public function __toString() { $sb = "Localized("; if ($this->chr === 'Y') { if ($this->count == 1) { $sb .= "WeekBasedYear"; } else { if ($this->count == 2) { $sb .= "ReducedValue(WeekBasedYear,2,2,2000-01-01)"; } else { $sb .= "WeekBasedYear," . $this->count . "," . 19 . "," . ($this->count < 4 ? SignStyle::NORMAL() : SignStyle::EXCEEDS_PAD()); } } } else { switch ($this->chr) { case 'c': case 'e': $sb .= "DayOfWeek"; break; case 'w': $sb .= "WeekOfWeekBasedYear"; break; case 'W': $sb .= "WeekOfMonth"; break; default: break; } $sb .= ","; $sb .= $this->count; } $sb .= ")"; return $sb; }
public function __toString() { if ($this->minWidth == 1 && $this->maxWidth == 19 && $this->signStyle == SignStyle::NORMAL()) { return "Value(" . $this->field . ")"; } if ($this->minWidth == $this->maxWidth && $this->signStyle == SignStyle::NOT_NEGATIVE()) { return "Value(" . $this->field . "," . $this->minWidth . ")"; } return "Value(" . $this->field . "," . $this->minWidth . "," . $this->maxWidth . "," . $this->signStyle . ")"; }
public function test_toString1() { $this->assertEquals($this->getFormatterWidth(ChronoField::HOUR_OF_DAY(), 1, 19, SignStyle::NORMAL())->__toString(), "Value(HourOfDay)"); }
/** * Create and cache a number printer parser. * @return NumberPrinterParser the number printer parser for this field, not null */ private function numberPrinterParser() { if ($this->numberPrinterParser == null) { $this->numberPrinterParser = new NumberPrinterParser($this->field, 1, 19, SignStyle::NORMAL()); } return $this->numberPrinterParser; }
public function data_signStyle() { return [[LocalDate::of(0, 10, 2), SignStyle::ALWAYS(), null, "+00"], [LocalDate::of(2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::ALWAYS(), null, "+2001"], [LocalDate::of(-2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::ALWAYS(), null, "-2001"], [LocalDate::of(2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NORMAL(), null, "2001"], [LocalDate::of(-2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NORMAL(), null, "-2001"], [LocalDate::of(2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NEVER(), null, "2001"], [LocalDate::of(-2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NEVER(), null, "2001"], [LocalDate::of(2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NOT_NEGATIVE(), null, "2001"], [LocalDate::of(-2001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NOT_NEGATIVE(), DateTimeException::class, ""], [LocalDate::of(0, 10, 2), SignStyle::EXCEEDS_PAD(), null, "00"], [LocalDate::of(1, 10, 2), SignStyle::EXCEEDS_PAD(), null, "01"], [LocalDate::of(-1, 10, 2), SignStyle::EXCEEDS_PAD(), null, "-01"], [LocalDate::of(20001, 10, 2), SignStyle::ALWAYS(), DateTimeException::class, ""], [LocalDate::of(20001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NORMAL(), DateTimeException::class, ""], [LocalDate::of(20001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NEVER(), DateTimeException::class, ""], [LocalDate::of(20001, 10, 2), SignStyle::EXCEEDS_PAD(), DateTimeException::class, ""], [LocalDate::of(20001, 10, 2), SignStyle::NOT_NEGATIVE(), DateTimeException::class, ""]]; }
public function test_parse_decoratedStartsWithPad_number() { $this->builder->padNext2(3, '-')->appendValue3(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, 2, SignStyle::NORMAL()); $parsed = $this->builder->toFormatter()->parseUnresolved("--2", $this->pos); $this->assertEquals($this->pos->getIndex(), 3); $this->assertEquals($this->pos->getErrorIndex(), -1); $this->assertEquals($parsed->isSupported(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), true); $this->assertEquals($parsed->getLong(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), 2); // +2, not -2 }
/** * @expectedException \Celest\IllegalArgumentException */ public function test_appendValue_3arg_maxWidthMinWidth() { $this->builder->appendValue3(ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 4, 2, SignStyle::NORMAL()); }
/** * @dataProvider provider_parseDigitsAdjacentLenient */ public function test_parseDigitsAdjacentLenient($input, $parseLen, $parseMonth, $parsedDay) { $this->setStrict(false); $pos = new ParsePosition(0); $f = $this->builder->appendValue3(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, 2, SignStyle::NORMAL())->appendValue2(ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 2)->toFormatter2($this->locale)->withDecimalStyle($this->decimalStyle); $parsed = $f->parseUnresolved($input, $pos); if ($pos->getErrorIndex() !== -1) { $this->assertEquals($pos->getErrorIndex(), $parseLen); } else { $this->assertEquals($pos->getIndex(), $parseLen); $this->assertEquals($parsed->getLong(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), $parseMonth); $this->assertEquals($parsed->getLong(ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH()), $parsedDay); $this->assertEquals($parsed->query(TemporalQueries::chronology()), null); $this->assertEquals($parsed->query(TemporalQueries::zoneId()), null); } }
public function test_appendValueReduced_subsequent_parse() { $this->builder->appendValue3(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, 2, SignStyle::NORMAL())->appendValueReduced(CF::YEAR(), 2, 2, 2000); $f = $this->builder->toFormatter(); $this->assertEquals($f->__toString(), "Value(MonthOfYear,1,2,NORMAL)ReducedValue(Year,2,2,2000)"); $ppos = new ParsePosition(0); $parsed = $f->parseUnresolved("123", $ppos); $this->assertNotNull($parsed, "Parse failed: " . $ppos->__toString()); $this->assertEquals($parsed->getLong(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), 1); $this->assertEquals($parsed->getLong(CF::YEAR()), 2023); }
private function parseField($cur, $count, TemporalField $field) { $standalone = false; switch ($cur) { case 'u': case 'y': if ($count === 2) { $this->appendValueReduced2($field, 2, 2, ReducedPrinterParser::BASE_DATE()); } else { if ($count < 4) { $this->appendValue3($field, $count, 19, SignStyle::NORMAL()); } else { $this->appendValue3($field, $count, 19, SignStyle::EXCEEDS_PAD()); } } break; /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case 'c': if ($count === 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pattern \"cc\""); } /*fallthrough*/ /*fallthrough*/ case 'L': /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case 'q': $standalone = true; /*fallthrough*/ /*fallthrough*/ case 'M': case 'Q': case 'E': case 'e': switch ($count) { case 1: case 2: if ($cur == 'c' || $cur == 'e') { $this->appendInternal(new WeekBasedFieldPrinterParser($cur, $count)); } else { if ($cur == 'E') { $this->appendText2($field, TextStyle::SHORT()); } else { if ($count === 1) { $this->appendValue($field); } else { $this->appendValue2($field, 2); } } } break; case 3: $this->appendText2($field, $standalone ? TextStyle::SHORT_STANDALONE() : TextStyle::SHORT()); break; case 4: $this->appendText2($field, $standalone ? TextStyle::FULL_STANDALONE() : TextStyle::FULL()); break; case 5: $this->appendText2($field, $standalone ? TextStyle::NARROW_STANDALONE() : TextStyle::NARROW()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many pattern letters: " . $cur); } break; case 'a': if ($count === 1) { $this->appendText2($field, TextStyle::SHORT()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many pattern letters: " . $cur); } break; case 'G': switch ($count) { case 1: case 2: case 3: $this->appendText2($field, TextStyle::SHORT()); break; case 4: $this->appendText2($field, TextStyle::FULL()); break; case 5: $this->appendText2($field, TextStyle::NARROW()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many pattern letters: " . $cur); } break; case 'S': $this->appendFraction(ChronoField::NANO_OF_SECOND(), $count, $count, false); break; case 'F': if ($count == 1) { $this->appendValue($field); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many pattern letters: " . $cur); } break; case 'd': case 'h': case 'H': case 'k': case 'K': case 'm': case 's': if ($count === 1) { $this->appendValue($field); } else { if ($count === 2) { $this->appendValue2($field, $count); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many pattern letters: " . $cur); } } break; case 'D': if ($count == 1) { $this->appendValue($field); } else { if ($count <= 3) { $this->appendValue2($field, $count); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many pattern letters: " . $cur); } } break; default: if ($count == 1) { $this->appendValue($field); } else { $this->appendValue2($field, $count); } break; } }