function process($params, $options) { $seoKey = Util::getArrayKey($params, "category_id"); $collectionDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Collection(); $zmember = $collectionDao->uizmemberOnSeoKey(Nest::ui_category(), $seoKey); if (is_null($zmember) || !isset($zmember["ui_code"])) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http404(); $controller->process(); exit; } $code = $zmember["ui_code"]; $catName = $zmember["name"]; $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post(); $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams(); $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage"); $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage; $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $paginator = new Pagination($qparams, $pageSize); $postDBRows = $postDao->getPagedOnCategory($paginator, $code); $pageHeader = $catName; $pageBaseUrl = "/category/{$seoKey}"; $pageTitle = SeoData::getPageTitleWithNumber($gpage, $catName); $metaKeywords = SeoData::getMetaKeywords($catName); $metaDescription = SeoData::getMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage, $catName); $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php'; include $file; }
function detect_bad_utf8($mysqli, $flag = false) { $sql = "select max(id) as total from sc_post "; $row = MySQL\Helper::fetchRow($mysqli, $sql); $total = $row["total"]; $pageSize = 50; $pages = ceil($total / $pageSize); $count = 0; while ($count <= $pages) { $start = $count * $pageSize + 1; $end = $start + ($pageSize - 1); $sql = " select pseudo_id,title,description from sc_post where (id <= {end}) and (id >= {start} ) "; $sql = str_replace(array("{end}", "{start}"), array(0 => $end, 1 => $start), $sql); $rows = MySQL\Helper::fetchRows($mysqli, $sql); printf("processing row between %d and %d \n", $start, $end); foreach ($rows as $row) { $description = $row['description']; if (!Util::isUtf8($description)) { printf("Bad utf-8 for item - %s \n", $row['pseudo_id']); if ($flag) { $clean_description = Util::filterBadUtf8($description); $clean_title = Util::filterBadUtf8($row['title']); update_clean_utf8($mysqli, $row['pseudo_id'], $clean_title, $clean_description); } } } sleep(1); $count++; } }
static function convertDBTime($original) { if (CoreUtil::tryEmpty($original)) { return ""; } $format = "%e %b, %Y"; $dt = strftime($format, strtotime($original)); return $dt; }
function create($firstName, $lastName, $email, $password) { $provider = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::MIK; if (Util::tryEmpty($firstName) || Util::tryEmpty($lastName)) { throw new UIException(array("User name is missing!")); } $userName = $firstName . ' ' . $lastName; $remoteIp = \com\indigloo\Url::getRemoteIp(); mysql\Login::create($provider, $userName, $firstName, $lastName, $email, $password, $remoteIp); }
function filter($filter, $alias) { $columns = $this->getColumns(); $column = Util::tryArrayKey($columns, $filter->name); if (is_null($column)) { $message = sprintf("No column %s in model", $filter->name); trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } //find condition for this column using model $sql = $this->getValue($alias, $column, $filter->condition, $filter->value); return $sql; }
function detect_bad($itemId, $createdOn, $image) { global $number; $id = $image->id; $storeName = $image->storeName; $thumbnail = $image->thumbnail; if (Util::contains($storeName, "?") || Util::contains($storeName, "&") || Util::contains($thumbnail, "?") || Util::contains($thumbnail, "&")) { $url = "" . $storeName; $code = get_http_code($url); printf("%d :: suspected : item %s on %s \n\t image %s \n\t thumbnail %s \n\t code = %s \n\n", $number, $itemId, $createdOn, $storeName, $thumbnail, $code); sleep(2); $number++; } }
function check_image_name($name) { $allowed = array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"); $extension = Util::getFileExtension($name); if (!empty($extension)) { $extension = strtolower($extension); } if (empty($extension) || !in_array($extension, $allowed)) { $message = sprintf("error uploading %s : only JPG, JPEG, GIF, or PNG allowed", $name); $data = array("code" => 500, "error" => $message); echo json_encode($data); exit; } }
function filter($filters) { if (is_null($filters) || empty($filters)) { return; } foreach ($filters as $filter) { $model = $filter->model; $alias = Util::tryArrayKey($this->amap, get_class($model)); $value = $filter->value; //sanitize input $value = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($value); $filter->sanitize($value); $condition = $model->filter($filter, $alias); $this->addCondition($condition); } }
/** * @error if links json is empty or spaces in DB column * @error if links json evaluates to NULL by json_decode * @error if links json is valid but not an array * @return an array of strings (links) * */ function getLinkDataOnId($postId) { $row = mysql\Post::getLinkDataOnId($postId); $json = $row['json']; $links = NULL; if (!Util::tryEmpty($json)) { $links = json_decode($json); } if (is_null($links) || !is_array($links)) { $message = sprintf("Post %d has Bad json [ %s ] ", $postId, $json); Logger::getInstance()->error($message); $links = NULL; } $data = array('links' => $links, 'version' => $row['version']); return $data; }
/** * @return code - returned from sendgrid mail wrapper. * A non zero code indicate failure, zero means success * */ static function sendActivityMail($name, $email, $feedText, $feedHtml) { $templates = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Mail::getActivity($name, $feedText, $feedHtml); //get new text and html now. $text = $templates["text"]; $html = $templates["html"]; // According to mail chimp research - mail subject // should be 50 chars or less // However we need to send long post titles in subject. $subject = Util::abbreviate(" - " . $feedText, 100); $subject .= "..."; $from = Config::getInstance()->get_value("default.mail.address"); $fromName = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $tos = array($email); $code = \com\indigloo\mail\SendGrid::sendViaWeb($tos, $from, $fromName, $subject, $text, $html); return $code; }
function process($params, $options) { if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400(); $controller->process(); exit; } $plistId = Util::getArrayKey($params, "list_id"); $listId = PseudoId::decode($plistId); $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams(); $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage"); $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage; //@todo input check // people can type all sort of input garbage settype($listId, "int"); $listDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Lists(); $listDBRow = $listDao->getOnId($listId); if (empty($listDBRow)) { //not found $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http404(); $controller->process(); exit; } $listName = $listDBRow["name"]; $listPubUrl = sprintf("%s/pub/list/%d/%s", Url::base(), $plistId, $listDBRow["seo_name"]); //get items from sc_list_item table $model = new \com\indigloo\sc\model\ListItem(); $filter = new Filter($model); $filter->add($model::LIST_ID, Filter::EQ, $listId); $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $filters = array(); array_push($filters, $filter); $paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize); $itemDBRows = $listDao->getPagedItems($paginator, $filters); $loginId = $listDBRow["login_id"]; $userDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\User(); $userDBRow = $userDao->getOnLoginId($loginId); $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/list/pub.php'; //page variables $pageBaseUrl = $listPubUrl; $pageTitle = sprintf("page %d of %s", $gpage, $listDBRow["name"]); $description = Util::abbreviate($listDBRow["description"], 160); $metaDescription = SeoData::thisOrHomeDescription($description); $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords(); include $template; }
static function render($rows, $options) { $name = Util::getArrayKey($options, 'name'); $default = Util::tryArrayKey($options, 'default'); $showEmpty = Util::tryArrayKey($options, 'empty'); if (!is_null($showEmpty) && $showEmpty) { array_unshift($rows, array('ui_code' => '', 'name' => '--')); } $buffer = ''; $option = '<option value="{ui_code}" {flag}> {name}</option>'; foreach ($rows as $row) { $flag = !is_null($default) && $row['ui_code'] == $default ? 'selected' : ''; $str = str_replace(array("{ui_code}", "{name}", "{flag}"), array($row['ui_code'], $row['name'], $flag), $option); $buffer = $buffer . $str; } $buffer = '<select name="' . $name . '"> ' . $buffer . ' </select>'; return $buffer; }
function addResetPassword($name, $email) { //3mik user account exists with this email? $row = mysql\User::has3mikEmail($email); $count = $row["count"]; if ($count <= 0) { $message = "Sorry! We could not find any 3mik account with this email."; throw new UIException(array($message)); } //is a request already pending for this email? $row = mysql\Mail::isPending($email); $count = $row["count"]; if ($count > 0) { $message = "Your request is already pending. Please try after 20 minutes."; throw new UIException(array($message)); } $token = Util::getMD5GUID(); mysql\Mail::add($name, $email, $token, AppConstants::RESET_PASSWORD_MAIL); }
function getDBParams() { $start = 1; $direction = "before"; if (isset($this->qparams["gpa"]) && !Util::tryEmpty($this->qparams["gpa"])) { $direction = "after"; $start = $this->qparams["gpa"]; } if (isset($this->qparams["gpb"]) && !Util::tryEmpty($this->qparams["gpb"])) { $direction = "before"; $start = $this->qparams["gpb"]; } //this should not happen! if (Util::tryEmpty($start) || Util::tryEmpty($direction)) { trigger_error("paginator is missing [start | direction ] parameter", E_USER_ERROR); } $start = $this->convert ? base_convert($start, 36, 10) : $start; settype($start, "integer"); return array("start" => $start, "direction" => $direction); }
static function render($options, $default) { $tab = Url::tryQueryParam("tab", $default); if (Util::tryEmpty($tab)) { $tab = $default; } if (!array_key_exists($tab, $options)) { $tab = $default; } $buffer = ''; $item = '<li class="%s"> <a href="%s">%s</a></li>'; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $pageURI = Url::addQueryParameters($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], array("tab" => $key)); $class = $tab == $key ? 'active' : ''; $strItem = sprintf($item, $class, $pageURI, $value); $buffer .= $strItem; } $buffer = '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">' . $buffer . '</ul>'; $data = array("buffer" => $buffer, "active" => $tab); return $data; }
function createAbsoluteUrl($url, $base) { //check input if (empty($url) || empty($base)) { return NULL; } // php parse_url will go berserk with space in front // just try parse_url on "" $url = trim($url); $base = trim($base); $scheme = \parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if (!empty($scheme)) { return $url; } // Urls only containing query or anchor if (Util::startsWith($url, "#") || Util::startsWith($url, "?")) { return $base . $url; } // Parse base URL and convert to local variables: $scheme, $host, $path $pieces = \parse_url($base); $scheme = isset($pieces["scheme"]) ? $pieces["scheme"] : ""; $host = isset($pieces["host"]) ? $pieces["host"] : ""; // If no path, use / $path = isset($pieces["path"]) ? $pieces["path"] : "/"; // Remove non-directory element from path $path = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $path); // Destroy path if relative url points to root if (Util::startsWith($url, '/')) { $path = ''; } // Dirty absolute URL $abs = "{$host}{$path}/{$url}"; // Replace '//' or '/./' or '/foo/../' with '/' $re = array('#(/\\.?/)#', '#/(?!\\.\\.)[^/]+/\\.\\./#'); for ($n = 1; $n > 0; $abs = preg_replace($re, '/', $abs, -1, $n)) { } // Absolute URL is ready! return $scheme . '://' . $abs; }
function process($params, $options) { if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400(); $controller->process(); exit; } // our router discards the query part from a URL so the // routing works with the query part as well (like /router/url?q1=x&q2=y $token = Util::getArrayKey($params, "location"); if (is_null($token)) { header("Location: / "); } //search sphinx index $sphinx = new \com\indigloo\sc\search\SphinxQL(); $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams(); $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage"); $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage; $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $paginator = new Pagination($qparams, $pageSize); $ids = $sphinx->getPagedPosts($token, $paginator); $sphinx->close(); $template = NULL; $searchTitle = NULL; if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { $pageHeader = "{$token}"; $pageBaseUrl = "/search/location/{$token}"; $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php'; $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post(); $postDBRows = $postDao->getOnSearchIds($ids); } else { $pageHeader = "No Results"; $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/notiles.php'; } $pageTitle = SeoData::getPageTitleWithNumber($gpage, $token); $metaKeywords = SeoData::getMetaKeywords($token); $metaDescription = SeoData::getMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage, $token); include $template; }
function process($params, $options) { if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400(); $controller->process(); exit; } $siteId = Util::tryArrayKey($params, "site_id"); $cname = Url::tryQueryParam("cname"); if (empty($siteId) || empty($cname)) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400(); $controller->process(); exit; } $siteDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Site(); $postDBRows = $siteDao->getPostsOnId($siteId, 50); $pageHeader = $cname; $pageTitle = SeoData::getHomePageTitle(); $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescription(); $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords(); $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles.php'; include $file; }
function process($params, $options) { if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400(); $controller->process(); exit; } $token = Util::getArrayKey($params, "name"); // group controller is invoked via the fixed links // (as opposed to users typing in search box) // so we (exact) match this token against post_groups index. $sphinx = new \com\indigloo\sc\search\SphinxQL(); $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams(); $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage"); $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage; $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $paginator = new Pagination($qparams, $pageSize); $ids = $sphinx->getPagedPostByGroup($token, $paginator); $sphinx->close(); $template = NULL; $searchTitle = NULL; $groupName = \com\indigloo\util\StringUtil::convertKeyToName($token); if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { $pageHeader = "{$groupName}"; $pageBaseUrl = "/group/{$token}"; $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php'; $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post(); $postDBRows = $postDao->getOnSearchIds($ids); } else { $pageHeader = "No results"; $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/notiles.php'; } $pageTitle = SeoData::getPageTitleWithNumber($gpage, $groupName); $metaKeywords = SeoData::getMetaKeywords($groupName); $metaDescription = SeoData::getMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage, $groupName); include $template; }
use com\indigloo\exception\DBException; use com\indigloo\sc\mysql; use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login; use com\indigloo\Url; use com\indigloo\Util; use com\indigloo\Logger; if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == 'Save') { $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance(); $fvalues = array(); $fUrl = \com\indigloo\Url::tryFormUrl("fUrl"); try { $fhandler = new Form\Handler("edit-form", $_POST); $fhandler->addRule("name", "Name", array('required' => 1)); $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues(); $name = $fvalues["name"]; if (!Util::isAlphaNumeric($name)) { $fhandler->addError("Bad name : only letters and numbers are allowed!"); } if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) { throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors()); } $loginId = Login::getLoginIdInSession(); $listDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Lists(); $listDao->createNew($loginId, $name, $fvalues["description"]); $message = sprintf("success! new list created"); $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_MESSAGES, array($message)); header("Location: " . $fUrl); } catch (UIException $ex) { $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues); $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_ERRORS, $ex->getMessages()); header("Location: " . $fUrl);
static function getImageOrDefault($json) { $images = json_decode($json); $imgv = array(); if (!empty($images) && sizeof($images) > 0) { //work with image #1 $image = $images[0]; $imgv = self::convertImageJsonObj($image); $td = Util::foldXY($image->width, $image->height, 40, 40); $imgv["twidth"] = $td["width"]; $imgv["theight"] = $td["height"]; } else { $imgv["name"] = "placeholder"; $imgv["tname"] = "placeholder"; $imgv["source"] = UIConstants::PH1_PIC; $imgv["thumbnail"] = UIConstants::PH1_PIC; $imgv["width"] = 48; $imgv["height"] = 48; $imgv["twidth"] = 40; $imgv["theight"] = 40; } return $imgv; }
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage; $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance(); //do we already have a login? if (\com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::hasSession()) { header("Location: / "); } $qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/user/dashboard/index.php"); $fUrl = Url::current(); // should login do some action? $gSessionAction = Url::tryQueryParam("g_session_action"); if (!empty($gSessionAction)) { $gWeb->store("global.session.action", $gSessionAction); } $fUrl = Url::current(); $sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true)); $stoken = Util::getMD5GUID(); $gWeb->store("mik_state_token", $stoken); //Facebook OAuth2 $fbAppId = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $host = Url::base(); $fbCallback = $host . "/callback/fb2.php"; $fbDialogUrl = "" . $fbAppId; $fbDialogUrl .= "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($fbCallback) . "&scope=email&state=" . $stoken; //Google OAuth2 $googleClientId = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $googleCallback = $host . "/callback/google2.php"; $googleAuthUrl = ""; //space delimited scope $googleScope = ""; $googleScope = $googleScope . Constants::SPACE . ""; $googleAuthUrl .= urlencode($googleScope);
static function isOwner($loginId) { //false on NULL or empty if (Util::tryEmpty($loginId)) { return false; } $flag = false; if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION[self::TOKEN]) && isset($_SESSION[self::LOGIN_ID]) && $_SESSION[self::LOGIN_ID] == $loginId) { $flag = true; } return $flag; }
include ''; include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/'; use com\indigloo\Util; use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login; use com\indigloo\sc\ui\Constants as UIConstants; set_exception_handler('webgloo_ajax_exception_handler'); //use login is required for bookmarking if (!Login::hasSession()) { $message = array("code" => 401, "message" => "Authentication failure: You need to login!"); $html = json_encode($message); echo $html; exit; } $params = new \stdClass(); $login = Login::getLoginInSession(); $params->loginId = $login->id; $params->name = $login->name; $params->action = Util::tryArrayKey($_POST, "action"); $params->followerId = Util::tryArrayKey($_POST, "followerId"); $params->followingId = Util::tryArrayKey($_POST, "followingId"); //use login is required for bookmarking if ($params->followerId == $params->followingId) { $message = array("code" => 200, "message" => "No need to follow yourself!"); $html = json_encode($message); echo $html; exit; } $command = new \com\indigloo\sc\command\SocialGraph(); $response = $command->execute($params); $html = json_encode($response); echo $html;
use com\indigloo\Constants; use com\indigloo\sc\util\Nest; use com\indigloo\Util; use com\indigloo\Url; if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == 'Save') { $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance(); $fvalues = array(); $fUrl = \com\indigloo\Url::tryFormUrl("fUrl"); try { $fhandler = new Form\Handler("web-form-1", $_POST); $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues(); if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) { throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors()); } $group_slug = ""; $slugs = Util::tryArrayKey($fvalues, "g"); if (!is_null($slugs)) { //remove duplicate entries $slugs = array_unique($slugs); //input - new groups are names / old ones are slugs $slugs = array_map(array("\\com\\indigloo\\util\\StringUtil", "convertNameToKey"), $slugs); //db slugs are space separated for sphinx indexing $group_slug = implode(Constants::SPACE, $slugs); } $collectionDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Collection(); $collectionDao->glset(Nest::fgroups(), $group_slug); //success $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_MESSAGES, array("featured groups list updated!")); header("Location: " . $fUrl); } catch (UIException $ex) { $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues);
//sc/site/contact.php include ''; include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/'; use com\indigloo\Util; use com\indigloo\Url; use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login; use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky; use com\indigloo\Constants; use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage; $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance(); $sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true)); $qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/"); $fUrl = Url::current(); //add security token to form $formToken = Util::getBase36GUID(); $gWeb->store("form.token", $formToken); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> - contact us </title> <?php include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/'; ?> <?php echo \com\indigloo\sc\util\Asset::version("/css/bundle.css"); ?>
unset($fparams["ft"]); unset($fparams["gt"]); //ft urls start with page 1 $fparams["gpage"] = 1; //create filter Urls $ftBaseUrl = Url::createUrl("/monitor/users.php", $fparams); //search clear link $sparams = $qparams; unset($sparams["gt"]); $clearSearchUrl = Url::createUrl("/monitor/users.php", $sparams); //filters $filters = array(); $model = new \com\indigloo\sc\model\User(); $ft = Url::tryQueryParam("ft"); $ftname = ""; $gtoken = Util::tryArrayKey($qparams, "gt"); $userId = NULL; if (empty($ft) && strlen($gtoken) > 5 && strcmp(substr($gtoken, 0, 5), "user:"******"user"; $userId = substr($gtoken, 5); //reset search token $gtoken = NULL; } if (empty($ft) && !empty($gtoken)) { $ft = "name"; } if (!is_null($ft)) { switch ($ft) { case "24HR": $filter = new Filter($model); $filter->add($model::CREATED_ON, Filter::GT, "24 HOUR");
$fvalues = array(); $fUrl = \com\indigloo\Url::tryFormUrl("fUrl"); try { $fhandler = new Form\Handler("web-form-1", $_POST); $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues(); if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) { throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors()); } $gSessionLogin = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::getLoginInSession(); $loginId = $gSessionLogin->id; // p array would be missing when no checkbox is ticked. // that also happens when user de-selects everything // for user selections - p array would contain only those // keys that user has selected. we have to map the rest of them // to false in preferences data. $parr = Util::tryArrayKey($fvalues, "p"); $pdata = array(); if (is_null($parr)) { //user has not selected any checckbox. $pdata = array("follow" => false, "comment" => false, "bookmark" => false); } else { // p array is not empty. // user has ticked some checkboxes. // set to false the keys that user has not selected. $pdata["follow"] = isset($parr["follow"]) ? true : false; $pdata["comment"] = isset($parr["comment"]) ? true : false; $pdata["bookmark"] = isset($parr["bookmark"]) ? true : false; } //save data for this loginId $pDataObj = json_encode($pdata); $preferenceDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Preference();
use com\indigloo\Constants; use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage; use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login; use com\indigloo\exception\UIException; $gSessionLogin = Login::getLoginInSession(); $loginId = $gSessionLogin->id; if (strcmp($gSessionLogin->provider, Login::MIK) != 0) { $message = "change password only works for 3mik logins!"; throw new UIException(array($message)); } $userDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\User(); $userDBRow = $userDao->getonLoginId($loginId); //tokens for use in next screen $ftoken = Util::getMD5GUID(); $email = $userDBRow["email"]; $femail = Util::encrypt($email); $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance(); $gWeb->store("", $femail); $gWeb->store("change.password.token", $ftoken); $title = $userDBRow["email"]; $qUrl = base64_encode(Url::current()); $fUrl = Url::current(); $submitUrl = "/user/account/form/change-password.php"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> Change password - <?php echo $title;
$mysqli = MySQL\Connection::getInstance()->getHandle(); $start = $count * 50 + 1; $end = $start + 49; printf("processing rows between %d and %d \n", $start, $end); $sql = " select id,images_json from sc_post where (id <= {end}) and (id >= {start} ) "; $sql = str_replace(array("{end}", "{start}"), array(0 => $end, 1 => $start), $sql); $rows = MySQL\Helper::fetchRows($mysqli, $sql); foreach ($rows as $row) { //remove malformed utf-8 characters $fjson = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $row['images_json']); $images = json_decode($fjson); //printf("code from json_decode is %d \n",json_last_error()); $data = array(); if (!empty($images)) { foreach ($images as $image) { $image->thumbnailName = Util::getThumbnailName($image->originalName); //printf("tname is %s \n",$image->thumbnailName); array_push($data, $image); //update sc_media.thumbnail_name updateMedia($mysqli, $image->id, $image->thumbnailName); } //new mediaVO $strMediaVO = json_encode($data); //push new mediaVO to sc_post updatePost($mysqli, $row['id'], $strMediaVO); } else { //no images case $strMediaVO = '[]'; updatePost($mysqli, $row['id'], $strMediaVO); } }