public function beforeTest(TestEvent $e) { if (!$this->isEnabled()) { return; } $this->startCoverageCollection($e->getTest()->getName()); }
public function beforeTest(TestEvent $e) { $this->logger = new \Monolog\Logger($e->getTest()->getFileName()); $this->logger->pushHandler($this->logHandler); $this->logger->info('------------------------------------'); $this->logger->info("STARTED: " . ucfirst($e->getTest()->getName(false))); }
public function beforeTest(TestEvent $e) { $this->logger = new \Monolog\Logger(Descriptor::getTestFileName($e->getTest())); $this->logger->pushHandler($this->logHandler); $this->logger->info('------------------------------------'); $this->logger->info("STARTED: " . ucfirst(Descriptor::getTestAsString($e->getTest()))); }
public function testSuccess(TestEvent $e) { if ($this->isDetailed($e->getTest())) { $this->message('PASSED')->center(' ')->style('ok')->append("\n")->writeln(); return; } $this->message('Ok')->writeln(); }
public function testSuccess(TestEvent $event) { $test = $event->getTest(); if (!$test instanceof TestInterface) { return; } $this->successfulTests[] = Descriptor::getTestSignature($test); }
public function after(TestEvent $e) { $seconds_input = $e->getTime(); // stack overflow: $seconds = (int) ($milliseconds = (int) ($seconds_input * 1000)) / 1000; $time = $seconds % 60 . ($milliseconds === 0 ? '' : '.' . $milliseconds); $this->write($e->getTest()->toString()); $this->writeln(' (' . $time . 's)'); }
public function after(TestEvent $e) { if (!$e->getTest() instanceof TestCase) { return; } foreach (SuiteManager::$modules as $module) { $module->_after($e->getTest()); } }
public function after(TestEvent $e) { if (!$e->getTest() instanceof TestInterface) { return; } foreach ($this->modules as $module) { $module->_after($e->getTest()); } }
protected function fire($event, TestEvent $eventType) { $test = $eventType->getTest(); if ($test instanceof TestCase) { foreach ($test->getScenario()->getGroups() as $group) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event . '.' . $group, $eventType); } } $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventType); }
/** * @param TestEvent $event */ public function endTest(TestEvent $event) { $annotations = $event->getTest()->getAnnotations(); $time = microtime(true) - $this->suiteTime; $signature = $event->getTest()->getTestSignature($event->getTest()); list($class, $method) = explode('::', $signature); if (!isset($annotations['class']['ignoreProfiler']) && !isset($annotations['method'][$method]['ignoreProfiler'])) { $this->profile[$class][$method] = $time; } }
public function afterTest(TestEvent $e) { $test = new \stdClass(); $test->name = \Codeception\Test\Descriptor::getTestFileName($e->getTest()); // stack overflow: $seconds_input = $e->getTime(); $seconds = (int) ($milliseconds = (int) ($seconds_input * 1000)) / 1000; $time = $seconds % 60; $test->time = $time; self::$testTimes[] = $test; }
public function beforeTest(\Codeception\Event\TestEvent $e) { $test = $e->getTest(); $job = $this->getCorrespondingSaucelabsJob($e); try { $build = $this->config['build']; } catch (\Exception $e) { $build = date('d-M-Y'); } $metadata = $this->gatherMetaData($test); $this->sauceApi()->updateJob($job['id'], array('name' => $test->getName(), 'build' => $build, 'tags' => $metadata['tags'], 'custom-data' => $metadata['custom-data'])); }
public function beforeTest(\Codeception\Event\TestEvent $e) { $username = $this->config['env_variables'] === true ? getenv('SAUCE_USERNAME') : $this->config['username']; $accesskey = $this->config['env_variables'] === true ? getenv('SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY') : $this->config['accesskey']; $s = new SauceAPI($username, $accesskey); $test = $e->getTest(); $newestTest = $this->getFirstJob($s); try { $build = $this->config['build']; } catch (\Exception $e) { $build = date('d-M-Y'); } $metadata = $this->getMetaData($test); $s->updateJob($newestTest['id'], array('name' => $test->getName(), 'build' => $build, 'tags' => $metadata['tags'], 'custom-data' => $metadata['custom-data'])); }
public function testBefore(TestEvent $e) { if (isset($this->config['connectionIds'])) { foreach ((array) $this->config['connectionIds'] as $connectionId) { try { (new Mangan($connectionId))->dropDb(); } catch (ManganException $e) { // Skip if not existing db is about to be dropped if ($e->getCode() !== ExceptionCodeInterface::CouldNotSelect) { throw $e; } } } } else { try { (new Mangan())->dropDb(); } catch (ManganException $e) { // Skip if not existing db is about to be dropped if ($e->getCode() !== ExceptionCodeInterface::CouldNotSelect) { throw $e; } } } }
protected function writelnFinishedTest(TestEvent $event, Message $result) { $test = $event->getTest(); if ($this->isDetailed($test)) { return; } if ($this->output->isInteractive()) { $this->output->write("\r"); } $result->append(' ')->write(); $this->writeCurrentTest($test, false); $conditionalFails = ""; $numFails = count($this->fails); if ($numFails == 1) { $conditionalFails = "[F]"; } elseif ($numFails) { $conditionalFails = "{$numFails}x[F]"; } $conditionalFails = "<error>{$conditionalFails}</error> "; $this->message($conditionalFails)->write(); $time = $event->getTime(); if ($time) { $seconds = (int) ($milliseconds = (int) ($time * 100)) / 100; $time = $seconds % 60 . '.' . $milliseconds; $this->message($time)->prepend('(')->append('s)')->style('info')->write(); } $this->output->writeln(''); }
public function beforeTest(TestEvent $e) { $this->logger = new \Monolog\Logger($e->getTest()->getFileName()); $this->logger->pushHandler($this->logHandler); }
public function testStart(TestEvent $testEvent) { $test = $testEvent->getTest(); $testName = $test->getName(); $className = get_class($test); $event = new TestCaseStartedEvent($this->uuid, $testName); if (method_exists($className, $testName)) { $annotationManager = new Annotation\AnnotationManager(Annotation\AnnotationProvider::getMethodAnnotations($className, $testName)); $annotationManager->updateTestCaseEvent($event); } $this->getLifecycle()->fire($event); }
public function persist(TestEvent $e) { if (!$this->webDriverModule or !$this->dir) { return; } $indicatorHtml = ''; $slideHtml = ''; foreach ($this->slides as $i => $step) { $indicatorHtml .= (new Template($this->indicatorTemplate))->place('step', (int) $i)->place('isActive', (int) $i ? '' : 'class="active"')->produce(); $slideHtml .= (new Template($this->slidesTemplate))->place('image', $i)->place('caption', $step->getHumanizedArguments())->place('isActive', (int) $i ? '' : 'active')->place('isError', $step->hasFailed() ? 'error' : '')->produce(); } $html = (new Template($this->template))->place('indicators', $indicatorHtml)->place('slides', $slideHtml)->place('feature', ucfirst($e->getTest()->getFeature()))->place('test', TestCase::getTestSignature($e->getTest()))->produce(); $indexFile = $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html'; file_put_contents($indexFile, $html); $testName = TestCase::getTestSignature($e->getTest()) . ' - ' . ucfirst($e->getTest()->getFeature()); $this->recordedTests[$testName] = substr($indexFile, strlen(codecept_output_dir())); }
public function _before(\Codeception\Event\TestEvent $e) { $e->getTest()->markTestSkipped('WE SKIP TEST'); }
public function testFailedPrint(\Codeception\Event\TestEvent $e) { $name = get_class($e->getTest()); teamcity_console_logger(MessageTemplate::Warning($name, 'Test Failed Print')); }
protected function fire($event, TestEvent $eventType) { $test = $eventType->getTest(); if ($test instanceof TestInterface) { foreach ($test->getMetadata()->getGroups() as $group) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event . '.' . $group, $eventType); } } $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventType); }
public function persist(TestEvent $e) { if (!$this->webDriverModule or !$this->dir) { return; } $indicatorHtml = ''; $slideHtml = ''; foreach ($this->slides as $i => $step) { $indicatorHtml .= (new Template($this->indicatorTemplate))->place('step', (int) $i)->place('isActive', (int) $i ? '' : 'class="active"')->produce(); $slideHtml .= (new Template($this->slidesTemplate))->place('image', $i)->place('caption', $step->getHtml('#3498db'))->place('isActive', (int) $i ? '' : 'active')->place('isError', $step->hasFailed() ? 'error' : '')->produce(); } $html = (new Template($this->template))->place('indicators', $indicatorHtml)->place('slides', $slideHtml)->place('feature', ucfirst($e->getTest()->getFeature()))->place('test', TestCase::getTestSignature($e->getTest()))->produce(); file_put_contents($this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html', $html); }
private function testToName(TestEvent $test) { return $this->stringToText($test->getTest()->getName(false)); }
public function beforeTest(TestEvent $event) { if (!$this->process->isRunning()) { return; } /** @var \RemoteWebDriver $driver */ $driver = $this->getModule('WebDriver')->webDriver; $this->writeln(["\n", "SauceLabs Connect Info: ", sprintf('SauceOnDemandSessionID=%s job-name=%s', $driver->getSessionID(), $event->getTest()->getName()), ""]); }
/** * @param TestEvent $event */ protected function writeTimeInformation(TestEvent $event) { $time = $event->getTime(); if ($time) { $this->message(number_format(round($time, 2), 2))->prepend('(')->append('s)')->style('info')->write(); } }