Example #1
  * Gets the User object corresponding to user id
  * This is ONLY for the Application Container You need to use instead:
  * Application::MyUser() or Application::User( $idOrCondition ) only
  * @see \CBLib\Application\Application::MyUser()
  * @param  int|array|null  $idOrConditions  [optional] default: NULL: viewing user, int: User-id (0: guest), array: Criteria, e.g. array( 'username' => 'uniqueUsername' ) or array( 'email' => 'uniqueEmail' )
  * @param  CmsInterface    $cms             Cms object
  * @param  Config          $config          Config
  * @return User                             User: if exists (registered user: singleton, guest: new instance), Guest user new instance if user not found
 public static function getInstanceForContainerOnly($idOrConditions = null, CmsInterface $cms, Config $config)
     $cmsUser = null;
     if ($idOrConditions === null) {
         // Get viewing user:
         if (self::$myId === false) {
             $cmsUser = $cms->getCmsUser(null);
             self::$myId = (int) $cmsUser->get('id');
         $idOrConditions = self::$myId;
     } elseif (is_string($idOrConditions) && !is_numeric($idOrConditions)) {
         // Not a numeric $userIdOrAspect: Try getting the cmsUser by username:
         $cmsUser = $cms->getCmsUser($idOrConditions);
         if (!$cmsUser) {
             // No corresponding CMS user exists: Return a guest User instead:
             return new self(0, $cms->getCmsUser(0), $config);
         $idOrConditions = (int) $cmsUser->get('id');
     $key = (string) (int) $idOrConditions;
     if (!isset(self::$usersCache[$key])) {
         if (!$cmsUser) {
             $cmsUser = $cms->getCmsUser($idOrConditions);
         if ($cmsUser) {
             $self = new self($idOrConditions, $cmsUser, $config);
             if ((int) $idOrConditions === 0) {
                 // No cache for guest/new user:
                 return $self;
             self::$usersCache[$key] = $self;
     return self::$usersCache[$key];
Example #2
 public static function createDatabaseDriver(CmsInterface $cms)
     $cmsDatabaseDriver = $cms->getCmsDatabaseDriver();
     if ($cmsDatabaseDriver) {
         $prefix = $cmsDatabaseDriver->getPrefix();
         $cmsRelease = $cms->getCmsVersion();
         return new CmsDatabaseDriver($cmsDatabaseDriver, $prefix, $cmsRelease);
     } else {
         $connection = null;
         //TODO LATER
         $prefix = $cms->getCfg('dbprefix');
         return new MysqlDatabaseDriver($connection, $prefix);
Example #3
  * Constructor, sets the dependency-injection Container
  * @param  InputInterface                  $input      Input object
  * @param  OutputInterface                 $output     Output object
  * @param  CmsInterface                    $cms        Cms object
  * @param  ApplicationContainerInterface   $di         DI Container
  * @param  array                           $options    Main request options for dispatching
  * @param  array                           $getParams  [optional] Get params for form target of form
  * @param  TableInterface|ParamsInterface  $data       The data to render
 public function __construct(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, CmsInterface $cms, ApplicationContainerInterface $di, array $options, array $getParams = array(), $data = null)
     $this->input = $input;
     $this->output = $output;
     $this->cms = $cms;
     $this->di = $di;
     $this->options = $options;
     $this->getParams = $getParams;
     $this->data = $data;
     $extensionName = $this->cms->getExtensionName();
     $extensionPath = $this->cms->getFolderPath($this->cms->getClientId());
     // Make sure it's shared:
     /** @see AutoLoaderXml */
     $this->di->set('CBLib\\AhaWow\\AutoLoaderXml', null, true);
     /** @var AutoLoaderXml $autoLoaderXml::_construct() */
     $autoLoaderXml = $this->di->get('CBLib\\AhaWow\\AutoLoaderXml');
     $autoLoaderXml->registerMap($extensionName, $extensionPath . '/xmlcb/controllers/frontcontroller.xml');
Example #4
  * Constructor
  * @param  InputInterface           $input  Inputs
  * @param  DatabaseDriverInterface  $db     Database
  * @param  CmsInterface             $cms    Client id (0: front, 1: admin)
 public function __construct(InputInterface $input, DatabaseDriverInterface $db, CmsInterface $cms)
     $this->input = $input;
     $this->db = $db;
     $this->clientId = $cms->getClientId();