
use Captcha\Bundle\CaptchaBundle\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator;
$captchaUrlGenerator = UrlGenerator::getInstance();
// generate Absolute URLs
$LBD_Resource_Url = $captchaUrlGenerator->generate('captcha_resource', array(), true) . '/';
$LBD_Handler_Url = $captchaUrlGenerator->generate('captcha_handler', array(), true);
// config captcha resources
$LBD_CaptchaConfig = \CaptchaConfiguration::GetSettings();
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->HandlerUrl = $LBD_Handler_Url;
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->ReloadIconUrl = $LBD_Resource_Url . 'lbd_reload_icon.gif';
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->SoundIconUrl = $LBD_Resource_Url . 'lbd_sound_icon.gif';
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->LayoutStylesheetUrl = $LBD_Resource_Url . 'lbd_layout.css';
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->ScriptIncludeUrl = $LBD_Resource_Url . 'lbd_scripts.js';
// use Symfony sessions to store persist Captcha codes and other Captcha data
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->SaveFunctionName = 'SF_Session_Save';
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->LoadFunctionName = 'SF_Session_Load';
$LBD_CaptchaConfig->ClearFunctionName = 'SF_Session_Clear';
// re-define custom session handler functions
global $session;
$session = $includeData;
function SF_Session_Save($key, $value)
    global $session;
    // save the given value with the given string key
    $session->set($key, serialize($value));
function SF_Session_Load($key)
    global $session;
    // load persisted value for the given string key

// include BotDetect PHP CAPTCHA Library v4.0.0
// Copyright © Captcha, Inc. (formerly Lanapsoft, Inc.) 2004-2016. All rights reserved.
// BotDetect, BotDetect CAPTCHA, Lanap, Lanap CAPTCHA, Lanap BotDetect, Lanap BotDetect CAPTCHA, Lanapsoft, Lanapsoft CAPTCHA, Lanapsoft BotDetect, Lanapsoft BotDetect CAPTCHA, and Lanap Software are trademarks or registered trademarks of Captcha, Inc.
// PHP 5.2.x compatibility workaround
if (!defined('__DIR__')) {
    define('__DIR__', dirname(__FILE__));
// 1. define BotDetect paths
// physical path to Captcha library files (the BotDetect folder)
$BDC_Include_Path = __DIR__ . '/../../captcha/lib/botdetect/';
// BotDetect Url prefix (base Url of the BotDetect public resources)
$captchaUrlGenerator = \Captcha\Bundle\CaptchaBundle\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator::getInstance();
$BDC_Url_Root = $captchaUrlGenerator->generate('captcha_resource', array(), true);
// physical path to the folder with the (optional!) config override file
$BDC_Config_Override_Path = __DIR__;
// normalize paths
if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/botdetect/CaptchaIncludes.php')) {
    // in case a local copy of the library exists, it is always used
    $BDC_Include_Path = __DIR__ . '/botdetect/';
    $BDC_Url_Root = 'botdetect/public/';
} else {
    // clean-up path specifications
    $BDC_Include_Path = BDC_NormalizePath($BDC_Include_Path);
    $BDC_Url_Root = BDC_NormalizePath($BDC_Url_Root);
    $BDC_Config_Override_Path = BDC_NormalizePath($BDC_Config_Override_Path);
define('BDC_INCLUDE_PATH', $BDC_Include_Path);
define('BDC_URL_ROOT', $BDC_Url_Root);
define('BDC_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_PATH', $BDC_Config_Override_Path);