Example #1
 public static function getSystemMenu()
     $systemMenuItems = ['Open Frontend' => ['link' => URL::to('/') . '" target="_blank', 'icon' => 'fa fa-tv'], 'Help' => ['link' => config('coaster::admin.help_link') . '" target="_blank', 'icon' => 'fa fa-life-ring']];
     if (Auth::admin()) {
         if (Language::count() > 1) {
             $page_lang = Language::find(Language::current());
             $systemMenuItems['Language:' . $page_lang->language] = ['link' => route('coaster.admin.account.language'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-language'];
         if (Auth::action('account')) {
             $systemMenuItems['My Account'] = ['link' => route('coaster.admin.account'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-lock'];
         if (Auth::action('system')) {
             $systemMenuItems['System Settings'] = ['link' => route('coaster.admin.system'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-cog'];
         $systemMenuItems['Logout'] = ['link' => route('coaster.admin.logout'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-sign-out'];
     } else {
         $systemMenuItems['Login'] = ['link' => route('coaster.admin.login'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-lock'];
     $systemMenu = '';
     foreach ($systemMenuItems as $systemMenuItem => $details) {
         $details = ['item' => $systemMenuItem] + $details;
         $systemMenu .= View::make('coaster::menus.system.item', $details)->render();
     return $systemMenu;
 public static function getBlockData($blockId, $versionId)
     $getDataQuery = static::where('block_id', '=', $blockId)->where('language_id', '=', Language::current());
     if (!empty($versionId)) {
         $getDataQuery = $getDataQuery->where('version', '<=', $versionId);
     $blockData = $getDataQuery->orderBy('version', 'desc')->first();
     return $blockData ? $blockData->content : null;
 public static function getBlockData($blockId, $versionId, $repeaterId, $repeaterRowId)
     $repeaterRowKey = PageBlockRepeaterRows::getRowKey($repeaterId, $repeaterRowId);
     $getDataQuery = static::where('block_id', '=', $blockId)->where('row_key', '=', $repeaterRowKey)->where('language_id', '=', Language::current());
     if (!empty($versionId)) {
         $getDataQuery = $getDataQuery->where('version', '<=', $versionId);
     $blockData = $getDataQuery->orderBy('version', 'desc')->first();
     return $blockData ? $blockData->content : null;
Example #4
  * @param string|int $key
  * @param bool $force
  * @return static
 public static function preload($key, $force = false)
     if (!static::_preloadIsset() || $force) {
         $languages = [Language::current()];
         if (config('coaster::frontend.language_fallback') == 1 && !in_array(config('coaster::frontend.language'), $languages)) {
             $languages[] = config('coaster::frontend.language');
         foreach ($languages as $language) {
             $data = self::where('language_id', '=', $language)->get();
     return static::traitPreload($key);
 public static function updateText($content, $blockId, $pageId, $languageId = null)
     $languageId = $languageId ?: Language::current();
     $searchData = static::where('block_id', '=', $blockId)->where('page_id', '=', $pageId)->where('language_id', '=', $languageId)->first() ?: new static();
     if ($content) {
         $searchData->block_id = $blockId;
         $searchData->page_id = $pageId;
         $searchData->language_id = Language::current();
         $searchData->search_text = $content;
     } elseif ($searchData->exists) {
 public function getLanguage()
     $this->layoutData['content'] = View::make('coaster::pages.account.language', ['language' => Language::current(), 'languages' => Language::selectArray(), 'saved' => false]);
Example #7
  * @param array $categorisedBlocks
  * @param array $blockContents
  * @param int $pageId
  * @return array
 public static function getTabs($categorisedBlocks, $blockContents, $pageId = 0)
     $tabHeaders = [];
     $tabContents = [];
     foreach ($categorisedBlocks as $categoryId => $categoryBlocks) {
         $category = BlockCategory::preload($categoryId);
         $tabIndex = $category->order;
         while (!empty($tabHeaders[$tabIndex])) {
         $tabHeaders[$tabIndex] = $category->name;
         $tabContents[$tabIndex] = '';
         foreach ($categoryBlocks as $blockId => $block) {
             /** @var Block $block */
             $blockContent = isset($blockContents[$blockId][Language::current()]) ? $blockContents[$blockId][Language::current()]->content : '';
             $tabContents[$tabIndex] .= $block->setPageId($pageId)->getTypeObject()->edit($blockContent);
     return [$tabHeaders, $tabContents];
 public function postSort()
     $pages = Request::input('list');
     if (!empty($pages)) {
         $rootPages = Page::join('page_lang', 'page_lang.page_id', '=', 'pages.id')->where(function ($query) {
             $query->whereIn('page_lang.url', ['', '/']);
         })->where('page_lang.language_id', '=', Language::current())->where('link', '=', 0)->get(['pages.*'])->all();
         $rootPageIds = array_map(function ($rootPage) {
             return $rootPage->id;
         }, $rootPages);
         $order = [];
         $changeUnderParentIds = [];
         foreach ($pages as $pageId => $parent) {
             $currentPage = Page::preload($pageId);
             if ($currentPage->exists) {
                 $parent = empty($parent) || $parent == 'null' ? 0 : $parent;
                 if ($currentPage->parent != $parent && $parent != 0 && (in_array($currentPage->id, $rootPageIds) || in_array($parent, $rootPageIds))) {
                     return 0;
                     // don't allow root/home page to be moved under other pages or other pages to be moved under it
                 // get the order value for current page
                 $order[$parent] = isset($order[$parent]) ? $order[$parent] : 0;
                 if ($currentPage->parent != $parent || $currentPage->order != $order[$parent]) {
                     if (Auth::action('pages.sort', ['page_id' => $parent]) && Auth::action('pages.sort', ['page_id' => $currentPage->parent])) {
                         $parentPageName = $parent ? PageLang::preload($parent)->name : 'top level';
                         $pageName = PageLang::preload($pageId)->name;
                         if ($parent != $currentPage->parent) {
                             array_push($changeUnderParentIds, $parent, $currentPage->parent);
                             AdminLog::new_log('Moved page \'' . $pageName . '\' under \'' . $parentPageName . '\' (Page ID ' . $currentPage->id . ')');
                         if (!in_array($parent, $changeUnderParentIds)) {
                             $changeUnderParentIds[] = $parent;
                             AdminLog::new_log('Re-ordered pages in \'' . $parentPageName . '\' (Page ID ' . $currentPage->id . ')');
                         $changeUnderParentIds = array_unique($changeUnderParentIds);
                         $currentPage->parent = $parent;
                         $currentPage->order = $order[$parent];
                     } else {
                         return 0;
                         // error, can't move page to new location
             } else {
                 return 0;
                 // error, moved page no longer exists
     return 1;
 public static function version_table($page_id)
     $versionsQuery = static::with(['user', 'scheduled_versions'])->where('page_id', '=', $page_id)->orderBy('version_id', 'desc');
     $versions = $versionsQuery->paginate(15);
     $pagination = PaginatorRender::admin($versions);
     $page_lang = PageLang::where('page_id', '=', $page_id)->where('language_id', '=', Language::current())->first();
     $live_version = static::where('page_id', '=', $page_id)->where('version_id', '=', $page_lang ? $page_lang->live_version : 0)->first();
     $live_version = $live_version ?: new static();
     $can_publish = Auth::action('pages.version-publish', ['page_id' => $page_id]);
     return View::make('coaster::partials.tabs.versions.table', ['versions' => $versions, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'live_version' => $live_version, 'can_publish' => $can_publish])->render();
Example #10
 public static function _pageImportData($theme)
     $importPath = $themePath = base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/import/';
     if (is_dir($importPath)) {
         // wipe data
         DB::table((new Page())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageLang())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageVersion())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PagePublishRequests())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageGroup())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageGroupAttribute())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageGroupPage())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new Menu())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new MenuItem())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageBlockDefault())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageBlock())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageBlockRepeaterData())->getTable())->truncate();
         DB::table((new PageBlockRepeaterRows())->getTable())->truncate();
         $templateIds = [];
         $templates = Template::where('theme_id', '=', $theme->id)->get();
         foreach ($templates as $template) {
             $templateIds[$template->template] = $template->id;
         $blockIds = [];
         $blocks = Block::all();
         foreach ($blocks as $block) {
             $blockIds[$block->name] = $block->id;
         $pagesCsv = $importPath . 'pages.csv';
         $groupsCsv = $importPath . 'pages/groups.csv';
         $groupAttributesCsv = $importPath . 'pages/group_attributes.csv';
         $menusCsv = $importPath . 'pages/menus.csv';
         $menuItemsCsv = $importPath . 'pages/menu_items.csv';
         $pageBlocksCsv = $importPath . 'pages/page_blocks.csv';
         $repeaterBlocksCsv = $importPath . 'pages/repeater_blocks.csv';
         // checks
         $error = 'pages data not imported, invalid columns in: ';
         if (!($pagesFileHandle = Csv::check($pagesCsv, 14))) {
             if (file_exists($pagesCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $pagesCsv);
         if (!($groupsHandle = Csv::check($groupsCsv, 5))) {
             if (file_exists($groupsCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $groupsCsv);
         if (!($groupAttributesHandle = Csv::check($groupAttributesCsv, 6))) {
             if (file_exists($groupAttributesCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $groupAttributesCsv);
         if (!($menusHandle = Csv::check($menusCsv, 3))) {
             if (file_exists($menusCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $menusCsv);
         if (!($menuItemsCsvHandle = Csv::check($menuItemsCsv, 5))) {
             if (file_exists($menuItemsCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $menuItemsCsv);
         if (!($pageBlocksCsvHandle = Csv::check($pageBlocksCsv, 3))) {
             if (file_exists($pageBlocksCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $pageBlocksCsv);
         if (!($repeaterBlocksCsvHandle = Csv::check($repeaterBlocksCsv, 4))) {
             if (file_exists($repeaterBlocksCsv)) {
                 throw new \Exception($error . $repeaterBlocksCsv);
         // add pages
         if ($pagesFileHandle) {
             $row = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($pagesFileHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Page Id') {
                 list($pageId, $pageName, $pageUrl, $templateName, $parentId, $defaultChildTemplateName, $order, $link, $live, $sitemap, $groupContainer, $groupContainerUrlPriority, $canonicalParentPageId, $groupIds) = $data;
                 $newPage = new Page();
                 $newPage->id = $pageId;
                 $newPage->template = !empty($templateIds[$templateName]) ? $templateIds[$templateName] : 0;
                 $newPage->parent = $parentId ?: 0;
                 $newPage->child_template = !empty($templateIds[$defaultChildTemplateName]) ? $templateIds[$defaultChildTemplateName] : 0;
                 $newPage->order = $order;
                 $newPage->link = $link;
                 $newPage->live = $live;
                 $newPage->sitemap = $sitemap;
                 $newPage->group_container = $groupContainer ?: 0;
                 $newPage->group_container_url_priority = $groupContainerUrlPriority ?: 0;
                 $newPage->canonical_parent = $canonicalParentPageId ?: 0;
                 $newPageLang = new PageLang();
                 $newPageLang->page_id = $pageId;
                 $newPageLang->language_id = Language::current();
                 $newPageLang->name = $pageName;
                 $newPageLang->url = $pageUrl;
                 $newPageLang->live_version = 1;
                 $groupIds = trim($groupIds);
                 $groupIds = $groupIds ? explode(',', $groupIds) : [];
                 foreach ($groupIds as $groupId) {
                     $newPageGroupPage = new PageGroupPage();
                     $newPageGroupPage->page_id = $pageId;
                     $newPageGroupPage->group_id = $groupId;
         // add page groups
         if ($groupsHandle) {
             $row = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($groupsHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Group Id') {
                 list($groupId, $groupName, $itemName, $defaultContainerPageId, $defaultTemplate) = $data;
                 $newGroup = new PageGroup();
                 $newGroup->id = $groupId;
                 $newGroup->name = $groupName;
                 $newGroup->item_name = $itemName;
                 $newGroup->url_priority = $defaultContainerPageId;
                 $newGroup->default_template = !empty($templateIds[$defaultTemplate]) ? $templateIds[$defaultTemplate] : 0;
         if ($groupAttributesHandle) {
             $row = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($groupAttributesHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Attribute Id') {
                 list($attributeId, $groupId, $blockName, $orderPriority, $orderDir, $filerByBlockName) = $data;
                 $newGroupAttribute = new PageGroupAttribute();
                 $newGroupAttribute->id = $attributeId;
                 $newGroupAttribute->group_id = $groupId;
                 $newGroupAttribute->item_block_id = !empty($blockIds[$blockName]) ? $blockIds[$blockName] : 0;
                 $newGroupAttribute->item_block_order_priority = $orderPriority;
                 $newGroupAttribute->item_block_order_dir = $orderDir == 'desc' ? $orderDir : 'asc';
                 $newGroupAttribute->filter_by_block_id = !empty($blockIds[$filerByBlockName]) ? $blockIds[$filerByBlockName] : 0;
         // add menus
         if ($menusHandle) {
             $menuIds = [];
             $row = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($menusHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Menu Identifier') {
                 list($name, $label, $maxSublevel) = $data;
                 $newMenu = new Menu();
                 $newMenu->label = $label;
                 $newMenu->name = $name;
                 $newMenu->max_sublevel = $maxSublevel;
                 $menuIds[$name] = $newMenu->id;
         if ($menuItemsCsvHandle) {
             $row = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($menuItemsCsvHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Menu Identifier') {
                 list($menuIdentifier, $pageId, $order, $subLevels, $customName) = $data;
                 if (!empty($menuIds[$menuIdentifier])) {
                     $newMenuItem = new MenuItem();
                     $newMenuItem->menu_id = $menuIds[$menuIdentifier];
                     $newMenuItem->page_id = $pageId;
                     $newMenuItem->order = $order;
                     $newMenuItem->sub_levels = $subLevels;
                     $newMenuItem->custom_name = $customName;
         // add page content
         if ($pageBlocksCsvHandle) {
             $row = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($pageBlocksCsvHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Page Id') {
                 list($pageId, $blockName, $content) = $data;
                 if (!empty($blockIds[$blockName])) {
                     if ($pageId) {
                         $newPageBlock = new PageBlock();
                         $newPageBlock->page_id = $pageId;
                     } else {
                         $newPageBlock = new PageBlockDefault();
                     $newPageBlock->block_id = $blockIds[$blockName];
                     $newPageBlock->version = 1;
                     $newPageBlock->content = $content;
         if ($repeaterBlocksCsvHandle) {
             $row = 0;
             $existingRepeaterRowKeys = [];
             while (($data = fgetcsv($repeaterBlocksCsvHandle)) !== false) {
                 if ($row++ == 0 && $data[0] == 'Repeater Id') {
                 list($repeaterId, $repeaterRowId, $blockName, $content) = $data;
                 if (!empty($blockIds[$blockName])) {
                     if ($decodedContent = json_decode($content)) {
                         if (!is_string($decodedContent)) {
                             $content = serialize($decodedContent);
                     if (!isset($existingRepeaterRowKeys[$repeaterId . '-' . $repeaterRowId])) {
                         $newRepeaterRow = new PageBlockRepeaterRows();
                         $newRepeaterRow->repeater_id = $repeaterId;
                         $newRepeaterRow->row_id = $repeaterRowId;
                         $existingRepeaterRowKeys[$repeaterId . '-' . $repeaterRowId] = $newRepeaterRow->id;
                         $newRepeaterData = new PageBlockRepeaterData();
                         $newRepeaterData->row_key = $existingRepeaterRowKeys[$repeaterId . '-' . $repeaterRowId];
                         $newRepeaterData->block_id = 0;
                         $newRepeaterData->version = 1;
                         $newRepeaterData->content = $repeaterRowId;
                     $newRepeaterData = new PageBlockRepeaterData();
                     $newRepeaterData->row_key = $existingRepeaterRowKeys[$repeaterId . '-' . $repeaterRowId];
                     $newRepeaterData->block_id = $blockIds[$blockName];
                     $newRepeaterData->version = 1;
                     $newRepeaterData->content = $content;
Example #11
  * Saves page data
  * @param PageVersion $pageVersion
  * @param array $pagePost
  * @param array $pageLangPost
  * @param array $pageGroupsPost
  * @param array $pageInfoOther
  * @return bool
 public function savePostData($pageVersion, $pagePost, $pageLangPost, $pageGroupsPost, $pageInfoOther = [])
      * Post data fixes
     foreach ($pagePost as $k => $pagePostField) {
         if (is_array($pagePostField) && array_key_exists('exists', $pagePostField)) {
             $pagePost[$k] = array_key_exists('select', $pagePostField) ? $pagePostField['select'] : 0;
     if (array_key_exists('live_start', $pagePost)) {
         $pagePost['live_start'] = DateTimeHelper::jQueryToMysql($pagePost['live_start']) ?: null;
     if (array_key_exists('live_end', $pagePost)) {
         $pagePost['live_end'] = DateTimeHelper::jQueryToMysql($pagePost['live_end']) ?: null;
     foreach ($pageInfoOther as $k => $pageInfoOtherField) {
         if (is_array($pageInfoOtherField) && array_key_exists('exists', $pageInfoOtherField) && array_key_exists('select', $pageInfoOtherField)) {
             $pageInfoOther[$k] = $pageInfoOtherField['select'];
      * Overwrite default/existing data with posted data
     $pageDefaults = array_merge(['template' => 0, 'parent' => 0, 'child_template' => 0, 'order' => 0, 'group_container' => 0, 'group_container_url_priority' => 0, 'canonical_parent' => 0, 'link' => 0, 'live' => 0, 'sitemap' => 1, 'live_start' => null, 'live_end' => null], $this->getAttributes());
     foreach ($pageDefaults as $pageAttribute => $pageDefault) {
         $this->{$pageAttribute} = $pageDefault;
         switch ($pageAttribute) {
             case 'template':
                 $pageVersion->{$pageAttribute} = $pagePost[$pageAttribute];
                 $this->{$pageAttribute} = array_key_exists($pageAttribute, $pagePost) ? $pagePost[$pageAttribute] : $this->{$pageAttribute};
     if (!$this->pageCurrentLang) {
         $this->setRelation('pageCurrentLang', ($d = $this->pageDefaultLang) ? $d->replicate() : new PageLang());
     $pageLang = $this->pageLang();
     $pageLangDefaults = array_merge(['language_id' => Language::current(), 'url' => '', 'name' => '', 'live_version' => 1], $pageLang->getAttributes());
     foreach ($pageLangDefaults as $pageLangAttribute => $pageLangDefault) {
         $pageLang->{$pageLangAttribute} = array_key_exists($pageLangAttribute, $pageLangPost) ? $pageLangPost[$pageLangAttribute] : $pageLangDefault;
      * Check page parent exists if set and page limit is not hit
     $parent = static::find($this->parent);
     if ($this->parent > 0 && !$parent) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->id && !$this->link && static::at_limit($this->parent == -1)) {
         return false;
      * Check page name/url set and does not conflict
     $pageLang->url = trim($pageLang->url);
     if (!$this->link) {
         $pageLang->url = strtolower(str_replace(['/', ' '], '-', $pageLang->url));
         if (preg_match('#^[-]+$#', $pageLang->url)) {
             $pageLang->url = '';
         if ($pageLang->url == '' && !$this->parent) {
             $pageLang->url = '/';
         $siblings = [];
         foreach ($pageGroupsPost as $pageGroupId => $checkedVal) {
             $pageGroup = PageGroup::preload($pageGroupId);
             $siblings = array_merge($pageGroup->exists ? $pageGroup->itemPageIds() : [], $siblings);
         if ($this->parent >= 0) {
             $siblings = array_merge(static::getChildPageIds($this->parent), $siblings);
         $siblings = array_unique($siblings);
     if (!$pageLang->name) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[name]', 'page name required');
     if (!$pageLang->url) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[url]', 'page url required');
     if (!empty($siblings)) {
         $same_level = PageLang::where('url', '=', $pageLang->url)->whereIn('page_id', $siblings);
         $same_level = $this->id ? $same_level->where('page_id', '!=', $this->id) : $same_level;
         if (!$same_level->get()->isEmpty()) {
             FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[url]', 'url in use by another page!');
             $pageLang->url = '';
     if (!$pageLang->name || !$pageLang->url) {
         return false;
      * If adding a page as a group container, create container / check exists
     if ($this->group_container == -1) {
         $groupContainer = new PageGroup();
         $groupContainer->name = $pageLang->name;
         $groupContainer->item_name = 'Page';
         $groupContainer->default_template = 0;
         $this->group_container = $groupContainer->id;
     } elseif ($this->group_container) {
         $groupContainer = PageGroup::preload($this->group_container);
         if (!$groupContainer->exists || $pageDefaults['group_container'] != $this->group_container && !$groupContainer->canEditItems()) {
             $this->group_container = 0;
      * Check if page info can be updated (based on publishing auth action, or allowed if new page)
     $authPageIdCheck = $this->id ?: ($this->parent > 0 ? $this->parent : 0);
     $canPublish = config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0 && Auth::action('pages.version-publish', ['page_id' => $authPageIdCheck]) || config('coaster::admin.publishing') == 0 && Auth::action('pages.edit', ['page_id' => $authPageIdCheck]);
     $canPublish = $canPublish || isset($groupContainer) && (config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0 && $groupContainer->canPublishItems() || config('coaster::admin.publishing') == 0 && $groupContainer->canEditItems());
     $willPublish = !$this->id || $canPublish;
      * Check and save page changes
     if ($willPublish) {
         // if new page set as last ordered page
         if ($this->parent >= 0 && !$this->id) {
             $lastSibling = static::where('parent', '=', $this->parent)->orderBy('order', 'desc')->first();
             $this->order = $lastSibling ? $lastSibling->order + 1 : 1;
         // if new page publish template
         $this->template = $this->id ? $this->template : $pageVersion->template;
         // if link remove live template
         $this->template = $this->link ? 0 : $this->template;
         // set page live between but no dates set set as hidden, or if can't publish set as hidden
         $this->live = $this->live == 2 && is_null($this->live_end) && is_null($this->live_start) ? 0 : $this->live;
         $this->live = $canPublish ? $this->live : 0;
         // save page data
         $pageLang->page_id = $this->id;
     $pageVersion->page_id = $this->id;
      * Update title block to the page name is new page
     if (!$this->id && ($titleBlock = Block::where('name', '=', config('coaster::admin.title_block'))->first())) {
         PageSearchData::updateText(strip_tags($pageLang->name), 0, $this->id);
      * Save Page Groups
     $currentGroupIds = $this->groupIds();
     $newGroupIds = array_keys($pageGroupsPost);
     PageGroupPage::where('page_id', '=', $this->id)->whereIn('group_id', array_diff($currentGroupIds, $newGroupIds))->delete();
     foreach (array_diff($newGroupIds, $currentGroupIds) as $addGroupId) {
      * Save other page info
     if ($willPublish && Auth::action('menus')) {
         MenuItem::set_page_menus($this->id, array_key_exists('menus', $pageInfoOther) ? $pageInfoOther['menus'] : []);
     if ($canPublish && array_key_exists('beacons', $pageInfoOther) && Auth::action('themes.beacons-update')) {
         BlockBeacon::updatePage($this->id, $pageInfoOther['beacons']);
     return true;
Example #12
 public function createPost($data)
     $pageLang = PageLang::where('name', '=', $data->title->rendered)->first();
     $uporc = 'updated';
     if (empty($pageLang)) {
         $uporc = 'created';
         $page = new Page();
         $pageLang = new PageLang();
     } else {
         $page = Page::find($pageLang->page_id);
         $comments = $this->getComments($data, $page);
         $latestVersion = PageVersion::latest_version($page->id, true);
         if (!empty($latestVersion)) {
         if (!empty($data->yoast)) {
             $this->getMetas($data->yoast, $data, $page->id);
         $res = new \stdClass();
         $res->message = 'Post ' . $uporc . ': ' . $pageLang->name;
         $res->oldLink = $data->link;
         $res->newLink = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
         $res->categories = 'UPDATE RUN';
         $res->tags = 'UPDATE RUN';
         return $res;
     $page->live = 2;
     $page->live_start = $this->carbonDate($data->date)->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $page->created_at = $this->carbonDate($data->date);
     $page->updated_at = $this->carbonDate($data->modified);
     $page->parent = $this->groupPage->id;
     $page->template = $this->group->default_template;
     $comments = $this->getComments($data, $page);
     $categories = $this->getCategory($data->_embedded->{"wp:term"}, $page->id);
     // Page Lang
     $pageLang->live_version = 0;
     $pageLang->page_id = $page->id;
     $pageLang->language_id = Language::current();
     $pageLang->name = $data->title->rendered;
     $pageLang->url = str_slug($pageLang->name);
     $tags = $this->syncTags($page, $data->_embedded->{"wp:term"});
     $date_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'post_date')->first();
     if (!empty($date_block)) {
         $date_block->setPageId($page->id)->getTypeObject()->save($this->carbonDate($data->date)->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $title_block = Block::where('name', '=', config('coaster::admin.title_block'))->first();
     if (!empty($title_block)) {
     $content_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'content')->first();
     if (!empty($content_block)) {
     $leadText_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'lead_text')->first();
     if (!empty($leadText_block)) {
     $latestVersion = PageVersion::latest_version($page->id, true);
     if (!empty($latestVersion)) {
     if (!empty($data->yoast)) {
         $this->getMetas($data->yoast, $data, $page->id);
     $res = new \stdClass();
     $res->message = 'Post ' . $uporc . ': ' . $pageLang->name;
     $res->oldLink = $data->link;
     $res->newLink = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
     $res->categories = $categories;
     $res->tags = $tags;
     return $res;
Example #13
  * Load page block data for all live versions of a block across all pages
  * @param int $blockId
  * @param bool $reload
  * @return PageBlock[]
 public static function livePageBlocksForBlock($blockId, $reload = false)
     if ($reload) {
     if (!static::_preloadIsset('liveBlocks', $blockId)) {
         $pageBlocks = Block::getDataForVersion(new static(), -1, ['block_id' => $blockId, 'language_id' => Language::current()]);
         static::_preload($pageBlocks, 'liveBlocks', [['block_id']], null, true);
     return static::_preloadGet('liveBlocks', $blockId) ?: [];
  * @param string $blockName
  * @param array $options
  * @return mixed|string
 public function block($blockName, $options = [])
     // force query available if block details changed in current request
     $block = Block::preloadClone($blockName, isset($options['force_query']));
     $pageId = !empty($options['page_id']) ? Path::unParsePageId($options['page_id']) : $this->pageId();
     $usingGlobalContent = false;
     $blockData = null;
     if (($customBlockData = $this->_getCustomBlockData($blockName)) !== null) {
         // load custom block data for (is also used for repeater content)
         $blockData = $customBlockData;
     } elseif ($block->exists) {
         // load block data
         $globalBlockData = PageBlockDefault::preload($block->id);
         $pageBlockData = PageBlock::preloadPageBlock($pageId, $block->id, $this->pageVersion($pageId));
         // get languages
         $loadForLanguages = [Language::current()];
         if (config('coaster::frontend.language_fallback') == 1 && !in_array(config('coaster::frontend.language'), $loadForLanguages)) {
             $loadForLanguages[] = config('coaster::frontend.language');
         // run through languages until block data found
         foreach ($loadForLanguages as $language) {
             if (!empty($pageBlockData[$language])) {
                 // if custom page block for selected language exists
                 $blockData = $pageBlockData[$language]->content;
             } elseif (!empty($globalBlockData[$language])) {
                 // if default block for selected language exists
                 $blockData = $globalBlockData[$language]->content;
                 $usingGlobalContent = true;
         // return raw data
         if (isset($options['raw']) && $options['raw']) {
             return $blockData;
     } else {
         return 'block not found';
     // set version that data has been grabbed for (0 = latest)
     if (empty($options['version'])) {
         $options['version'] = $usingGlobalContent ? 0 : $this->pageVersion($pageId);
     // pass block details and data to display class
     return $block->setPageId($pageId)->setVersionId($options['version'])->getTypeObject()->display($blockData, $options);