/** * Finds the Betterdebt model based on its primary key value. * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. * @param integer $id * @return Betterdebt the loaded model * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found */ protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = Betterdebt::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }
public function beforeAction($action) { // ID $ctrl_id = $action->controller->id; $action_id = $action->id; $behaviour = $ctrl_id . '/' . $action_id; if (parent::beforeAction($action)) { // 判断 id_application 权限 if (isset($_GET['id_application']) && !isset($_GET['id_app_task'])) { $application = Application::findOne($_GET['id_application']); if (!$application->checkOnwerAccess($this->user->id_user)) { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; $app_task = AppTask::findOne(['id_application' => $application->id_application, 'id_app_task_type' => DictTask::TYPE_APPLICATION_FORM]); if (($app_task->status != DictTask::STATUS_ACTIVE || $app_task->application->id_application_status != DictApplication::STATUS_ACTIVE) && !in_array($behaviour, ['task-sign/close', 'task-supplemental-information/view-file'])) { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT || $this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_ADVISOR) { $this->redirect(['/application/view', 'id' => $app_task->id_application]); } else { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_CLIENT) { $this->redirect(['/loan/application']); } } return false; } } else { throw new UnauthorizedHttpException("Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."); } } else { // app-form 特殊判断 if ($ctrl_id == 'app-form') { $app_task = AppTask::findOne(['id_application' => $application->id_application, 'id_app_task_type' => DictTask::TYPE_APPLICATION_FORM]); if ($app_task->status != DictTask::STATUS_ACTIVE || $app_task->application->id_application_status != DictApplication::STATUS_ACTIVE) { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT || $this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_ADVISOR) { $this->redirect(['/application/view', 'id' => $app_task->id_application]); } else { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_CLIENT) { $this->redirect(['/loan/application']); } } return false; } if ($app_task->owner_type == DictTask::$userRoleToOwner[$this->user->id_user_role]) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_OPERATE; } else { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } } else { if ($behaviour == 'task-sign/close') { $betterdebt = Betterdebt::findOne(['id_user' => $this->user->id_user]); if ($betterdebt->is_in_service_team == Dict::BD_SERVICE_TEAM_YES) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_OPERATE; } else { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } } else { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } } } } // 判断 id_app_task 权限 if (isset($_GET['id_app_task'])) { $app_task = AppTask::findOne($_GET['id_app_task']); if ($app_task->application->checkOnwerAccess($this->user->id_user)) { if (!AppTask::checkOnwerAccess($app_task, $behaviour)) { throw new UnauthorizedHttpException("Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."); } else { if (in_array($behaviour, ['task-sign/close', 'task/assign-to', 'task-sign/remind'])) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_OPERATE; } else { if (DictTask::$ownerToUserRole[$app_task->owner_type] == $this->user->id_user_role) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_OPERATE; } else { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } } } } else { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } else { throw new UnauthorizedHttpException("Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."); } } $loan = Loan::findOne(['id_application' => $app_task->id_application]); // 如果任务不是正在进行中,则跳转 if ($app_task->status != DictTask::STATUS_ACTIVE || $app_task->application->id_application_status != DictApplication::STATUS_ACTIVE || isset($loan) && $loan->status == Dict::LOAN_STATUS_CLOSED) { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT || $this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_ADVISOR) { $this->redirect(['/application/view', 'id' => $app_task->id_application]); } else { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_CLIENT) { $this->redirect(['/loan/application']); } } return false; } } // 判断 id_app_form_collateral_account 权限 if (isset($_GET['id_app_form_collateral_account'])) { $collateral_account = AppFormCollateralAccount::findOne($_GET['id_app_form_collateral_account']); if (!$collateral_account->application->checkOnwerAccess($this->user->id_user)) { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } else { throw new UnauthorizedHttpException("Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."); } } else { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_OPERATE; } } // 判断 id_app_task_checkpoint 权限 if (isset($_GET['id_app_task_checkpoint'])) { $checkpoint = AppTaskCheckpoint::findOne($_GET['id_app_task_checkpoint']); if (!$checkpoint->appTask->application->checkOnwerAccess($this->user->id_user) || !AppTask::checkOnwerAccess($checkpoint->appTask, $behaviour)) { if ($this->user->id_user_role == Dict::USER_ROLE_BETTERDEBT) { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_READ; } else { throw new UnauthorizedHttpException("Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."); } } else { $this->AUTH = Dict::AUTH_OPERATE; } } } return true; }