Example #1
 public function getFieldHelp()
     return ['soundUrl' => Module::t('block_audio_help_soundurl')];
Example #2
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '<p>{% if extras.table is empty %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_table_no_table') . '</span>{% else %}' . '<table>' . '{% if cfgs.header %}' . '<thead>' . '<tr>' . '{% for column in extras.headerData %}' . '<th>{{ column }}</th>{% endfor %}' . '</tr>' . '</thead>' . '{% endif %}' . '<tbody>' . '{% for row in extras.table %}' . '<tr>' . '{% for column in row %}' . '<td {% if cfgs.equaldistance %}class="col s{{ (12/(row|length))|round }}"{% endif %}>{{ column }}</td>' . '{% endfor %}' . '</tr>' . '{% endfor %}' . '</tbody>' . '</table>' . '{% endif %}';
Example #3
 public function config()
     return ['vars' => [['var' => 'lineSpace', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linespace_label'), 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => [['value' => '5px', 'label' => '5px ' . Module::t('block_line_linespace_space')], ['value' => '10px', 'label' => '10px ' . Module::t('block_line_linespace_space')], ['value' => '20px', 'label' => '20px ' . Module::t('block_line_linespace_space')], ['value' => '30px', 'label' => '30px ' . Module::t('block_line_linespace_space')]], 'initvalue' => '5px'], ['var' => 'lineStyle', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linestyle_label'), 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => [['value' => 'dotted', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linestyle_dotted')], ['value' => 'dashed', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linestyle_dashed')], ['value' => 'solid', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linestyle_solid')]], 'initvalue' => 'solid'], ['var' => 'lineWidth', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linewidth_label'), 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => [['value' => '1px', 'label' => '1px'], ['value' => '2px', 'label' => '2px'], ['value' => '3px', 'label' => '3px']], 'initvalue' => '1px'], ['var' => 'lineColor', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linecolor_label'), 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => [['value' => '#ccc', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linecolor_grey')], ['value' => '#000', 'label' => Module::t('block_line_linecolor_black')]], 'initvalue' => '#ccc']]];
Example #4
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if extras.url is not empty %}<div style="margin:25px;width:300px"><div class="video-container"><iframe width="640" height="480" src="{{ extras.url }}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>{% else %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_video_no_video') . '</span>{% endif %}';
Example #5
  * @todo enabling display of file size when issue #94 is resolved
 public function config()
     return ['vars' => [['var' => 'files', 'label' => Module::t("block_file_list_files_label"), 'type' => 'zaa-file-array-upload']], 'cfgs' => [['var' => 'showType', 'label' => Module::t("block_file_list_files_showtype_label"), 'initvalue' => 0, 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => [['value' => '1', 'label' => Module::t("block_file_list_files_showtype_yes")], ['value' => '0', 'label' => Module::t("block_file_list_files_showtype_no")]]]]];
Example #6
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if vars.html is empty %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_html_no_content') . '</span>{% else %}{{ vars.html | raw }}{% endif %}';
Example #7
 public function attributeLabels()
     return ['module_name' => \cmsadmin\Module::t('model_navitemmodule_module_name_label')];
Example #8
 public function config()
     return ['vars' => [['var' => 'spacing', 'label' => Module::t('block_spacing_spacing_label'), 'initvalue' => 1, 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => $this->spacingProperties]]];
Example #9
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if vars.content is not empty %}<blockquote>{{ vars.content }}</blockquote>{% else %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_quote_no_content') . '</span>{% endif %}';
Example #10
 public function name()
     return Module::t("block_form_name");
Example #11
 public function attributeLabels()
     return ['title' => \cmsadmin\Module::t('model_navitem_title_label'), 'alias' => \cmsadmin\Module::t('model_navitem_alias_label')];
Example #12
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '<p>' . Module::t('block_link_button_name') . ': {% if vars.linkData is empty %}' . Module::t('block_link_button_empty') . '</p>{% else %}' . '</p><br/><strong>{% if vars.label is not empty %} {{ vars.label }} {% endif %}</strong>{% endif %}';
Example #13
<div ng-controller="CmsadminCreateController">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col s12">
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_index_add_title');
            <div class="card-panel">
                <create-form data="data"></create-form>
Example #14
 public function attributeLabels()
     return ['value' => \cmsadmin\Module::t('model_navitemredirect_value_label'), 'type' => \cmsadmin\Module::t('model_navitemredirect_type_label')];
Example #15
 public function name()
     return Module::t('block_dev_name');
Example #16
 public function config()
     return ['vars' => [['var' => 'width', 'label' => Module::t('block_layout_width_label'), 'initvalue' => 6, 'type' => 'zaa-select', 'options' => [['value' => 1, 'label' => '1'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '2'], ['value' => 3, 'label' => '3'], ['value' => 4, 'label' => '4'], ['value' => 5, 'label' => '5'], ['value' => 6, 'label' => '6'], ['value' => 7, 'label' => '7'], ['value' => 8, 'label' => '8'], ['value' => 9, 'label' => '9'], ['value' => 10, 'label' => '10'], ['value' => 11, 'label' => '11']]]], 'placeholders' => [['var' => 'left', 'label' => Module::t('block_layout_placeholders_left')], ['var' => 'right', 'label' => Module::t('block_layout_placeholders_right')]]];
Example #17
        <a class="sidebar__button sidebar__button--grey" ui-sref="custom.cmsdraft">
            <div class="sidebar__icon-holder">
                <i class="sidebar__icon material-icons">receipt</i>
            <span class="sidebar__text"><?php 
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_index_sidebar_drafts');

        <div class="sidebar__button sidebar__button--grey sidebar__button--switch switch" ng-class="{ 'sidebar__button--active': showDrag }">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="showDrag" ng-true-value="1" ng-false-value="0">
                <span class="lever"></span>
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_index_sidebar_move');

        <div class="treeview" ng-repeat="catitem in menuData.containers" ng-class="{ 'treeview--drag-active' : showDrag }">
            <h5 class="sidebar__group-title sidebar__group-title--clickable" ng-click="toggleCat(catitem.id)"><i class="material-icons sidebar__group-title-icon" ng-class="{'sidebar__group-title-icon--closed': toggleIsHidden(catitem.id)}">arrow_drop_down</i> <span>{{catitem.name}}</span></h5>
            <div class="treeview__drop" ng-show="(menuData.items|menuparentfilter:catitem.id:0).length == 0 && !toggleIsHidden(catitem.id)" ng-controller="DropNavController" ng-model="droppedNavItem" data-itemid="{{catitem.id}}" data-drop="true" data-jqyoui-options="{greedy : true, tolerance : 'pointer', hoverClass : 'treeview__drop--hover' }" jqyoui-droppable="{onDrop: 'onEmptyDrop()', multiple : true}"></div>
            <ul class="treeview__list" ng-hide="toggleIsHidden(catitem.id)">
                <li class="treeview__item" ng-repeat="data in menuData.items | menuparentfilter:catitem.id:0" ng-include="'reverse.html'"></li>
Example #18
        <div class="card-panel" ng-controller="DraftsController">
            <table class="striped">
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('draft_column_id');
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('draft_column_title');
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('draft_column_action');
                <tr ng-repeat="item in menuData.drafts">
                    <td><button type="button" ng-click="go(item.id)" class="btn btn-flat"><?php 
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('draft_edit_button');
Example #19
 public function attributeLabels()
     return ['layout_id' => \cmsadmin\Module::t('model_navitempage_layout_label')];
Example #20
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if vars.address is not empty %}<div class="video-container" style="margin:100px;"><iframe src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q={{ extras.address }}&z={{ extras.zoom }}&t={{ extras.maptype }}&output=embed" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0"></iframe></div>{% else %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_map_no_content') . '</span>{% endif %}';
Example #21
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if vars.moduleName is empty %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_module_no_module') . '</span>{% else %}<p><i class="material-icons">developer_board</i> ' . Module::t('block_module_integration') . ': <strong>{{ vars.moduleName }}</strong></p>{% endif %}';
Example #22
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '<p>{% if vars.content is empty %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_text_no_content') . '</span>' . '{% elseif vars.content is not empty and vars.textType == 1 %}{{ extras.text }}{% elseif vars.content is not empty %}{{ extras.text|nl2br }}{% endif %}</p>';
Example #23
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_update_page_is_module');
                                <div class="col s12" ng-switch-when="3">
                                    <div ng-switch on="typeData.type">
                                        <div ng-switch-when="1">
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_update_page_is_redirect_internal');
                                        <div ng-switch-when="2">
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_update_page_is_redirect_external');
                        <!-- /PAGE__CONTENT -->
                    <!-- /PAGE -->

Example #24
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if not extras.imageAdmin.source %}' . '<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_image_text_no_image') . '</span>' . '{% endif %}' . '{% if not vars.text %}' . '<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_image_text_no_text') . '</span>' . '{% endif %}' . '{% if extras.imageAdmin.source and vars.text %}' . '<img src="{{ extras.imageAdmin.source }}" border=0 style="{% if extras.imagePosition == "left" %}float:left;{% else %}float:right{% endif %};{% if extras.imagePosition == "right" %}margin-left:{{ extras.margin }}{% else %}margin-right:{{ extras.margin }}{% endif %};margin-bottom:{{ extras.margin }}; max-width: 50%;"">' . '<p>{% if cfgs.textType == 1 %}{{ extras.text }}{% else %}{{ extras.text|nl2br }}{% endif %}</p>' . '{% endif %}';
Example #25
 public function twigAdmin()
     $image = '{% if extras.imageAdmin.source %}<p><img src="{{extras.imageAdmin.source}}" border="0" style="max-width: 100%;" /><p>{% else %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_image_no_image') . '</span>{% endif %}';
     $image .= '{% if vars.caption is not empty %}{{vars.caption}}{% endif %}';
     return $image;
Example #26
                        <!-- /PAGE__CONTENT -->
                    <!-- /PAGE -->


        <div class="cms__sidebar">
            <div class="blockholder" ng-controller="DroppableBlocksController">
                <div class="col s12">
                    <div class="blockholder__group blockholder__group--clipboard" ng-show="copyStack.length > 0">
                        <b class="blockholder__group-title blockholder__group-title--clipboard"><i class="material-icons left">content_copy</i> <?php 
echo \cmsadmin\Module::t('view_update_blockholder_clipboard');
                        <div class="blockholder__block" ng-repeat="stackItem in copyStack" data-drag="true" data-copy="true" jqyoui-draggable="{placeholder: 'keep', onStart : 'onStart', onStop : 'onStop'}" ng-model="stackItem" data-jqyoui-options="{revert: false, refreshPositions : true, snapTolerance : 40, helper : 'clone', cursor:'move', cursorAt: { top: 0, left: 0 }}">
                        <button type="button" ng-click="clearStack()" class="btn">x</button>
                    <div class="blockholder__search" ng-class="{'blockholder__search--active': searchQuery}">
                        <input class="blockholder__input" type="text" ng-model="searchQuery" value="" id="blockholderSearch" />
                        <label class="blockholder__icon blockholder__icon--search" for="blockholderSearch"><i class="material-icons">search</i></label>
                        <label class="blockholder__icon blockholder__icon--cancel" for="blockholderCancel">
                            <div ng-show="searchQuery.length > 0" ng-click="searchQuery=''"><i class="material-icons">close</i></div>
                    <div class="blockholder__group" ng-repeat="item in blocksData">
Example #27
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if vars.elements is empty%}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_list_no_content') . '</span>{% else %}<{{ extras.listType }}>{% for row in vars.elements if row.value is not empty %}<li>{{ row.value }}</li>{% endfor %}</{{ extras.listType }}>{% endif %}';
Example #28
 public function twigAdmin()
     return '{% if vars.content is not empty %}<{{extras.headingType}}>{{ vars.content }}</{{extras.headingType}}>{% else %}<span class="block__empty-text">' . Module::t('block_title_no_content') . '</span>{% endif %}';