Example #1
	 * @param Comments        $stream
	 * @param int             $output 0: Normal, 1: Raw, 2: Inline, 3: Load, 4: Save
	 * @param UserTable       $user
	 * @param UserTable       $viewer
	 * @param cbPluginHandler $plugin
	 * @return null|string
	static public function showNew( $stream, $output, $user, $viewer, $plugin )
		global $_PLUGINS;

		if ( ! CBActivity::canCreate( $user, $viewer, $stream ) ) {
			return null;

		$cbModerator	=	CBActivity::isModerator( (int) $viewer->get( 'id' ) );
		$messageLimit	=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'message_limit', 400 ) );

		$rowId			=	$stream->id() . '_new';
		$newBody		=	null;
		$newFooter		=	null;

		$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'activity_onDisplayCommentCreate', array( &$newBody, &$newFooter, $stream, $output ) );

		$return			=	'<div id="' . $rowId . '" class="streamItem streamItemInline commentContainer commentContainerNew' . ( $stream->get( 'type' ) == 'comment' ? ' hidden' : null ) . '">'
						.		'<div class="streamItemInner streamMedia media clearfix">'
						.			'<form action="' . $stream->endpoint( 'new' ) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="' . $rowId . 'Form" id="' . $rowId . 'Form" class="cb_form streamItemForm form">'
						.				'<div class="streamMediaLeft commentContainerLogo media-left">'
						.					CBuser::getInstance( (int) $viewer->get( 'user_id' ), false )->getField( 'avatar', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true )
						.				'</div>'
						.				'<div class="streamMediaBody streamItemNew commentContainerContent media-body text-small">'
						.					'<textarea id="' . $stream->id() . '_message_new" name="message" rows="1" class="streamInput streamInputAutosize streamInputMessage form-control" placeholder="' . htmlspecialchars( ( $stream->get( 'type' ) == 'comment' ? CBTxt::T( 'Write a reply...' ) : CBTxt::T( 'Write a comment...' ) ) ) . '"' . ( $messageLimit ? ' data-cbactivity-input-limit="' . (int) $messageLimit . '" maxlength="' . (int) $messageLimit . '"' : null ) . '></textarea>'
						.					$newBody
						.					'<div class="streamItemDisplay commentContainerFooter hidden">'
						.						'<div class="commentContainerFooterRow clearfix">'
						.							'<div class="commentContainerFooterRowLeft pull-left">'
						.								$newFooter
						.							'</div>'
						.							'<div class="commentContainerFooterRowRight pull-right text-right">'
						.								'<button type="submit" class="commentButton commentButtonNewSave streamItemNewSave btn btn-primary btn-xs disabled" disabled="disabled">' . CBTxt::T( 'Post' ) . '</button>'
						.								' <button type="button" class="commentButton commentButtonNewCancel streamItemNewCancel btn btn-default btn-xs">' . CBTxt::T( 'Cancel' ) . '</button>'
						.							'</div>'
						.						'</div>'
						.					'</div>'
						.				'</div>'
						.			'</form>'
						.		'</div>'
						.	'</div>';

		return $return;
Example #2
	 * @param Activity        $stream
	 * @param int             $output 0: Normal, 1: Raw, 2: Inline, 3: Load, 4: Save
	 * @param UserTable       $user
	 * @param UserTable       $viewer
	 * @param cbPluginHandler $plugin
	 * @return null|string
	static public function showNew( $stream, $output, $user, $viewer, $plugin )
		global $_PLUGINS;

		if ( ! CBActivity::canCreate( $user, $viewer, $stream ) ) {
			return null;

		$cbModerator		=	CBActivity::isModerator( (int) $viewer->get( 'id' ) );
		$messageLimit		=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'message_limit', 400 ) );
		$showActions		=	(int) $stream->get( 'actions', 1 );
		$actionLimit		=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'actions_message_limit', 100 ) );
		$showLocations		=	(int) $stream->get( 'locations', 1 );
		$locationLimit		=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'locations_address_limit', 200 ) );
		$showLinks			=	(int) $stream->get( 'links', 1 );
		$linkLimit			=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'links_link_limit', 5 ) );
		$showTags			=	(int) $stream->get( 'tags', 1 );

		$actionTooltip		=	cbTooltip( null, CBTxt::T( 'What are you doing or feeling?' ), null, 'auto', null, null, null, 'data-hascbtooltip="true" data-cbtooltip-position-my="bottom center" data-cbtooltip-position-at="top center" data-cbtooltip-classes="qtip-simple"' );
		$locationTooltip	=	cbTooltip( null, CBTxt::T( 'Share your location.' ), null, 'auto', null, null, null, 'data-hascbtooltip="true" data-cbtooltip-position-my="bottom center" data-cbtooltip-position-at="top center" data-cbtooltip-classes="qtip-simple"' );
		$tagTooltip			=	cbTooltip( null, CBTxt::T( 'Are you with anyone?' ), null, 'auto', null, null, null, 'data-hascbtooltip="true" data-cbtooltip-position-my="bottom center" data-cbtooltip-position-at="top center" data-cbtooltip-classes="qtip-simple"' );
		$linkTooltip		=	cbTooltip( null, CBTxt::T( 'Have a link to share?' ), null, 'auto', null, null, null, 'data-hascbtooltip="true" data-cbtooltip-position-my="bottom center" data-cbtooltip-position-at="top center" data-cbtooltip-classes="qtip-simple"' );
		$actionOptions		=	( $showActions ? CBActivity::loadActionOptions() : array() );
		$locationOptions	=	( $showLocations ? CBActivity::loadLocationOptions() : array() );

		$rowId				=	$stream->id() . '_new';

		$newBody			=	null;
		$newFooter			=	null;

		$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'activity_onDisplayActivityCreate', array( &$newBody, &$newFooter, $stream, $output ) );

		$return				=	'<div id="' . $rowId . '" class="streamItem streamPanel activityContainer activityContainerNew panel panel-default">'
							.		'<div class="streamItemInner">'
							.			'<form action="' . $stream->endpoint( 'new' ) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="' . $rowId . 'Form" id="' . $rowId . 'Form" class="cb_form streamItemForm form">'
							.				'<div class="streamItemNew">'
							.					'<textarea id="' . $stream->id() . '_message_new" name="message" rows="1" class="streamInput streamInputAutosize streamInputMessage form-control no-border" placeholder="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( "What's on your mind?" ) ) . '" data-cbactivity-input-size="3"' . ( $messageLimit ? ' data-cbactivity-input-limit="' . (int) $messageLimit . '" maxlength="' . (int) $messageLimit . '"' : null ) . '></textarea>';

		if ( $showLinks ) {
			if ( ( ! $linkLimit ) || ( $linkLimit > 1 ) ) {
				$return		.=					'<div class="streamItemInputGroup streamInputLinkContainer cbRepeat border-default clearfix hidden" data-cbrepeat-sortable="false"' . ( $linkLimit ? ' data-cbrepeat-max="' . (int) $linkLimit . '"' : null ) . '>'
							.						'<div class="streamItemInputGroupRow cbRepeatRow border-default">'
							.							'<span class="streamItemInputGroupLabel form-control">'
							.								'<button type="button" class="cbRepeatRowAdd btn btn-xs btn-success"><span class="fa fa-plus "></span></button>'
							.								'<button type="button" class="cbRepeatRowRemove btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="fa fa-minus"></span></button>'
							.							'</span>'
							.							'<div class="streamItemInputGroupInput border-default">'
							.								'<input type="text" id="' . $stream->id() . '_links__0__url_new" name="links[0][url]" class="streamInput streamInputLinkURL form-control no-border" placeholder="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( "What link would you like to share?" ) ) . '" disabled="disabled" />'
							.							'</div>'
							.						'</div>'
							.					'</div>';
			} else {
				$return		.=					'<div class="streamItemInputGroup streamInputLinkContainer border-default clearfix hidden">'
							.						'<input type="text" id="' . $stream->id() . '_links__0__url_new" name="links[0][url]" class="streamInput streamInputLinkURL form-control no-border" placeholder="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( "What link would you like to share?" ) ) . '" disabled="disabled" />'
							.					'</div>';

		if ( $actionOptions ) {
			$emoteOptions	=	CBActivity::loadEmoteOptions();

			$return			.=					'<div class="streamItemInputGroup streamInputActionContainer border-default clearfix hidden">'
							.						'<span class="streamItemInputGroupLabel streamInputSelectToggleLabel form-control"></span>'
							.						'<div class="streamItemInputGroupInput border-default">'
							.							'<input type="text" id="' . $stream->id() . '_actions_message_new" name="actions[message]" class="streamInput streamInputActionMessage streamInputSelectTogglePlaceholder form-control no-border"' . ( $actionLimit ? ' maxlength="' . (int) $actionLimit . '"' : null ) . ' disabled="disabled" />'
							.							( $emoteOptions ? str_replace( 'actions__emote', $stream->id() . '_actions_emote_new', moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $emoteOptions, 'actions[emote]', 'class="streamInputSelect streamInputEmote" data-cbselect-width="auto" data-cbselect-height="100%" data-cbselect-dropdown-css-class="streamEmoteOptions" disabled="disabled"', 'value', 'text', null, 0, false, false, false ) ) : null )
							.						'</div>'
							.					'</div>';

		if ( $locationOptions ) {
			$return			.=					'<div class="streamItemInputGroup streamInputLocationContainer border-default clearfix hidden">'
							.						'<span class="streamItemInputGroupLabel streamInputSelectToggleLabel form-control"></span>'
							.						'<div class="streamItemInputGroupInput border-default">'
							.							'<input type="text" id="' . $stream->id() . '_location_place_new" name="location[place]" class="streamInput streamInputLocationPlace form-control no-border" placeholder="' . CBTxt::T( 'Where are you?' ) . '"' . ( $locationLimit ? ' maxlength="' . (int) $locationLimit . '"' : null ) . ' disabled="disabled" />'
							.							'<input type="text" id="' . $stream->id() . '_location_address_new" name="location[address]" class="streamInput streamInputLocationAddress form-control no-border" placeholder="' . CBTxt::T( 'Have the address to share?' ) . '"' . ( $locationLimit ? ' maxlength="' . (int) $locationLimit . '"' : null ) . ' disabled="disabled" />'
							.							'<div class="streamFindLocation fa fa-map-marker fa-lg" data-cbactivity-location-target=".streamInputLocationAddress"></div>'
							.						'</div>'
							.					'</div>';

		if ( $showTags ) {
			$tagOptions		=	CBActivity::loadTagOptions( null, (int) $viewer->get( 'id' ) );

			$return			.=					'<div class="streamItemInputGroup streamInputTagContainer border-default clearfix hidden">'
							.						str_replace( 'tags__', $stream->id() . '_tags_new', moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $tagOptions, 'tags[]', 'multiple="multiple" class="streamInputSelect streamInputTags form-control no-border" data-cbselect-placeholder="' . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T( 'Who are you with?' ) ) . '" data-cbselect-tags="true" data-cbselect-width="100%" data-cbselect-height="100%" data-cbselect-dropdown-css-class="streamTagsOptions" disabled="disabled"', 'value', 'text', null, 0, true, false, false ) )
							.					'</div>';

		$return				.=					$newBody
							.				'</div>'
							.				'<div class="streamPanelFooter streamItemDisplay activityContainerFooter panel-footer hidden">'
							.					'<div class="activityContainerFooterRow clearfix">'
							.						'<div class="activityContainerFooterRowLeft pull-left">'
							.							( $actionOptions ? str_replace( 'actions__id', $stream->id() . '_actions_id_new', moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $actionOptions, 'actions[id]', 'class="streamInputSelect streamInputSelectToggle streamInputAction btn btn-xs btn-default" data-cbactivity-toggle-target=".streamInputActionContainer" data-cbactivity-toggle-active-classes="btn-primary" data-cbactivity-toggle-inactive-classes="btn-default" data-cbactivity-toggle-icon="fa fa-smile-o" data-cbselect-dropdown-css-class="streamSelectOptions"' . $actionTooltip, 'value', 'text', null, 0, false, false, false ) ) : null )
							.							( $locationOptions ? ( $actionOptions ? ' ' : null ) . str_replace( 'location__id', $stream->id() . '_location_id_new', moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $locationOptions, 'location[id]', 'class="streamInputSelect streamInputSelectToggle streamInputLocation btn btn-xs btn-default" data-cbactivity-toggle-target=".streamInputLocationContainer" data-cbactivity-toggle-active-classes="btn-primary" data-cbactivity-toggle-inactive-classes="btn-default" data-cbactivity-toggle-icon="fa fa-map-marker" data-cbselect-dropdown-css-class="streamSelectOptions"' . $locationTooltip, 'value', 'text', null, 0, false, false, false ) ) : null )
							.							( $showTags ? ( $actionOptions || $locationOptions ? ' ' : null ) . '<button type="button" id="' . $stream->id() . '_tags_new" class="streamToggle streamInputTag btn btn-default btn-xs" data-cbactivity-toggle-target=".streamInputTagContainer" data-cbactivity-toggle-active-classes="btn-primary" data-cbactivity-toggle-inactive-classes="btn-default"' . $tagTooltip . '><span class="fa fa-user"></span></button>' : null )
							.							( $showLinks ? ( $actionOptions || $locationOptions || $showTags ? ' ' : null ) . '<button type="button" id="' . $stream->id() . '_links_new" class="streamToggle streamInputLink btn btn-default btn-xs" data-cbactivity-toggle-target=".streamInputLinkContainer" data-cbactivity-toggle-active-classes="btn-primary" data-cbactivity-toggle-inactive-classes="btn-default"' . $linkTooltip . '><span class="fa fa-link"></span></button>' : null )
							.							$newFooter
							.						'</div>'
							.						'<div class="activityContainerFooterRowRight pull-right text-right">'
							.							'<button type="submit" class="activityButton activityButtonNewSave streamItemNewSave btn btn-primary btn-xs disabled" disabled="disabled">' . CBTxt::T( 'Post' ) . '</button>'
							.							' <button type="button" class="activityButton activityButtonNewCancel streamItemNewCancel btn btn-default btn-xs">' . CBTxt::T( 'Cancel' ) . '</button>'
							.						'</div>'
							.					'</div>'
							.				'</div>'
							.			'</form>'
							.		'</div>'
							.	'</div>';

		return $return;
	 * Saves activity
	 * @param int       $id
	 * @param Activity  $stream
	 * @param UserTable $user
	 * @param UserTable $viewer
	private function saveActivity( $id, $stream, $user, $viewer )
		global $_CB_framework, $_PLUGINS;

		$cbModerator					=	CBActivity::isModerator( (int) $viewer->get( 'id' ) );

		CBActivity::getTemplate( 'activity', false, false );

		$row							=	new ActivityTable();

		$row->load( (int) $id );

		$canAccess						=	false;

		if ( ! $row->get( 'id' ) ) {
			if ( CBActivity::canCreate( $user, $viewer, $stream ) ) {
				$canAccess				=	true;
		} elseif ( ( ( $row->get( 'type' ) == 'status' ) || ( $row->get( 'subtype' ) == 'status' ) ) && ( $cbModerator || ( $viewer->get( 'id' ) == $row->get( 'user_id' ) ) ) ) {
			$canAccess					=	true;

		if ( ! $canAccess ) {
			header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' );

		$messageLimit					=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'message_limit', 400 ) );
		$showActions					=	(int) $stream->get( 'actions', 1 );
		$actionLimit					=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'actions_message_limit', 100 ) );
		$showLocations					=	(int) $stream->get( 'locations', 1 );
		$locationLimit					=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'locations_address_limit', 200 ) );
		$showLinks						=	(int) $stream->get( 'links', 1 );
		$linkLimit						=	( $cbModerator ? 0 : (int) $stream->get( 'links_link_limit', 5 ) );
		$showTags						=	(int) $stream->get( 'tags', 1 );

		$message						=	trim( $this->input( 'message', $row->get( 'message', null, GetterInterface::HTML ), GetterInterface::HTML ) );

		// Remove duplicate spaces:
		$message						=	preg_replace( '/ {2,}/i', ' ', $message );
		// Remove duplicate tabs:
		$message						=	preg_replace( '/\t{2,}/i', "\t", $message );
		// Remove duplicate linebreaks:
		$message						=	preg_replace( '/(\r\n|\r|\n){2,}/i', '$1', $message );

		$row->set( 'user_id', $row->get( 'user_id', $viewer->get( 'id' ) ) );

		if ( $stream->get( 'type' ) && ( $stream->get( 'type' ) != 'status' ) ) {
			$row->set( 'type', $row->get( 'type', $stream->get( 'type' ) ) );
			$row->set( 'subtype', $row->get( 'subtype', 'status' ) );

			$parentDefault				=	null;
		} else {
			$row->set( 'type', $row->get( 'type', 'status' ) );

			$parentDefault				=	( $viewer->get( 'id' ) != $user->get( 'user_id' ) ? $user->get( 'user_id' ) : null );

		$row->set( 'item', $row->get( 'item', $stream->get( 'item' ) ) );
		$row->set( 'parent', $row->get( 'parent', $stream->get( 'parent', $parentDefault ) ) );

		if ( $messageLimit && ( cbutf8_strlen( $message ) > $messageLimit ) ) {
			$message					=	cbutf8_substr( $message, 0, $messageLimit );

		$row->set( 'message', $message );

		if ( $showActions ) {
			$action						=	$this->getInput()->subTree( 'actions' );
			$actionId					=	(int) $action->get( 'id', 0, GetterInterface::INT );
			$actionMessage				=	( $actionId ? trim( $action->get( 'message', '', GetterInterface::STRING ) ) : '' );

			// Remove linebreaks:
			$actionMessage				=	str_replace( array( "\n", "\r\n" ), ' ', $actionMessage );
			// Remove duplicate spaces:
			$actionMessage				=	preg_replace( '/ {2,}/i', ' ', $actionMessage );
			// Remove duplicate tabs:
			$actionMessage				=	preg_replace( '/\t{2,}/i', "\t", $actionMessage );

			if ( $actionLimit && ( cbutf8_strlen( $actionMessage ) > $actionLimit ) ) {
				$actionMessage			=	cbutf8_substr( $actionMessage, 0, $actionLimit );

			$actionId					=	( $actionMessage ? $actionId : 0 );

			$newAction					=	array(	'id'		=>	$actionId,
													'message'	=>	( $actionId ? $actionMessage : '' ),
													'emote'		=>	( $actionId ? (int) $action->get( 'emote', 0, GetterInterface::INT ) : 0 )

			$row->params()->set( 'action', $newAction );

		if ( $showLocations ) {
			$location					=	$this->getInput()->subTree( 'location' );
			$locationId					=	(int) $location->get( 'id', 0, GetterInterface::INT );
			$locationPlace				=	( $locationId ? trim( $location->get( 'place', '', GetterInterface::STRING ) ) : '' );
			$locationAddress			=	( $locationId ? trim( $location->get( 'address', '', GetterInterface::STRING ) ) : '' );

			if ( $locationLimit && ( cbutf8_strlen( $locationPlace ) > $locationLimit ) ) {
				$locationPlace			=	cbutf8_substr( $locationPlace, 0, $locationLimit );

			if ( $locationLimit && ( cbutf8_strlen( $locationAddress ) > $locationLimit ) ) {
				$locationAddress		=	cbutf8_substr( $locationAddress, 0, $locationLimit );

			$locationId					=	( $locationPlace ? $locationId : 0 );

			$newLocation				=	array(	'id'		=>	$locationId,
													'place'		=>	( $locationId ? $locationPlace : '' ),
													'address'	=>	( $locationId ? $locationAddress : '' )

			$row->params()->set( 'location', $newLocation );

		if ( $showLinks ) {
			$links						=	$this->getInput()->subTree( 'links' );
			$newLinks					=	array();

			/** @var ParamsInterface[] $links */
			foreach ( $links as $i => $link ) {
				if ( $linkLimit && ( ( $i + 1 ) > $linkLimit ) ) {

				$linkUrl				=	trim( $link->get( 'url', '', GetterInterface::STRING ) );

				if ( $linkUrl ) {
					$attachment			=	$stream->parser()->attachment( $linkUrl );

					if ( ! $attachment ) {

					$linkType			=	$attachment->get( 'type', '', GetterInterface::STRING );

					switch ( $linkType ) {
						case 'video':
							$linkMedia	=	$attachment->subTree( 'media' )->subTree( 'video' )->subTree( 0 );
						case 'audio':
							$linkMedia	=	$attachment->subTree( 'media' )->subTree( 'audio' )->subTree( 0 );
						case 'image':
						case 'url':
							$linkMedia	=	$attachment->subTree( 'media' )->subTree( 'image' )->subTree( 0 );

					$newLinks[]			=	array(	'url'			=>	$linkUrl,
													'text'			=>	null,
													'title'			=>	trim( $link->get( 'title', $attachment->subTree( 'title' )->get( 0, '', GetterInterface::STRING ), GetterInterface::STRING ) ),
													'description'	=>	trim( $link->get( 'description', $attachment->subTree( 'description' )->get( 0, '', GetterInterface::STRING ), GetterInterface::STRING ) ),
													'media'			=>	array(	'url' => $linkMedia->get( 'url', '', GetterInterface::STRING ),
																				'mimetype' => $linkMedia->get( 'mimetype', '', GetterInterface::STRING ),
																				'extension' => $linkMedia->get( 'extension', '', GetterInterface::STRING ),
																				'custom' => ''
													'type'			=>	$linkType,
													'thumbnail'		=>	$link->get( 'thumbnail', 1, GetterInterface::INT ),
													'internal'		=>	0,

			$row->params()->set( 'links', $newLinks );

		if ( $row->get( 'id' ) ) {
			$row->params()->set( 'modified', $_CB_framework->getUTCDate() );

		$row->set( 'params', $row->params()->asJson() );

		if ( $row->getError() || ( ! $row->check() ) ) {
			header( 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error' );

		if ( $row->getError() || ( ! $row->store() ) ) {
			header( 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error' );

		if ( $showTags ) {
			$tagsStream					=	$row->tags( $stream->source() );

			if ( $tagsStream ) {
				$tags					=	$this->input( 'tags', array(), GetterInterface::RAW );

				foreach ( $tagsStream->data() as $tag ) {
					/** @var TagTable $tag */
					if ( ! in_array( $tag->get( 'user' ), $tags ) ) {

					} else {
						$key			=	array_search( $tag->get( 'user' ), $tags );

						if ( $key !== false ) {
							unset( $tags[$key] );

				foreach ( $tags as $tagUser ) {
					if ( is_numeric( $tagUser ) ) {
						$tagUser		=	(int) $tagUser;
					} else {
						$tagUser		=	Get::clean( $tagUser, GetterInterface::STRING );

					$tag				=	new TagTable();

					$tag->set( 'user_id', (int) $tagsStream->user()->get( 'id' ) );
					$tag->set( 'type', $tagsStream->get( 'type', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) );
					$tag->set( 'subtype', $tagsStream->get( 'subtype', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) );
					$tag->set( 'item', $tagsStream->get( 'item', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) );
					$tag->set( 'parent', $tagsStream->get( 'parent', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) );
					$tag->set( 'user', $tagUser );



		$rows							=	array( &$row );

		if ( $stream->get( 'comments', 1 ) ) {
			CBActivity::preFetchComments( $rows, 'activity' );

		if ( $stream->get( 'tags', 1 ) ) {
			CBActivity::preFetchTags( $rows, 'activity' );

		CBActivity::preFetchUsers( $rows );

		$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'activity_onPushActivity', array( $stream, $row ) );

		echo HTML_cbactivityActivity::showActivity( $rows, $stream, 4, $user, $viewer, $this );

		header( 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK' );