Example #1
use Cogeco\Build\Task\FileSyncTask;
use Cogeco\Build\Task\SshTask;
use Cogeco\Build\Task\SvnTask;
use Cogeco\Build\Task\ViewTask;
// Include the build script core
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap.php';
// *******************************
// Script configuration
// *******************************
// *******************************
// Start the build script
// *******************************
// ********************
// *** Prompt for user input
$workingCopy = CliTask::PromptWorkingCopy();
Task::log("Checking out " . $workingCopy->id . "\n\n");
// Prompt for user password, if it's not hardcoded
// ********************
// *** SVN checkout
SvnTask::checkoutClean($workingCopy, 0);
// Create the supplemental files for non tag working copies
if (stripos($workingCopy->id, 'tag') === FALSE) {
    // Duplicate the .htaccess file as a backup for when switching to maintenance mode
    Task::log("- Creating a duplicate of the root .htaccess\n");
    copy($workingCopy->dir->path . '.htaccess', $workingCopy->dir->path . '.htaccess-default');
    Task::log("Created file {$workingCopy->dir->path}.htaccess-default\n\n");