/** * Displays homepage. * * @return mixed */ public function actionMain() { // 判断是否微信跳转过来 if (isset($_SESSION['code'])) { $_GET['code'] = $_SESSION['code']; $_SESSION['code'] = null; } $result = User::getInstance()->indexIsShowData(Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')); setcookie('indexIsShowData', json_encode($result)); if (!isset($_GET['code'])) { $user_id = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id'); if (empty($user_id)) { // 虚拟账号登陆 $user = User::getInstance()->getUserById(10011); Cookie::getInstance()->setLoginCookie($user); } else { $user = User::getInstance()->getUserById($user_id); } } else { $user = $this->weChatMember(); } if ($user['status'] > 2) { Cookie::getInstance()->delLoginCookie(); if ($user['wx_id']) { setcookie('wx_login', 'out', time() + 3600 * 24 * 30, '/wap'); } } return $this->render(); }
/** * 发布约会 * @param $data * @return bool */ public function release($data) { if (isset($data['id']) && ($row = $this->findOne($data['id']))) { $row->theme = $data['theme']; $row->title = $data['title']; $row->content = $data['content']; $row->sex = $data['sex']; $row->destination = $data['destination']; $row->rendezvous_time = is_numeric($data['rendezvous_time']) ? $data['rendezvous_time'] : 0; $row->fee_des = $data['fee_des']; $row->we_want = $data['we_want']; $row->status = 1; return $row->save(); } else { $this->user_id = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; $this->create_time = time(); $this->theme = $data['theme']; $this->title = $data['title']; $this->content = $data['content']; $this->sex = $data['sex']; $this->destination = $data['destination']; $this->rendezvous_time = is_numeric($data['rendezvous_time']) ? $data['rendezvous_time'] : 0; $this->fee_des = $data['fee_des']; $this->we_want = $data['we_want']; return $this->save(); } }
public function actionQuickLogin() { // QQ登陆 if ($this->get['t'] == 'qq' && isset($this->get['code']) && $this->get['code'] != '') { $qqUser = Qq::getInstance()->getUser($this->get['code']); if ($qqUser) { if (!($user = User::getInstance()->getUser(['username' => $qqUser['openId']]))) { $user = ['username' => $qqUser['openId'], 'password' => $qqUser['openId'], 'login_type' => 2, 'sex' => $qqUser['sex']]; $user['id'] = User::getInstance()->addUser($user); } } } else { if ($this->get['t'] == 'weibo' && isset($this->get['code']) && $this->get['code'] != '') { $weiboUser = Weibo::getInstance()->getUser($this->get['code']); print_r($weiboUser); exit; } } \common\models\User::getInstance()->loginLog($user['id']); Cookie::getInstance()->setLoginCookie($user, '/qt'); return $this->render(); }
/** * 诚信认证图片上传 */ public function actionAuthPictures() { $user_id = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; $data = $this->thumb(); // 保存数据 if (1 == $data['status']) { //删除旧图片 if ($photo = UserPhoto::getInstance()->getPhotoList($user_id, $this->get['type'])) { $thumb_path = __DIR__ . "/../.." . $photo[0]['thumb_path']; if (is_file($thumb_path) && unlink($thumb_path)) { $pic_path = str_replace('thumb', 'picture', $thumb_path); unlink($pic_path); } $photo[0]['thumb_path'] = $data['thumb_path']; $photo[0]['pic_path'] = $data['pic_path']; $photo[0]['update_time'] = $data['time']; $photo[0]['is_check'] = 2; if (!UserPhoto::getInstance()->savePhoto($photo, $user_id, $photo[0]['type'])) { $data = ['status' => -1, 'info' => '保存失败!~']; } } else { $photo['type'] = $this->get['type']; $photo['thumb_path'] = $data['thumb_path']; $photo['pic_path'] = $data['pic_path']; $photo['time'] = $data['time']; if (!UserPhoto::getInstance()->addPhoto($user_id, $photo)) { $data = ['status' => -1, 'info' => '保存失败!~']; } } } $this->renderAjax($data); }
/** * 申请约会 */ public function actionAddApply() { $user_id = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; $list = UserRendezvous::getInstance()->addApply($user_id, $this->get); $this->renderAjax(['status' => 1, 'data' => $list]); }
/** * 发送红包 */ public function actionSendBribery() { if (!$this->isLogin()) { // 未登录用户返回失败 return $this->renderAjax(['status' => 0, 'message' => '用户未登录']); } $get = \Yii::$app->request->get(); $sendId = $get['sendId']; $receiveId = $get['receiveId']; $money = (int) ($get['money'] * 100); $briMessage = isset($get['bri_message']) ? $get['bri_message'] : ''; if (\common\util\Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie("bhy_id") != $sendId) { // 非自己登陆的账号 return $this->renderAjax(['status' => -1, 'message' => '非法请求']); } else { if ($money < 1 || $money > 20000) { // 发送金额不符合要求 return $this->renderAjax(['status' => -2, 'message' => '金额不对']); } } $userInfo = \wechat\models\User::getInstance()->getUserByName(\common\util\Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_u_name')); if ($userInfo['balance'] < $money) { // 账户余额不够 return $this->renderAjax(['status' => -3, 'message' => '余额不够']); } if ($id = UserMessage::getInstance()->sendBribery($sendId, $receiveId, $money, $briMessage)) { $this->renderAjax(['status' => 1, 'message' => json_encode(["id" => $id, "bri_message" => $briMessage, "money" => $money])]); } else { $this->renderAjax(['status' => 999, 'message' => '发送失败']); } }
public function actionProduceOrder() { /*if (isset($this->get['flag_h'])){ // 微信发红包数据 $data = [ 'goodsId'=>8, 'user_id'=>Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value, 'money'=>$this->get['money'], 'chargeTypeId'=>5 ]; }else{ $data = $this->get; }*/ $data = $this->get; if (isset($data['goodsId'])) { $userId = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; if (!$userId) { $this->renderAjax(['status' => -1, 'msg' => '用户未登录']); } if (isset($data['money'])) { if (intval($data['money']) < 1 || intval($data['money']) > 20000) { $this->renderAjax(['status' => -2, 'msg' => '充值金额异常']); } } $orderId = ChargeOrder::getInstance()->createOrder($userId, $data); if ($orderId) { $this->renderAjax(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '下单成功', 'data' => $orderId]); } else { $this->renderAjax(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '下单失败']); } } else { $this->renderAjax(['status' => -2, 'msg' => '没有商品信息']); } }
/** * 退出登录 * @return bool */ public function loginOut() { Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id') ? Cookie::getInstance()->delCookie('bhy_id') : true; Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_u_name') ? Cookie::getInstance()->delCookie('bhy_u_name') : true; return true; }
/** * 获取拉黑的总数 */ public function actionGetSumBlack() { $user_id = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; $data = UserFollow::getInstance()->getSumFollow('black', $user_id); return $this->renderAjax(['status' => 1, 'data' => $data]); }
/** * 首页是否显示数据 */ public function actionIndexIsShowData() { $user_id = Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id'); $result = User::getInstance()->indexIsShowData($user_id); $this->renderAjax($result); }
public function actionHonestyPhoto() { $user_id = isset($this->get['user_id']) ? $this->get['user_id'] : Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; $userInfo = UserInformation::getInstance()->getUserField($user_id, ['honesty_value']); if ($userInfo['honesty_value'] & 1) { $sfz = 1; } else { $sfz = UserPhoto::getInstance()->getPhotoList($user_id, 23, 2); if (count($sfz) == 2) { if ($sfz[0]['is_check'] == 1 && $sfz[1]['is_check'] == 1) { $sfz = 1; UserInformation::getInstance()->updateUserInfo($user_id, ['honesty_value' => $userInfo['honesty_value'] + 1]); } elseif ($sfz[0]['is_check'] == 0 || $sfz[1]['is_check'] == 0) { $sfz = 0; } else { $sfz = 2; } } else { $sfz = ''; } } if (isset($this->get['user_id'])) { $this->renderAjax(['status' => 1, 'sfz' => $sfz, 'msg' => '获取成功']); } else { $marr = $userInfo['honesty_value'] & 2 ? 1 : $this->checkPhoto($user_id, 5, $userInfo['honesty_value']); $edu = $userInfo['honesty_value'] & 4 ? 1 : $this->checkPhoto($user_id, 4, $userInfo['honesty_value']); $housing = $userInfo['honesty_value'] & 8 ? 1 : $this->checkPhoto($user_id, 6, $userInfo['honesty_value']); $this->renderAjax(['status' => 1, 'sfz' => $sfz, 'marr' => $marr, 'edu' => $edu, 'housing' => $housing, 'msg' => '获取成功']); } }
/** * 根据动态ID获取动态内容 * @param $id * @return array */ public function getDynamicById($id) { $loginUserId = \common\util\Cookie::getInstance()->getCookie('bhy_id')->value; return (new Query())->from($this->tablePrefix . "user_dynamic d")->innerJoin($this->tablePrefix . 'user_information i', 'd.user_id=i.user_id')->innerJoin($this->tablePrefix . 'user u', 'd.user_id=u.id')->leftJoin($this->tablePrefix . 'user_click c', 'c.dynamic_id = d.id and c.user_id=' . $loginUserId)->leftJoin($this->tablePrefix . 'user_photo p', 'p.user_id = d.user_id AND p.is_head = 1')->where(['d.id' => $id])->select(["d.*", "u.phone", "i.honesty_value", "i.report_flag", "json_extract(i.info , '\$.level') AS level", "json_extract(i.info , '\$.head_pic') AS head_pic", "json_extract(i.info , '\$.real_name') AS real_name", "json_extract(i.info , '\$.age') AS age", 'u.sex', 'p.thumb_path AS thumb_path', 'p.is_check AS head_status', "c.id as cid"])->one(); }
/** * 微信登录获取微信用户信息 * @return array|bool */ protected function weChatMember() { $code = \Yii::$app->request->get('code'); if ($code == null) { return false; } else { setcookie('wx_login', 'login', time() + 3600 * 24 * 30, '/wap'); } $memberInfo = \Yii::$app->wechat->getMemberByCode($code); // 从微信获取用户 // $memberInfo['openid'] = 'oEQpts_MMapxllPTfwRw0VfGeLSg'; // 测试 $data = ['wx_id' => $memberInfo['openid'], 'username' => $memberInfo['openid'], 'password' => 'wx_xx', 'login_type' => 3, 'sex' => isset($memberInfo['sex']) && $memberInfo['sex'] == 2 ? 0 : 1]; $user = User::getInstance()->getUser(['wx_id' => $data['wx_id']]); if (!$user) { // 用户不存在,虚拟账号登陆 setcookie('wx_id', $data['wx_id'], time() + 3600 * 24 * 30, '/'); $data['sex'] == 1 ? $user = User::getInstance()->getUserById(10011) : ($user = User::getInstance()->getUserById(10016)); } // 登录日志 \common\models\User::getInstance()->loginLog($user['id']); // 设置登录cookie Cookie::getInstance()->setLoginCookie($user); return $user; }