/** * @param $comments * @param $likes * TODO: * Статик ссылку заменить на реальный аватар * Сделать кнопку "ответить" * Убрать всетаки бб коды * Не пеерносфятся строки в визуальном редакторе */ public static function comments($comments, $likes) { $result = ''; if (!App::$user->isGuest) { $result = '<a href="#comment-form" class="comment-scroll">Комментировать</a>'; } if (!empty($likes)) { $likes = array_flip($likes); } foreach ($comments as $key => $comment) { if (isset($likes[$comment->comment_id])) { $liked = 'liked'; } if ($key == 0) { $result .= '<li class="comment first">'; } else { $result .= '<li class="comment">'; } $result .= '<article id="comment-' . $comment->comment_id . '"><img class="comment-avatar" src="/images/test.jpg" width="60">'; $result .= '<div class="comment-meta">'; $result .= '<a class="by-author" href="/user/' . $comment->comment_author_id . '">' . $comment->username . '</a> '; $result .= '<span class="by-date">'; $result .= ' написал <a href="#comment-' . $comment->comment_id . '">' . ViewHelper::date($comment->comment_date) . '</a>'; $result .= '</span>'; if (app::$user->id != $comment->comment_author_id and !app::$user->isGuest) { $result .= '<a href="#reply" class="comment-reply" data-tip="Ответить"><i class="icon-reply"></i></a>'; } $result .= '</div>'; $result .= '<div class="comment-content">' . nl2br($comment->comment_text) . '</div>'; $result .= '<div class="comment-like-box">'; if (app::$user->id != $comment->comment_author_id and !app::$user->isGuest) { if (isset($liked)) { $result .= '<a class="comment-like ' . $liked . '" href="#" data-comment-id="' . $comment->comment_id . '"><i class="icon-heart"></i></a>'; } else { $result .= '<a class="comment-like" href="#" data-tip="Мне нравится" data-comment-id="' . $comment->comment_id . '"><i class="icon-heart"></i></a>'; } } if ($comment->comment_count_likes) { $result .= '<span class="comment-like-count">' . $comment->comment_count_likes . '</span>'; } $result .= '</div>'; $result .= '</article>'; $result .= '</li>'; $liked = null; } $result = '<ol class="commentlist">' . $result . '</ol>'; print $result; }
public static function links($per_page = null) { if ($per_page === null) { $per_page = app::$request->pagination['per_page']; } $path = '/' . App::$request->controller . '/' . App::$request->action; $links = '<div class="page-numbers">'; $active = App::$request->pagination['page'] / $per_page + 1; $del = app::$request->pagination['count'] / $per_page; $pages = ceil($del); $limiter = 0; $links .= ViewHelper::url($path . '/' . App::$request->pagination['key'] . '/' . 1, 'В начало'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { $limiter++; if ($active == $i) { $links .= ViewHelper::url($path . '/' . App::$request->pagination['key'] . '/' . $i, $i, ['class' => $active]); } else { $links .= ViewHelper::url($path . '/' . App::$request->pagination['key'] . '/' . $i, $i); } if (App::$config['pagination']['pager_limit'] == $limiter) { break; } } if (App::$config['pagination']['pager_limit'] < $pages) { if ($active == $pages) { $links .= '... ' . ViewHelper::url($path . '/' . App::$request->pagination['key'] . '/' . $pages, $pages, ['class' => $active]); } else { $links .= '... ' . ViewHelper::url($path . '/' . App::$request->pagination['key'] . '/' . $pages, $pages); } $links .= ViewHelper::url($path . '/' . App::$request->pagination['key'] . '/' . $pages, 'В конец'); } $links .= '</div>'; if (app::$request->pagination['count'] > app::$request->pagination['per_page']) { print $links; } }
<?php use Catrina\Widget\ViewHelper; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $title = "Вход"; ?> </title> <?php ViewHelper::addCss('/assets/css/backend.css'); ViewHelper::addJs('/assets/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js'); ViewHelper::addJs('/assets/js/jquery.liTranslit.js'); ViewHelper::addJs('/assets/js/backend.js'); ?> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <?php echo $this->view; ?> </body> </html>
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