input type="checkbox" id="check_all_' . $id . '" class="tl_checkbox" onclick="Backend.toggleCheckboxGroup(this, \'' . $id . '\')"> <label for="check_all_' . $id . '" style="color:#a6a6a6"><em>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAll'] . '</em></label>';
         // Multidimensional array
         foreach ($arrOption as $k => $v) {
             $arrOptions[] = $this->generateCheckbox($v, standardize($i) . '_' . $k);
         $arrOptions[] = '</fieldset>';
         $blnFirst = false;
         $blnCheckAll = false;
     // Add a "no entries found" message if there are no options
     if (empty($arrOptions)) {
         $arrOptions[] = '<p class="tl_noopt">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['noResult'] . '</p>';
         $blnCheckAll = false;
     if ($this->multiple) {
         return sprintf('<fieldset id="ctrl_%s" class="tl_checkbox_container%s"><legend>%s%s%s%s</legend><input type="hidden" name="%s" value="">%s%s</fieldset>%s', $this->strId, $this->strClass != '' ? ' ' . $this->strClass : '', $this->mandatory ? '<span class="invisible">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['mandatory'] . ' </span>' : '', $this->strLabel, $this->mandatory ? '<span class="mandatory">*</span>' : '', $this->xlabel, $this->strName, $blnCheckAll ? '<input type="checkbox" id="check_all_' . $this->strId . '" class="tl_checkbox" onclick="Backend.toggleCheckboxGroup(this,\'ctrl_' . $this->strId . '\')' . ($this->onclick ? ';' . $this->onclick : '') . '"> <label for="check_all_' . $this->strId . '" style="color:#a6a6a6"><em>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAll'] . '</em></label><br>' : '', str_replace('<br></fieldset><br>', '</fieldset>', implode('<br>', $arrOptions)), $this->wizard);
     } else {
         return sprintf('<div id="ctrl_%s" class="tl_checkbox_single_container%s"><input type="hidden" name="%s" value="">%s</div>%s', $this->strId, $this->strClass != '' ? ' ' . $this->strClass : '', $this->strName, str_replace('<br></div><br>', '</div>', implode('<br>', $arrOptions)), $this->wizard);
  * Add some suffix to the current URL.
  * @param AddToUrlEvent $event The event.
  * @return void
 public static function handleAddToUrl(AddToUrlEvent $event)
     * Returns HTML markup for the global operation.
     * @param PageModel $page
     * @param array     $languages
     * @return string
    private function onSwitchButtonCallback(PageModel $page, array $languages)
        $list = '';
        $markup = <<<'HTML'
<div class="header_switchLanguage">
    <svg viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns=""><path d="M782 1078q-1 3-12.5-.5t-31.5-11.5l-20-9q-44-20-87-49-7-5-41-31.5t-38-28.5q-67 103-134 181-81 95-105 110-4 2-19.5 4t-18.5 0q6-4 82-92 21-24 85.5-115t78.5-118q17-30 51-98.5t36-77.5q-8-1-110 33-8 2-27.5 7.5t-34.5 9.5-17 5q-2 2-2 10.5t-1 9.5q-5 10-31 15-23 7-47 0-18-4-28-21-4-6-5-23 6-2 24.5-5t29.5-6q58-16 105-32 100-35 102-35 10-2 43-19.5t44-21.5q9-3 21.5-8t14.5-5.5 6 .5q2 12-1 33 0 2-12.5 27t-26.5 53.5-17 33.5q-25 50-77 131l64 28q12 6 74.5 32t67.5 28q4 1 10.5 25.5t4.5 30.5zm-205-486q3 15-4 28-12 23-50 38-30 12-60 12-26-3-49-26-14-15-18-41l1-3q3 3 19.5 5t26.5 0 58-16q36-12 55-14 17 0 21 17zm698 129l63 227-139-42zm-1108 800l694-232v-1032l-694 233v1031zm1241-317l102 31-181-657-100-31-216 536 102 31 45-110 211 65zm-503-962l573 184v-380zm311 1323l158 13-54 160-40-66q-130 83-276 108-58 12-91 12h-84q-79 0-199.5-39t-183.5-85q-8-7-8-16 0-8 5-13.5t13-5.5q4 0 18 7.5t30.5 16.5 20.5 11q73 37 159.5 61.5t157.5 24.5q95 0 167-14.5t157-50.5q15-7 30.5-15.5t34-19 28.5-16.5zm448-1079v1079l-774-246q-14 6-375 127.5t-368 121.5q-13 0-18-13 0-1-1-3v-1078q3-9 4-10 5-6 20-11 106-35 149-50v-384l558 198q2 0 160.5-55t316-108.5 161.5-53.5q20 0 20 21v418z"/></svg>
        foreach ($languages as $id => $language) {
            $list .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></li>', Backend::addToUrl('&amp;switchLanguage=' . $id), sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['switchLanguageTo'][1], $language), $language);
        return sprintf($markup, $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['switchLanguage'], $this->getLanguageLabel($page->language), $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['switchLanguageTo'][0], $list);