  * Ensure that the association collection can be iterated.
  * @return void
 public function testAssociationsCanBeIterated()
     $belongsTo = new BelongsTo('');
     $this->associations->add('Users', $belongsTo);
     $belongsToMany = new BelongsToMany('');
     $this->associations->add('Cart', $belongsToMany);
     $expected = ['users' => $belongsTo, 'cart' => $belongsToMany];
     $result = iterator_to_array($this->associations, true);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
Example #2
  * Creates a new BelongsToMany association between this table and a target
  * table. A "belongs to many" association is a M-N relationship.
  * Target table can be inferred by its name, which is provided in the
  * first argument, or you can either pass the class name to be instantiated or
  * an instance of it directly.
  * The options array accept the following keys:
  * - className: The class name of the target table object.
  * - targetTable: An instance of a table object to be used as the target table.
  * - foreignKey: The name of the field to use as foreign key.
  * - targetForeignKey: The name of the field to use as the target foreign key.
  * - joinTable: The name of the table representing the link between the two
  * - through: If you choose to use an already instantiated link table, set this
  *   key to a configured Table instance containing associations to both the source
  *   and target tables in this association.
  * - cascadeCallbacks: Set to true if you want CakePHP to fire callbacks on
  *   cascaded deletes. If false the ORM will use deleteAll() to remove data.
  *   When true join/junction table records will be loaded and then deleted.
  * - conditions: array with a list of conditions to filter the join with.
  * - sort: The order in which results for this association should be returned.
  * - strategy: The strategy to be used for selecting results Either 'select'
  *   or 'subquery'. If subquery is selected the query used to return results
  *   in the source table will be used as conditions for getting rows in the
  *   target table.
  * - saveStrategy: Either 'append' or 'replace'. Indicates the mode to be used
  *   for saving associated entities. The former will only create new links
  *   between both side of the relation and the latter will do a wipe and
  *   replace to create the links between the passed entities when saving.
  * This method will return the association object that was built.
  * @param string $associated the alias for the target table. This is used to
  * uniquely identify the association
  * @param array $options list of options to configure the association definition
  * @return \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany
 public function belongsToMany($associated, array $options = [])
     $options += ['sourceTable' => $this];
     $association = new BelongsToMany($associated, $options);
     return $this->_associations->add($association->name(), $association);
Example #3
  * Integration test for replacing entities which depend on their source entity with HasMany and failing transaction. False should be returned when
  * unlinking fails while replacing even when cascadeCallbacks is enabled
  * @return void
 public function testReplaceHasManyOnErrorDependentCascadeCallbacks()
     $articles = $this->getMock('Cake\\ORM\\Table', ['delete'], [['connection' => $this->connection, 'alias' => 'Articles', 'table' => 'articles']]);
     $associations = new AssociationCollection();
     $hasManyArticles = $this->getMock('Cake\\ORM\\Association\\HasMany', ['target'], ['articles', ['target' => $articles, 'foreignKey' => 'author_id', 'dependent' => true, 'cascadeCallbacks' => true]]);
     $associations->add('articles', $hasManyArticles);
     $authors = new Table(['connection' => $this->connection, 'alias' => 'Authors', 'table' => 'authors', 'associations' => $associations]);
     $author = $authors->newEntity(['name' => 'mylux']);
     $author = $authors->save($author);
     $newArticles = $articles->newEntities([['title' => 'New bakery next corner', 'body' => 'They sell tastefull cakes'], ['title' => 'Spicy cake recipe', 'body' => 'chocolate and peppers']]);
     $sizeArticles = count($newArticles);
     $this->assertTrue($authors->Articles->link($author, $newArticles));
     $this->assertEquals($authors->Articles->findAllByAuthorId($author->id)->count(), $sizeArticles);
     $this->assertEquals(count($author->articles), $sizeArticles);
     $newArticles = array_merge($author->articles, $articles->newEntities([['title' => 'Cheese cake recipe', 'body' => 'The secrets of mixing salt and sugar'], ['title' => 'Not another piece of cake', 'body' => 'This is the best']]));
     $this->assertFalse($authors->Articles->replace($author, $newArticles));
     $this->assertCount($sizeArticles, $authors->Articles->findAllByAuthorId($author->id));