protected function setUp() { self::$config['testdb']['dbname'] = null; $db = DriverManager::getConnection(self::$config['testdb']); $sm = $db->getSchemaManager(); $sm->dropAndCreateDatabase(self::$database); $db->close(); self::$config['testdb']['dbname'] = self::$database; $this->db = DriverManager::getConnection(self::$config['testdb']); $driver = str_replace('pdo_', '', self::$config['testdb']['driver']); $sqlFile = file_get_contents(Cerberus::getPath() . '/cerberus.' . $driver . '.sql'); $sqlArray = explode(';', $sqlFile); foreach ($sqlArray as $sqlCommand) { $sqlCommand = trim($sqlCommand); if (empty($sqlCommand) === false) { $this->db->query($sqlCommand . ';'); } } self::$config['db'] = self::$config['testdb']; $this->irc = new Irc(self::$config); $this->irc->setLanguage('en'); $this->irc->getConsole()->disableOutput(); $this->irc->init(); $this->invokeMethod($this->irc, 'loadPlugin', 'test'); }
/** * @param string $host */ public function setHost($host) { if ($_GET['pw'] === md5($this->config['frontend']['password'])) { $path = Cerberus::getPath(); $content = file_get_contents($path . '/config.ini'); $content = preg_replace('/host\\ \\=\\ [0-9\\.]+/', 'host = ' . $host, $content); file_put_contents($path . '/config.ini', $content); } }
/** * */ protected function wait() { Cerberus::msleep(self::TIME); }
/** * @covers Hermes\Api\Client::doRequest * @covers Hermes\Api\Client::get * @covers Hermes\Api\Client::isAvailable * @covers Hermes\Api\Client::reportSuccess * @covers Hermes\Api\Client::reportFailure */ public function testGetNotAvailableWithCircuitBreaker() { $storage = StorageFactory::factory(['adapter' => ['name' => 'memory', 'options' => ['namespace' => 'test']], 'plugins' => ['exception_handler' => ['throw_exceptions' => false]]]); $storage->flush(); $cerberus = new Cerberus($storage, 2, 2); $cerberus->reportFailure(); $cerberus->reportFailure(); $cerberus->reportFailure(); $this->object->setCircuitBreaker($cerberus); $client = new \Zend\Http\Client('', []); $this->object->setZendClient($client); $this->setExpectedException(NotAvailableException::class); $this->object->get('/'); }
/** * @param string $text * @param bool $escape * @param mixed $length * @param bool $break * @param bool $wordwrap * @param int $offset * @return string */ public function prepare($text, $escape = true, $length = null, $break = true, $wordwrap = true, $offset = 0) { if (isset($this->param) && is_array($this->param) && in_array('-noconsole', $this->param, true)) { return $escape ? $this->escape($text) : $text; } $formatter = FormatterFactory::console(); $text = $formatter->bold($text); $text = $formatter->underline($text); $text = $formatter->color($text); if ($length === false) { $text .= substr($text, -1) === '\\' ? ' ' : ''; return $escape ? $this->escape($text) : $text; } if ($length === null) { if (Cerberus::isExecAvailable() === false) { return $escape ? $this->escape($text) : $text; } preg_match('/columns\\s([0-9]+);/', strtolower(exec('stty -a | grep columns')), $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) === false) { return $escape ? $this->escape($text) : $text; } $length = $matches[1]; } $length = $length - $offset; if ($this->len($text) <= $length) { $text .= substr($text, -1) === '\\' ? ' ' : ''; return $escape ? $this->escape($text) : $text; } $text = utf8_decode($text); if ($break === true) { if ($wordwrap === true) { $text = $this->wordwrap($text, $length); } else { $text = $this->split($text, $length, PHP_EOL); } $text = str_replace(PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL . str_repeat(' ', $offset), $text); } else { $text = $this->cut($text, $length - 3) . '...'; if (strpos($text, "") !== false) { $text .= "[0m"; } } $text = utf8_encode($text); $text .= substr($text, -1) === '\\' ? ' ' : ''; return $escape ? $this->escape($text) : $text; }
function boolval($var) { return Cerberus::boolval($var); }
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see <>. */ if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') === true) { echo 'Your version of PHP is ' . phpversion() . PHP_EOL; echo 'PHP 5.4.0 or higher is required' . PHP_EOL; exit; } error_reporting(-1); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, array $errcontext) { throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline); }); chdir(__DIR__); if (file_exists('../vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once '../vendor/autoload.php'; } else { echo 'You must set up the project dependencies, run the following commands:' . PHP_EOL; echo 'curl -s | php' . PHP_EOL; echo 'php composer.phar install' . PHP_EOL; exit; } use Cerberus\Cerberus; try { $cerberus = new Cerberus(); $cerberus->setParam($argv); $cerberus->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { Cerberus::error($e->getMessage()); }
$bots = $db->getActiveBotList(); $botCount = 0; if ($bots) { exec('ps -e | grep php', $output); $pidList = []; foreach ($output as $line) { $data = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace('/[ ]+/', ' ', $line))); if ($data[3] === 'php') { $pidList[] = $data[0]; } } foreach ($bots as $bot) { if (in_array($bot['pid'], $pidList, true) === true) { $botCount++; Cerberus::sysinfo('Bot ' . $bot['id'] . ' is running. PID: ' . $bot['pid']); } else { $db->cleanupBot($bot['id']); $db->shutdownBot($bot['id']); Cerberus::sysinfo('Bot ' . $bot['id'] . ' is not running.'); } } } if ($botCount === 0) { Cerberus::sysinfo('start a new bot.'); $logDirectory = rtrim(trim($config['log']['directory']), '/'); if (is_dir($logDirectory) === false) { mkdir($logDirectory); } exec(Cerberus::getPath() . '/bin/bot.php -noconsole > ' . $logDirectory . '/log.txt 2>&1 &'); } }
/** * @param string $param * @return mixed */ public function topic($param) { $topic = $this->getActions()->topic($_SESSION['channel'], $param); Cerberus::msleep(2000); $status = $this->getDb()->getStatus([403, 442, 482]); if ($status !== null) { return $status; } return $topic; }
/** * @param string $file */ public function loadTranslationFile($file) { $translationsFileStatus = Cerberus::getPath() . '/resources/translations/' . $this->language . '/' . $file . '.php'; if (file_exists($translationsFileStatus) === true) { $this->addResource('file', $translationsFileStatus, $this->language); } }
/** * @param Event $event */ protected static function runPhpUnit(Event $event) { $io = $event->getIO(); if (file_exists(Cerberus::getPath() . '/vendor/bin/phpunit') === false) { $io->write('<error>Can\'t find "PHPUnit".</error>'); } elseif (Cerberus::isExecAvailable() === false) { $io->write('<error>Can\'t run "PHPUnit", because "exec" is disabled.</error>'); } else { $output = []; exec(Cerberus::getPath() . '/vendor/bin/phpunit', $output); foreach ($output as $line) { $io->write('<comment>' . $line . '</comment>'); } } }