Example #1
  * Generate the response using the controller object.
  * If there is no specific template for the raised error (normally there won't be one)
  * swallow the missing view exception and just use the standard
  * error format. This prevents throwing an unknown Exception and seeing instead
  * a MissingView exception
  * @param string $template The template to render.
  * @return \Cake\Network\Response
 protected function _outputMessage($template)
     $viewVars = ['success', 'data'];
     $this->controller->set('success', false);
     $this->controller->set('data', $this->_getErrorData());
     if (Configure::read('debug')) {
         $queryLog = $this->_getQueryLog();
         if ($queryLog) {
             $viewVars[] = 'queryLog';
     $this->controller->set('_serialize', $viewVars);
     return parent::_outputMessage($template);