Example #1
  * Ustawienie menu
 private function initMenu()
     $menu = Cache::read('menu-' . $this->userRole);
     if (!isset($menu) || $menu === false) {
         // Pobranie menu z configa
         Configure::load('Admin.app_menu', 'default');
         $menuConfig = Configure::read('menu');
         $that = $this;
         $generateMenu = function ($array) use($that, &$generateMenu) {
             $menu = array();
             foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
                 $link = $item['link'];
                 // czy ma dostep
                 if (!$link || $that->permission->check($link['controller'], $link['action'])) {
                     $childs = [];
                     if (isset($item['childs']) && !empty($item['childs'])) {
                         $childs = $generateMenu($item['childs']);
                         $item['childs'] = $childs;
                     // Nie dodaje pustych elementów do menu bez linku
                     if (count($childs) == 0 && !$link) {
                     $menu[$key] = $item;
             return $menu;
         $menu = $generateMenu($menuConfig);
         Cache::write('menu-' . $this->userRole, $menu);
     $this->set('params', $this->request->params);
     $this->set('menu', $menu);
Example #2
  * testTranslationCaching method
  * @return void
 public function testTranslationCaching()
     $this->skipIf(!Cache::engine('_cake_core_'), 'Missing _cake_core_ cache config, cannot test caching.');
     Configure::write('Config.language', 'cache_test_po');
     // reset internally stored entries
     Cache::clear(false, '_cake_core_');
     $lang = Configure::read('Config.language');
     // make some calls to translate using different domains
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 1 Foo', I18n::translate('dom1.foo', false, 'dom1'));
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 1 Bar', I18n::translate('dom1.bar', false, 'dom1'));
     $domains = I18n::domains();
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 1 Foo', $domains['dom1']['cache_test_po']['LC_MESSAGES']['dom1.foo']);
     // reset internally stored entries
     // now only dom1 should be in cache
     $cachedDom1 = Cache::read('dom1_' . $lang, '_cake_core_');
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 1 Foo', $cachedDom1['LC_MESSAGES']['dom1.foo']);
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 1 Bar', $cachedDom1['LC_MESSAGES']['dom1.bar']);
     // dom2 not in cache
     $this->assertFalse(Cache::read('dom2_' . $lang, '_cake_core_'));
     // translate a item of dom2 (adds dom2 to cache)
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 2 Foo', I18n::translate('dom2.foo', false, 'dom2'));
     // verify dom2 was cached through manual read from cache
     $cachedDom2 = Cache::read('dom2_' . $lang, '_cake_core_');
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 2 Foo', $cachedDom2['LC_MESSAGES']['dom2.foo']);
     $this->assertEquals('Dom 2 Bar', $cachedDom2['LC_MESSAGES']['dom2.bar']);
     // modify cache entry manually to verify that dom1 entries now will be read from cache
     $cachedDom1['LC_MESSAGES']['dom1.foo'] = 'FOO';
     Cache::write('dom1_' . $lang, $cachedDom1, '_cake_core_');
     $this->assertEquals('FOO', I18n::translate('dom1.foo', false, 'dom1'));
Example #3
  * Get option by key
  * @param string $key Option key
  * @return mixed|null
 public static function get($key)
     if (!($options = Cache::read(self::$_config['cache_name']))) {
         $options = self::getAll();
     return array_key_exists($key, $options) ? $options[$key] : null;
  * Establishes a connection to the salesforce server
  * @param array $config configuration to be used for creating connection
  * @return bool true on success
 protected function _connect(array $config)
     $this->config = $config;
     if (empty($this->config['my_wsdl'])) {
         throw new \ErrorException("A WSDL needs to be provided");
     } else {
         $wsdl = CONFIG . DS . $this->config['my_wsdl'];
     $mySforceConnection = new \SforceEnterpriseClient();
     $mySoapClient = $mySforceConnection->createConnection($wsdl);
     $sflogin = (array) Cache::read('salesforce_login', 'salesforce');
     if (!empty($sflogin['sessionId'])) {
     } else {
         try {
             $mylogin = $mySforceConnection->login($this->config['username'], $this->config['password']);
             $sflogin = array('sessionId' => $mylogin->sessionId, 'serverUrl' => $mylogin->serverUrl);
             Cache::write('salesforce_login', $sflogin, 'salesforce');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->log("Error logging into salesforce - Salesforce down?");
             $this->log("Username: "******"Password: " . $this->config['password']);
     $this->client = $mySforceConnection;
     $this->connected = true;
     return $this->connected;
 public function testInIndexBehavior()
     /*$testEntity = $this->Articles->newEntity(['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Test title five']);
     //<editor-fold desc="Should get two related">
     $firstArticle = $this->Articles->get(1, ['getRelated' => true]);
     $this->assertCount(2, $firstArticle->related);
     //<editor-fold desc="Should save only one">
     $firstArticle = $this->Articles->patchEntity($firstArticle, ['related-articles' => [['id' => 3, '_joinData' => ['source_table_name' => 'articles', 'target_table_name' => 'articles']]]]);
     $firstArticle = $this->Articles->get(1, ['getRelated' => true]);
     $this->assertCount(1, $firstArticle->related);
     //<editor-fold desc="Test if cache works">
     $newArticle = $this->Articles->newEntity(['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Test title five']);
     $attachedTables = Cache::read('Related.attachedTables');
     $indexedTables = Cache::read('Related.indexedTables');
     $this->assertCount(1, $attachedTables);
     $this->assertEquals('articles', $attachedTables[0]);
     $this->assertCount(5, $indexedTables['Articles']);
     $this->assertEquals('Test title five', $indexedTables['Articles'][5]);
     $indexedTables = Cache::read('Related.indexedTables');
     $this->assertCount(4, $indexedTables['Articles']);
  * Prepares some variables used in "default.ctp" layout, such as skin color to use,
  * pending comments counter, etc.
  * @return array Associative array
 function backendLayoutVars()
     $layoutOptions = [];
     $skin = theme()->settings('skin');
     $boxClass = 'success';
     $pendingComments = Cache::read('pending_comments', 'pending_comments');
     if ($pendingComments === false) {
         $pendingComments = TableRegistry::get('Comment.Comments')->find()->where(['Comments.status' => 'pending', 'Comments.table_alias' => 'contents'])->count();
         Cache::write('pending_comments', $pendingComments, 'pending_comments');
     $pendingComments = !$pendingComments ? '' : $pendingComments;
     if (strpos($skin, 'blue') !== false || strpos($skin, 'black') !== false) {
         $boxClass = 'info';
     } elseif (strpos($skin, 'green') !== false) {
         $boxClass = 'success';
     } elseif (strpos($skin, 'red') !== false || strpos($skin, 'purple') !== false) {
         $boxClass = 'danger';
     } elseif (strpos($skin, 'yellow') !== false) {
         $boxClass = 'warning';
     if (theme()->settings('fixed_layout')) {
         $layoutOptions[] = 'fixed';
     if (theme()->settings('boxed_layout')) {
         $layoutOptions[] = 'layout-boxed';
     if (theme()->settings('collapsed_sidebar')) {
         $layoutOptions[] = 'sidebar-collapse';
     return compact('skin', 'layoutOptions', 'boxClass', 'pendingComments');
Example #7
 public function read($id)
     $result = Cache::read($id, $this->cacheKey);
     if ($result) {
         return $result;
     return parent::read($id);
Example #8
  * Method used to read from a cache session.
  * @param string $id The key of the value to read
  * @return string The value of the key or empty if it does not exist
 public function read($id)
     $value = Cache::read($id, $this->_options['config']);
     if (empty($value)) {
         return '';
     return $value;
  * @return mixed
 protected function _getIndexedTables()
     if (($indexed_tables = Cache::read('Related.indexedTables')) === false) {
         $InRelatedIndexBehavior = new InRelatedIndexBehavior(TableRegistry::get(''));
         $indexed_tables = Cache::read('Related.indexedTables');
     return $indexed_tables;
 public function index()
     if (($books = Cache::read('exlibrisBooksIndex')) === false) {
         $books = $this->Books->find('all')->contain('Publishers')->all();
         Cache::write('exlibrisBooksIndex', $books);
     $this->set('books', $books);
     $this->set('_serialize', ['books']);
  * Tests that schema metadata is cached
  * @return void
 public function testDescribeCache()
     $schema = $this->connection->schemaCollection();
     $table = $this->connection->schemaCollection()->describe('users');
     Cache::delete('test_users', '_cake_model_');
     $result = $schema->describe('users');
     $this->assertEquals($table, $result);
     $result = Cache::read('test_users', '_cake_model_');
     $this->assertEquals($table, $result);
Example #12
  * Internal method to get the latest photos
  * @param int $limit Limit
  * @return array
  * @uses MeInstagram\Utility\Instagram::recent()
 protected function _latest($limit = 15)
     //Tries to get data from the cache
     $photos = Cache::read($cache = sprintf('latest_%s', $limit), 'instagram');
     //If the data are not available from the cache
     if (empty($photos)) {
         list($photos) = Instagram::recent(null, $limit);
         Cache::write($cache, $photos, 'instagram');
     return $photos;
 public function view($slug)
     $pagina = Cache::read('pagina_view_' . $slug);
     if ($pagina === false) {
         $pagina = $this->Paginas->getPaginaBySlug($slug);
         Cache::write('pagina_view_' . $slug, $pagina);
     if (!$pagina) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
  * Tests that schema metadata is cached
  * @return void
 public function testDescribeCache()
     $schema = $this->connection->methodSchemaCollection();
     $method = $this->connection->methodSchemaCollection()->describe('CALC.SUM');
     Cache::delete('test_CALC_SUM', '_cake_method_');
     $schema = $this->connection->methodSchemaCollection();
     $result = $schema->describe('CALC.SUM');
     $this->assertEquals($method, $result);
     $result = Cache::read('test_CALC_SUM', '_cake_method_');
     $this->assertEquals($method, $result);
Example #15
  * Creates a new Query for this repository and applies some defaults based
  *  on the type of search that was selected
  * @param string $type The type of query to perform
  * @param array|ArrayAccess $options An array that will be passed to
  *  Query::applyOptions()
  * @return Cake\ORM\Query The query builder
  * @uses setNextToBePublished()
  * @uses $cache
 public function find($type = 'all', $options = [])
     //Gets from cache the timestamp of the next record to be published
     $next = Cache::read('next_to_be_published', $this->cache);
     //If the cache is not valid, it empties the cache
     if ($next && time() >= $next) {
         Cache::clear(false, $this->cache);
         //Sets the next record to be published
     return parent::find($type, $options);
Example #16
  * Write user failed login.
  * @param Controller $controller
  * @return void
 protected function _writeFailedLogin(Controller $controller)
     $cacheConfig = 'auth';
     if ($controller->request->param('prefix') == 'admin') {
         $cacheConfig .= '_admin';
     $cacheName = 'failed_' . $controller->request->data('username');
     $cacheValue = (int) Cache::read($cacheName, $cacheConfig);
     $cookieVal = $controller->Cookie->read('fail.auth');
     $controller->Cookie->config(['expires' => '+300 seconds']);
     $controller->Cookie->write('fail.auth', (int) $cookieVal + 1);
     Cache::write($cacheName, (int) $cacheValue + 1, $cacheConfig);
Example #17
  * Renders the login form.
  * @return \Cake\Network\Response|null
 public function login()
     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
         $loginBlocking = plugin('User')->settings('failed_login_attempts') && plugin('User')->settings('failed_login_attempts_block_seconds');
         $continue = true;
         if ($loginBlocking) {
             Cache::config('users_login', ['duration' => '+' . plugin('User')->settings('failed_login_attempts_block_seconds') . ' seconds', 'path' => CACHE, 'engine' => 'File', 'prefix' => 'qa_', 'groups' => ['acl']]);
             $cacheName = 'login_failed_' . env('REMOTE_ADDR');
             $cache = Cache::read($cacheName, 'users_login');
             if ($cache && $cache['attempts'] >= plugin('User')->settings('failed_login_attempts')) {
                 $blockTime = (int) plugin('User')->settings('failed_login_attempts_block_seconds');
                 $this->Flash->warning(__d('user', 'You have reached the maximum number of login attempts. Try again in {0} minutes.', $blockTime / 60));
                 $continue = false;
         if ($continue) {
             $user = $this->Auth->identify();
             if ($user) {
                 if (!empty($user['id'])) {
                     try {
                         $user = $this->Users->get($user['id']);
                         if ($user) {
                             $this->Users->touch($user, 'Users.login');
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         // invalid user
                 return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());
             } else {
                 if ($loginBlocking && isset($cache) && isset($cacheName)) {
                     $cacheStruct = ['attempts' => 0, 'last_attempt' => 0, 'ip' => '', 'request_log' => []];
                     $cache = array_merge($cacheStruct, $cache);
                     $cache['attempts'] += 1;
                     $cache['last_attempt'] = time();
                     $cache['ip'] = env('REMOTE_ADDR');
                     $cache['request_log'][] = ['data' => $this->request->data, 'time' => time()];
                     Cache::write($cacheName, $cache, 'users_login');
                 $this->Flash->danger(__d('user', 'Username or password is incorrect.'));
     $user = $this->Users->newEntity();
     $this->title(__d('user', 'Login'));
 protected function _tableChanged($event, $entity, $options)
     $modelName = $this->_table->alias();
     if (($indexedTables = Cache::read('Related.indexedTables')) === false) {
         //Nepodařilo se načíst z cache
     } else {
         //Načteno z cache
         $indexedTables[$modelName] = $this->_table->find('list', ['only_active' => true])->toArray();
         Cache::write('Related.indexedTables', $indexedTables);
     echo "";
     return true;
Example #19
 public function beforeDispatch(Event $event, Request $request, Response $response)
     if (Configure::read('debug')) {
     $cacheKey = $this->_getCacheKey($request);
     if ($cacheKey !== false) {
         $content = Cache::read($cacheKey, 'wasabi/cms/pages');
         if ($content !== false) {
             $event->result = $response;
Example #20
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function describe($name, array $options = [])
     $options += ['forceRefresh' => false];
     $cacheConfig = $this->cacheMetadata();
     $cacheKey = $this->cacheKey($name);
     if (!empty($cacheConfig) && !$options['forceRefresh']) {
         $cached = Cache::read($cacheKey, $cacheConfig);
         if ($cached !== false) {
             return $cached;
     $table = parent::describe($name, $options);
     if (!empty($cacheConfig)) {
         Cache::write($cacheKey, $table, $cacheConfig);
     return $table;
  * Returns a application access token.
  * @return string|bool The access token or false in case of a failure
 public function accessToken()
     $cacheKey = 'twitter-' . $this->config('name') . '-token';
     if (Cache::read($cacheKey) !== false) {
         return Cache::read($cacheKey);
     $bearerToken = $this->bearerToken();
     if (!$bearerToken) {
         return false;
     $client = new Client(['headers' => ['Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $bearerToken], 'host' => 'api.twitter.com', 'scheme' => 'https']);
     $response = $client->post('/oauth2/token', ['grant_type' => 'client_credentials']);
     if (!$response->isOk() || !$response->json['token_type']) {
         return false;
     Cache::write($cacheKey, $response->json['access_token']);
     return $response->json['access_token'];
  * Returns a list of Controller names found in /src/Controller/Api.
  * @return array List holding sorted Controller names
 public static function getApiControllers()
     $cached = Cache::read('api_controllers');
     if ($cached) {
         return $cached;
     $dir = new Folder(APP . 'Controller' . DS . Inflector::camelize(Configure::read('App++.Api.prefix')));
     $controllerFiles = $dir->find('.*Controller\\.php');
     if (!$controllerFiles) {
         return false;
     $result = [];
     foreach ($controllerFiles as $controllerFile) {
         $result[] = substr($controllerFile, 0, strlen($controllerFile) - 14);
     Cache::write('api_controllers', $result);
     return $result;
  * Perform cache-aware, Geshi-aware processing of markdown text
  * Pass your markdown text and get the html for output. 
  * If the GeshiHelper has been installed, properly delimeted source code 
  * in your markdown will be nicely highlighted.
  * To use caching of the output you'll need to pass an object instead of 
  * a text string. The object must implement the MarkdownInterface.
  * To gain greater control over the geshi output you'll need to pass an object 
  * that implements the GeshiInterface
  * @param  object|string $source Text in markdown format or an object
  * @return string
 public function transform($source)
     if (is_object($source)) {
         if (!$source instanceof MarkdownInterface) {
             throw new \BadFunctionCallException('CakeMarkdown::transform() argument must be an object that implements MardownInterface or a string');
         if ($source->markdownCaching()) {
             $output = Cache::read($source->markdownCacheKey($this), $source->markdownCacheConfig($this));
             if ($output) {
                 return $output;
     $output = $this->chooseTransform($source);
     if (is_object($source) && $source->markdownCaching()) {
         Cache::write($source->markdownCacheKey($this), $output, $source->markdownCacheConfig($this));
     return $output;
 protected function _icons()
     $useCache = true;
     if (!empty($this->request->params['named']['reset'])) {
         $useCache = false;
     if ($useCache && ($iconNames = Cache::read('country_icon_names')) !== false) {
         $this->Flash->info('Cache Used');
         return $iconNames;
     $handle = new Folder($this->imageFolder);
     $icons = $handle->read(true, true);
     $iconNames = [];
     foreach ($icons[1] as $icon) {
         # only use files (not folders)
         $iconNames[] = strtoupper(extractPathInfo('filename', $icon));
     Cache::write('country_icon_names', $iconNames);
     return $iconNames;
 public static function loadListeners()
     $eventManager = EventManager::instance();
     $cached = Cache::read('EventHandlers', 'default');
     if ($cached === false) {
         $eventHandlers = Configure::read('EventHandlers');
         $validKeys = array('eventKey' => null, 'options' => array());
         $cached = array();
         if (!empty($eventHandlers) && is_array($eventHandlers)) {
             foreach ($eventHandlers as $eventHandler => $eventOptions) {
                 $eventKey = null;
                 if (is_numeric($eventHandler)) {
                     $eventHandler = $eventOptions;
                     $eventOptions = array();
                 list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($eventHandler);
                 if (!empty($eventOptions)) {
                     extract(array_intersect_key($eventOptions, $validKeys));
                 if (isset($eventOptions['options']['className'])) {
                     list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($eventOptions['options']['className']);
                 if (class_exists('\\' . $plugin . '\\Event\\' . $class)) {
                     $cached[] = compact('plugin', 'class', 'eventKey', 'eventOptions');
                 } else {
                     Log::error(__d('croogo', 'EventHandler %s not found in plugin %s', $class, $plugin));
             Cache::write('EventHandlers', $cached, 'default');
     foreach ($cached as $cache) {
         if (Plugin::loaded($plugin)) {
             $settings = isset($eventOptions['options']) ? $eventOptions['options'] : array();
             $namespace = '\\' . $plugin . '\\Event\\' . $class;
             $listener = new $namespace($settings);
             $eventManager->on($listener, $eventKey, $eventOptions);
  * Authorizes current logged in user, if user belongs to the "administrator"
  * he/she is automatically authorized.
  * @param array $user Active user data
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request $request Request instance
  * @return bool True if user is can access this request
 public function authorize($user, Request $request)
     if ($request->is('userAdmin')) {
         return true;
     $user = user();
     $path = $this->requestPath($request);
     $cacheKey = 'permissions_' . intval($user->id);
     $permissions = Cache::read($cacheKey, 'permissions');
     if ($permissions === false) {
         $permissions = [];
         Cache::write($cacheKey, [], 'permissions');
     if (!isset($permissions[$path])) {
         $allowed = $user->isAllowed($path);
         $permissions[$path] = $allowed;
         Cache::write($cacheKey, $permissions, 'permissions');
     } else {
         $allowed = $permissions[$path];
     return $allowed;
 public function appLoad($userID)
     if ($userID !== null) {
         $notificationTable = TableRegistry::get('Notifications');
         $controller = $this->_registry->getController();
         $notificationEnts = $notificationTable->find('unread')->where(['user_id' => $userID]);
         $notificationCount = $notificationEnts->count();
         if (isset($notificationCount) && $notificationCount > 0) {
             $unreadNotifications = true;
         } else {
             $unreadNotifications = false;
         $userAppProgress = 'appProgress' . $userID;
         $appProgress = Cache::read($userAppProgress);
         if (empty($appProgress)) {
Example #28
 protected function initData()
     $menus = \Cake\Cache\Cache::read('admin_menus');
     if ($menus === false) {
         $Menu = \Cake\ORM\TableRegistry::get('cwp_menu');
         $menus = $Menu->find()->hydrate(false)->where('status = 1')->orderDesc('rank')->toArray();
         $menus = \Admin\Utils\Util::getMenu($menus);
         \Cake\Cache\Cache::write('admin_menus', $menus);
     $this->_menus = $menus;
     $controller = strtolower($this->request->param('controller'));
     $action = strtolower($this->request->param('action'));
     $url = '/admin/' . $controller . '/' . $action;
     $this->_url = $url;
     $active = null;
     foreach ($menus as $value) {
         if (isset($value['child'])) {
             foreach ($value['child'] as $sub_menu) {
                 if ($sub_menu['node'] == $url) {
                     $this->_pageTitle = $sub_menu['name'];
                     $this->_breadFirst = ['name' => $value['name'], 'node' => $value['node']];
                     $this->_breadSecond = ['name' => $sub_menu['name'], 'node' => $sub_menu['node']];
                 if (isset($sub_menu['child'])) {
                     foreach ($sub_menu['child'] as $v) {
                         if ($v['node'] == $url) {
                             $active = $sub_menu['node'];
                             $this->_active = $active;
                             $this->_pageTitle = $v['name'];
                             $this->_breadFirst = ['name' => $value['name'], 'node' => $value['node']];
                             $this->_breadSecond = ['name' => $sub_menu['name'], 'node' => $sub_menu['node']];
  * @param ComponentRegistry $registry The controller for this request.
  * @param array $config An array of config. This class does not use any config.
 public function __construct(ComponentRegistry $registry, array $config = [])
     parent::__construct($registry, $config);
     if (!file_exists(CONFIG . $this->config('hierarchyFile'))) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("Provided hierarchy config file %s doesn't exist.", $this->config('hierarchyFile')));
     if (!file_exists(CONFIG . $this->config('aclFile'))) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("Provided ACL config file %s doesn't exist.", $this->config('aclFile')));
     // caching
     $hierarchyModified = filemtime(CONFIG . $this->config('hierarchyFile'));
     $aclModified = filemtime(CONFIG . $this->config('aclFile'));
     $lastModified = $hierarchyModified > $aclModified ? $hierarchyModified : $aclModified;
     if (Cache::read('hierarchy_auth_build_time') < $lastModified) {
         $this->_hierarchy = $this->_getHierarchy();
         $this->_acl = $this->_getAcl();
         Cache::write('hierarchy_auth_cache', ['acl' => $this->_acl, 'hierarchy' => $this->_hierarchy]);
         Cache::write('hierarchy_auth_build_time', time());
     } else {
         $cache = Cache::read('hierarchy_auth_cache');
         $this->_hierarchy = $cache['hierarchy'];
         $this->_acl = $cache['acl'];
 public function stats()
     $filter = $this->_getTimeFilter();
     $relatedEntries = array();
     $filter_string = $this->request->query('filter');
     if (!$filter_string) {
         $filter_string = "all_time";
     $entriesWithCount = array();
     foreach (TableRegistry::get('Incidents')->summarizableFields as $field) {
         if (($entriesWithCount = Cache::read($field . '_' . $filter_string)) === false) {
             $entriesWithCount = TableRegistry::get('Reports')->getRelatedByField($field, 25, false, false, $filter["limit"]);
             $entriesWithCount = json_encode($entriesWithCount);
             Cache::write($field . '_' . $filter_string, $entriesWithCount);
         $relatedEntries[$field] = json_decode($entriesWithCount, TRUE);
     $this->set("related_entries", $relatedEntries);
     $this->set('columns', TableRegistry::get('Incidents')->summarizableFields);
     $this->set('filter_times', TableRegistry::get('Incidents')->filterTimes);
     $this->set('selected_filter', $this->request->query('filter'));
     $query = array('group' => 'grouped_by', 'order' => 'Incidents.created');
     if (isset($filter["limit"])) {
         $query["conditions"] = array('Incidents.created >=' => $filter["limit"]);
     TableRegistry::get('Incidents')->recursive = -1;
     $downloadStats = array();
     if (($downloadStats = Cache::read('downloadStats_' . $filter_string)) === false) {
         $downloadStats = TableRegistry::get('Incidents')->find('all', $query);
         $downloadStats->select(['grouped_by' => $filter["group"], 'date' => "DATE_FORMAT(Incidents.created, '%a %b %d %Y %T')", 'count' => $downloadStats->func()->count('*')]);
         $downloadStats = json_encode($downloadStats->toArray());
         Cache::write('downloadStats_' . $filter_string, $downloadStats);
     $this->set('download_stats', json_decode($downloadStats, TRUE));