function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->modules = array('one' => new CRM_Core_Module('', TRUE), 'two' => new CRM_Core_Module('com.example.two', TRUE)); $this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_managed'); $this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name like "CRM_Example_%"'); $this->fixtures[''] = array('module' => '', 'name' => 'foo', 'entity' => 'CustomSearch', 'params' => array('version' => 3, 'class_name' => 'CRM_Example_One_Foo', 'is_reserved' => 1)); $this->fixtures[''] = array('module' => '', 'name' => 'bar', 'entity' => 'CustomSearch', 'params' => array('version' => 3, 'class_name' => 'CRM_Example_One_Bar', 'is_reserved' => 1)); $this->apiKernel = \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('civi_api_kernel'); $this->adhocProvider = new \Civi\API\Provider\AdhocProvider(3, 'CustomSearch'); $this->apiKernel->registerApiProvider($this->adhocProvider); }
public function setUp() { $this->useTransaction(TRUE); parent::setUp(); $this->modules = array('one' => new CRM_Core_Module('', TRUE), 'two' => new CRM_Core_Module('com.example.two', TRUE)); // Testing on drupal-demo fails because some extensions have mgd ents. CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('DELETE FROM civicrm_managed'); $this->fixtures[''] = array('module' => '', 'name' => 'foo', 'entity' => 'CustomSearch', 'params' => array('version' => 3, 'class_name' => 'CRM_Example_One_Foo', 'is_reserved' => 1)); $this->fixtures[''] = array('module' => '', 'name' => 'bar', 'entity' => 'CustomSearch', 'params' => array('version' => 3, 'class_name' => 'CRM_Example_One_Bar', 'is_reserved' => 1)); $this->apiKernel = \Civi::service('civi_api_kernel'); $this->adhocProvider = new \Civi\API\Provider\AdhocProvider(3, 'CustomSearch'); $this->apiKernel->registerApiProvider($this->adhocProvider); }
public function testResolveException() { $test = $this; $this->dispatcher->addListener(Events::RESOLVE, function () { throw new \API_Exception('Oh My God', 'omg', array('the' => 'badzes')); }, Events::W_EARLY); $this->dispatcher->addListener(Events::EXCEPTION, function (\Civi\API\Event\ExceptionEvent $event) use($test) { $test->assertEquals('Oh My God', $event->getException()->getMessage()); }); $this->kernel->registerApiProvider($this->createWidgetFrobnicateProvider()); $result = $this->kernel->run('Widget', 'frobnicate', array('version' => self::MOCK_VERSION)); $expectedEventSequence = array(array('name' => Events::RESOLVE, 'class' => 'Civi\\API\\Event\\ResolveEvent'), array('name' => Events::EXCEPTION, 'class' => 'Civi\\API\\Event\\ExceptionEvent')); $this->assertEquals($expectedEventSequence, $this->actualEventSequence); $this->assertEquals('Oh My God', $result['error_message']); $this->assertEquals('omg', $result['error_code']); $this->assertEquals('badzes', $result['the']); }
/** * @param $entity * @param $action * @param array $params * @param $expectedError * @dataProvider badDataProvider */ public function testBad($entity, $action, $params, $expectedError) { $params['version'] = 3; $params['debug'] = 1; $params['check_permissions'] = 1; $result = $this->kernel->run($entity, $action, $params); $this->assertTrue((bool) $result['is_error'], print_r(array('$entity' => $entity, '$action' => $action, '$params' => $params, '$result' => $result), TRUE)); $this->assertRegExp($expectedError, $result['error_message']); }
/** * {inheritdoc} */ public function invoke($apiRequest) { if ($apiRequest['entity'] == 'Entity' && $apiRequest['action'] == 'get') { return civicrm_api3_create_success($this->apiKernel->getEntityNames($apiRequest['version'])); } switch ($apiRequest['action']) { case 'getactions': return civicrm_api3_create_success($this->apiKernel->getActionNames($apiRequest['version'], $apiRequest['entity'])); // case 'getfields': // return $this->doGetFields($apiRequest); // case 'getfields': // return $this->doGetFields($apiRequest); default: } // We shouldn't get here because onApiResolve() checks $this->actions throw new \API_Exception("Unsupported action (" . $apiRequest['entity'] . '.' . $apiRequest['action'] . ']'); }
/** * @param array $apiRequest * Array(entity=>$,action=>$,params=>$,expectedResults=>$). * @param array $rules * Whitelist - list of allowed API calls/patterns. * @param bool $expectSuccess * TRUE if the call should succeed. * Success implies that the 'expectedResults' are returned. * Failure implies that the standard error message is returned. * @dataProvider restrictionCases */ public function testEach($apiRequest, $rules, $expectSuccess) { \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::init(TRUE); $recs = $this->getFixtures(); \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::registerEntityType('Widget', 'CRM_Fake_DAO_Widget', 'fake_widget'); $widgetProvider = new \Civi\API\Provider\StaticProvider(3, 'Widget', array('id', 'widget_type', 'provider', 'title'), array(), $recs['widget']); \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::registerEntityType('Sprocket', 'CRM_Fake_DAO_Sprocket', 'fake_sprocket'); $sprocketProvider = new \Civi\API\Provider\StaticProvider(3, 'Sprocket', array('id', 'sprocket_type', 'widget_id', 'provider', 'title', 'comment'), array(), $recs['sprocket']); $whitelist = WhitelistRule::createAll($rules); $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $kernel = new Kernel($dispatcher); $kernel->registerApiProvider($sprocketProvider); $kernel->registerApiProvider($widgetProvider); $dispatcher->addSubscriber(new WhitelistSubscriber($whitelist)); $dispatcher->addSubscriber(new ChainSubscriber()); $apiRequest['params']['debug'] = 1; $apiRequest['params']['check_permissions'] = 'whitelist'; $result = $kernel->run($apiRequest['entity'], $apiRequest['action'], $apiRequest['params']); if ($expectSuccess) { $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertTrue(is_array($apiRequest['expectedResults'])); $this->assertTreeEquals($apiRequest['expectedResults'], $result['values']); } else { $this->assertAPIFailure($result); $this->assertRegExp('/The request does not match any active API authorizations./', $result['error_message']); } }
/** * Call any nested api calls. * * TODO: We don't really need this to be a separate function. * @param \Civi\API\Kernel $apiKernel * @param $params * @param $result * @param $action * @param $entity * @param $version * @throws \Exception */ protected function callNestedApi($apiKernel, &$params, &$result, $action, $entity, $version) { $lowercase_entity = _civicrm_api_get_entity_name_from_camel($entity); // We don't need to worry about nested api in the getfields/getoptions // actions, so just return immediately. if (in_array($action, array('getfields', 'getfield', 'getoptions'))) { return; } if ($action == 'getsingle') { // I don't understand the protocol here, but we don't want // $result to be a recursive array // $result['values'][0] = $result; $oldResult = $result; $result = array('values' => array(0 => $oldResult)); } foreach ($params as $field => $newparams) { if ((is_array($newparams) || $newparams === 1) && $field != 'api.has_parent' && substr($field, 0, 3) == 'api') { // 'api.participant.delete' => 1 is a valid options - handle 1 // instead of an array if ($newparams === 1) { $newparams = array('version' => $version); } // can be api_ or api. $separator = $field[3]; if (!($separator == '.' || $separator == '_')) { continue; } $subAPI = explode($separator, $field); $subaction = empty($subAPI[2]) ? $action : $subAPI[2]; $subParams = array('debug' => \CRM_Utils_Array::value('debug', $params)); $subEntity = _civicrm_api_get_entity_name_from_camel($subAPI[1]); foreach ($result['values'] as $idIndex => $parentAPIValues) { if ($subEntity != 'contact') { //contact spits the dummy at activity_id so what else won't it like? //set entity_id & entity table based on the parent's id & entity. //e.g for something like note if the parent call is contact //'entity_table' will be set to 'contact' & 'id' to the contact id //from the parent call. in this case 'contact_id' will also be //set to the parent's id if (!($subEntity == 'line_item' && $lowercase_entity == 'contribution' && $action != 'create')) { $subParams["entity_id"] = $parentAPIValues['id']; $subParams['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_' . $lowercase_entity; } $crm16084 = FALSE; if ($subEntity == 'relationship' && $lowercase_entity == 'contact') { // if a relationship call is chained to a contact call, we need // to check whether contact_id_a or contact_id_b for the // relationship is given. If so, don't add an extra subParam // "contact_id" => parent_id. // See CRM-16084. foreach (array_keys($newparams) as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 11) == 'contact_id_') { $crm16084 = TRUE; break; } } } if (!$crm16084) { $subParams[$lowercase_entity . "_id"] = $parentAPIValues['id']; } } if ($entity != 'Contact' && \CRM_Utils_Array::value(strtolower($subEntity . "_id"), $parentAPIValues)) { //e.g. if event_id is in the values returned & subentity is event //then pass in event_id as 'id' don't do this for contact as it //does some weird things like returning primary email & //thus limiting the ability to chain email //TODO - this might need the camel treatment $subParams['id'] = $parentAPIValues[$subEntity . "_id"]; } if (\CRM_Utils_Array::value('entity_table', $result['values'][$idIndex]) == $subEntity) { $subParams['id'] = $result['values'][$idIndex]['entity_id']; } // if we are dealing with the same entity pass 'id' through // (useful for get + delete for example) if ($lowercase_entity == $subEntity) { $subParams['id'] = $result['values'][$idIndex]['id']; } $subParams['version'] = $version; if (!empty($params['check_permissions'])) { $subParams['check_permissions'] = $params['check_permissions']; } $subParams['sequential'] = 1; $subParams['api.has_parent'] = 1; if (array_key_exists(0, $newparams)) { $genericParams = $subParams; // it is a numerically indexed array - ie. multiple creates foreach ($newparams as $entityparams) { $subParams = array_merge($genericParams, $entityparams); _civicrm_api_replace_variables($subParams, $result['values'][$idIndex], $separator); $result['values'][$idIndex][$field][] = $apiKernel->run($subEntity, $subaction, $subParams); if ($result['is_error'] === 1) { throw new \Exception($subEntity . ' ' . $subaction . 'call failed with' . $result['error_message']); } } } else { $subParams = array_merge($subParams, $newparams); _civicrm_api_replace_variables($subParams, $result['values'][$idIndex], $separator); $result['values'][$idIndex][$field] = $apiKernel->run($subEntity, $subaction, $subParams); if (!empty($result['is_error'])) { throw new \Exception($subEntity . ' ' . $subaction . 'call failed with' . $result['error_message']); } } } } } if ($action == 'getsingle') { $result = $result['values'][0]; } }