Example #1
  * Remove data matching $path from the $data array.
  * You can use `{n}` and `{s}` to remove multiple elements
  * from $data.
  * @param array $data The data to operate on
  * @param string $path A path expression to use to remove.
  * @return array The modified array.
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core--libraries/hash.html#Hash::remove
 public static function remove(array $data, $path)
     $noTokens = strpos($path, '[') === false;
     $noExpansion = strpos($path, '{') === false;
     if ($noExpansion && $noTokens && strpos($path, '.') === false) {
         return $data;
     $tokens = $noTokens ? explode('.', $path) : Text::tokenize($path, '.', '[', ']');
     if ($noExpansion && $noTokens) {
         return static::_simpleOp('remove', $data, $tokens);
     $token = array_shift($tokens);
     $nextPath = implode('.', $tokens);
     list($token, $conditions) = self::_splitConditions($token);
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $match = static::_matchToken($k, $token);
         if ($match && is_array($v)) {
             if ($conditions && static::_matches($v, $conditions)) {
             $data[$k] = static::remove($v, $nextPath);
             if (empty($data[$k])) {
         } elseif ($match && empty($nextPath)) {
     return $data;
Example #2
  * testTokenize method
  * @return void
 public function testTokenize()
     $result = Text::tokenize('A,(short,boring test)');
     $expected = ['A', '(short,boring test)'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('A,(short,more interesting( test)');
     $expected = ['A', '(short,more interesting( test)'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('A,(short,very interesting( test))');
     $expected = ['A', '(short,very interesting( test))'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('"single tag"', ' ', '"', '"');
     $expected = ['"single tag"'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('tagA "single tag" tagB', ' ', '"', '"');
     $expected = ['tagA', '"single tag"', 'tagB'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
Example #3
  * testTokenize method
  * @return void
 public function testTokenize()
     $result = Text::tokenize('A,(short,boring test)');
     $expected = ['A', '(short,boring test)'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('A,(short,more interesting( test)');
     $expected = ['A', '(short,more interesting( test)'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('A,(short,very interesting( test))');
     $expected = ['A', '(short,very interesting( test))'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('"single tag"', ' ', '"', '"');
     $expected = ['"single tag"'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = Text::tokenize('tagA "single tag" tagB', ' ', '"', '"');
     $expected = ['tagA', '"single tag"', 'tagB'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     // Ideographic width space.
     $result = Text::tokenize("tagA \"single tag\" tagB", " ", '"', '"');
     $expected = ['tagA', '"single tag"', 'tagB'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
 public function import()
     $submissionFile = '';
     $table = '';
     //get form data
     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
         $submissionFile = $this->request->data['submissionFile'];
         $table = $this->request->data['table'];
     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
         if ($submissionFile == '') {
             $this->set('file_status', 'No file submitted, try again.');
         } elseif ($submissionFile) {
             //read in file data
             $file = new File($submissionFile['tmp_name']);
             $rawFileData = $file->read(true, 'r');
             $lineArr = $array = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $rawFileData);
             //parse file data line by line for appropriate table
             $this->set('file_status', 'File submitted.');
             if ($table == 0) {
                 $ticketsTable = TableRegistry::get('Tickets');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $ticket = $ticketsTable->newEntity();
                     $ticket->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $ticket->theater_id = $dataFields[1];
                     $ticket->section_id = $dataFields[2];
                     $ticket->row_id = $dataFields[3];
                     $ticket->seat_id = $dataFields[4];
                     $ticket->status = $dataFields[5];
                     $ticket->customer_id = $dataFields[6];
                     $ticket->customer_name = $dataFields[7];
                     $ticket->ticket_number = $dataFields[8];
                     $ticket->performance_id = $dataFields[9];
                     $ticket->season_id = $dataFields[10];
                     $ticket->purchase_id = $dataFields[11];
             } elseif ($table == 1) {
                 $staffAssignmentsTable = TableRegistry::get('StaffAssignments');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $staffAssignment = $staffAssignmentsTable->newEntity();
                     $staffAssignment->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $staffAssignment->user_id = $dataFields[1];
                     $staffAssignment->theater_id = $dataFields[2];
                     $staffAssignment->access_level = $dataFields[3];
             } elseif ($table == 2) {
                 $usersTable = TableRegistry::get('Users');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $user = $usersTable->newEntity();
                     $user->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $user->name = $dataFields[1];
                     $user->street = $dataFields[2];
                     $user->city = $dataFields[3];
                     $user->state = $dataFields[4];
                     $user->zip = $dataFields[5];
                     $user->phone_number = $dataFields[6];
                     $user->email = $dataFields[7];
                     $user->password = $dataFields[8];
                     $user->is_super_admin = $dataFields[9];
                     $user->date_created = $dataFields[10];
                     $user->date_modified = $dataFields[11];
                     $user->salt = $dataFields[12];
             } elseif ($table == 3) {
                 $theatersTable = TableRegistry::get('Theaters');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $theater = $theatersTable->newEntity();
                     $theater->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $theater->name = $dataFields[1];
                     $theater->sales_tax = $dataFields[2];
                     $theater->description = $dataFields[3];
                     $theater->location = $dataFields[4];
                     $theater->artwork = $dataFields[5];
             } elseif ($table == 4) {
                 $sectionsTable = TableRegistry::get('Sections');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $section = $sectionsTable->newEntity();
                     $section->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $section->name = $dataFields[1];
                     $section->code = $dataFields[2];
                     $section->theater_id = $dataFields[3];
                     $section->accessible_section = $dataFields[4];
                     $section->front_text = $dataFields[5];
                     $section->back_text = $dataFields[6];
             } elseif ($table == 5) {
                 $seatsTable = TableRegistry::get('Seats');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $seat = $seatsTable->newEntity();
                     $seat->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $seat->theater_id = $dataFields[1];
                     $seat->section_id = $dataFields[2];
                     $seat->row_id = $dataFields[3];
                     $seat->code = $dataFields[4];
                     $seat->price = $dataFields[5];
             } elseif ($table == 6) {
                 $seasonsTable = TableRegistry::get('Seasons');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $season = $seasonsTable->newEntity();
                     $season->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $season->name = $dataFields[1];
                     $season->start_time = $dataFields[2];
                     $season->end_time = $dataFields[3];
                     $season->ticket_price = $dataFields[4];
                     $season->theater_id = $dataFields[5];
                     $season->about = $dataFields[6];
             } elseif ($table == 7) {
                 $rowsTable = TableRegistry::get('Rows');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $row = $rowsTable->newEntity();
                     $row->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $row->theater_id = $dataFields[1];
                     $row->section_id = $dataFields[2];
                     $row->code = $dataFields[3];
             } elseif ($table == 8) {
                 $playsTable = TableRegistry::get('Plays');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $play = $playsTable->newEntity();
                     $play->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $play->name = $dataFields[1];
                     $play->artwork = $dataFields[2];
                     $play->description = $dataFields[3];
                     $play->author = $dataFields[4];
                     $play->shortname = $dataFields[5];
             } elseif ($table == 9) {
                 $performancesTable = TableRegistry::get('Performances');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $performance = $performancesTable->newEntity();
                     $performance->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $performance->start_time = $dataFields[1];
                     $performance->open = $dataFields[2];
                     $performance->canceled = $dataFields[3];
                     $performance->play_id = $dataFields[4];
                     $performance->theater_id = $dataFields[5];
                     $performance->season_id = $dataFields[6];
             } elseif ($table == 10) {
                 $cart_itemsTable = TableRegistry::get('Cart_items');
                 foreach ($lineArr as $line) {
                     $dataFields = Text::tokenize($line);
                     $cart_items = $cart_itemsTable->newEntity();
                     $cart_items->id = $dataFields[0];
                     $cart_items->cart_id = $dataFields[1];
                     $cart_items->performance_id = $dataFields[2];
                     $cart_items->seat_id = $dataFields[3];
                     $cart_items->season_id = $dataFields[4];
             } else {
                 $this->Flash->error('Unexpected table value');
         } else {
             $this->set('file_status', 'Please submit a file.');
     } else {
         $this->set('file_status', 'Please submit a file.');