Example #1

use Client\Utils;
use Client\Client;
use Client\Project;
use Client\Console;
return array('arg0' => 'db:seed', 'command' => 'db:seed [<seed-file>]', 'description' => 'Seed collections from YAML files.', 'run' => function ($args) use($commands) {
    $seed_file = '*.yaml';
    if ($args[1] !== null) {
        $seed_file = $args[1] . '.yaml';
    $client = new Client();
    foreach (Utils::glob(Project::root(Project::DIRECTORY_NAME) . '/seeds/' . $seed_file) as $yaml_file) {
        $collection = basename($yaml_file, '.yaml');
        $parser = new Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser();
        $options = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($yaml_file));
        if (isset($options['truncate']) && $options['truncate']) {
            echo "Truncating '{$collection}'... ";
            try {
                $truncate = $client->delete('collection/' . $collection);
                if (count($truncate) > 0) {
                    echo "Success.";
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo "Failed.";
            echo PHP_EOL;
        if (isset($options['data']) && $options['data']) {
            $current_row = 0;
            $total_rows = count($options['data']);
Example #2
use Client\Console;
use Client\Client;
use Client\Project;
use Client\Utils;
use Carbon\Carbon;
return array('arg0' => 'deploy', 'command' => 'deploy', 'description' => 'Deploy ext directory.', 'run' => function ($args) use($commands) {
    $client = new Client();
    Console::loading_output("Retrieving remote data...");
    $deployed = $client->get('apps/deploy');
    $root_directory = Project::root(Project::DIRECTORY_NAME);
    $js_converted_modules = array();
    // modules
    $local_modules = array();
    $module_types = array('observers', 'routes', 'templates', 'channels');
    foreach ($module_types as $module_type) {
        foreach (Utils::glob($root_directory . '/' . $module_type . '/*') as $module) {
            if (!is_file($module)) {
            $extension = pathinfo($module, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
            if ($extension == "js") {
                $javascript_module = $module;
                $module = preg_replace('/\\.js$/', '.php', $module);
                array_push($js_converted_modules, $module);
                // keep track for removal
                // module may already exists due error on previous upload.
                // ask user to prevent overwriting some manually added .php file
                if (file_exists($module)) {
                    Console::output("Module '" . basename($module) . "' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite with converted '" . basename($javascript_module) . "' version?\n(y/n)");
                    $handle = popen("read; echo \$REPLY", "r");
                    $input = strtolower(trim(fgets($handle, 100)));