Example #1
  * Resolves a package link to a package in the installed pool
  * Since dependencies are already installed this should always find one.
  * @param Pool $pool Pool of installed packages only
  * @param Link $link Package link to look up
  * @return PackageInterface|null The found package
 private function lookupInstalledPackage(Pool $pool, Link $link)
     $packages = $pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     return !empty($packages) ? $packages[0] : null;
Example #2
  * Include the constraint of root dependency version in the constraint
  * of installed package.
  * @param PackageInterface $package The installed package
  * @param Link             $link    The link contained installed constraint
  * @return Link The link with root and installed version constraint
 private function includeRootConstraint(PackageInterface $package, Link $link)
     if (isset($this->requires[$package->getName()])) {
         /* @var Link $rLink */
         $rLink = $this->requires[$package->getName()];
         $useConjunctive = FilterUtil::checkExtraOption($this->package, 'asset-optimize-with-conjunctive');
         $constraint = new MultiConstraint(array($rLink->getConstraint(), $link->getConstraint()), $useConjunctive);
         $link = new Link($rLink->getSource(), $rLink->getTarget(), $constraint, 'installed', $constraint->getPrettyString());
     return $link;
  * @param \Composer\Package\Link $packageLink
  * @param bool $ignoreRequiredVersion
  * @param bool $exactAsTilda
  * @return \Composer\Package\PackageInterface[]
 private function getVersionsByPackageLink(Link $packageLink, $ignoreRequiredVersion = FALSE, $exactAsTilda = FALSE)
     $constraint = $packageLink->getConstraint();
     if ($this->versionParser->parseStability($constraint->getPrettyString()) !== 'dev') {
         if ($ignoreRequiredVersion) {
             $constraint = NULL;
         } elseif ($exactAsTilda && $this->isExact($constraint)) {
             $constraint = $this->versionParser->parseConstraints(sprintf('~%s', $constraint->getPrettyString()));
     return $this->getVersions($packageLink->getTarget(), $constraint);
     * Check if the require dependency has a satisfactory version.
     * @param Link   $require           The require link defined in root package.
     * @param string $normalizedVersion The normalized version
     * @return bool
    protected function satisfyVersion(Link $require, $normalizedVersion)
        $constraintSame = $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($normalizedVersion);
        $sameVersion = (bool) $require->getConstraint()->matches($constraintSame);

        $normalizedVersion = $this->getVersionConstraint($normalizedVersion);
        $constraint = $this->getVersionConstraint($normalizedVersion);

        return (bool) $require->getConstraint()->matches($constraint) || $sameVersion;