public function explodeB() { $send = []; $updateBlocks = []; $source = (new Vector3($this->source->x, $this->source->y, $this->source->z))->floor(); $yield = 1 / $this->size * 100; if ($this->what instanceof Entity) { $this->level->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityExplodeEvent($this->what, $this->source, $this->affectedBlocks, $yield)); if ($ev->isCancelled()) { return false; } else { $yield = $ev->getYield(); $this->affectedBlocks = $ev->getBlockList(); } } $explosionSize = $this->size * 2; $minX = Math::floorFloat($this->source->x - $explosionSize - 1); $maxX = Math::ceilFloat($this->source->x + $explosionSize + 1); $minY = Math::floorFloat($this->source->y - $explosionSize - 1); $maxY = Math::ceilFloat($this->source->y + $explosionSize + 1); $minZ = Math::floorFloat($this->source->z - $explosionSize - 1); $maxZ = Math::ceilFloat($this->source->z + $explosionSize + 1); $explosionBB = new AxisAlignedBB($minX, $minY, $minZ, $maxX, $maxY, $maxZ); $list = $this->level->getNearbyEntities($explosionBB, $this->what instanceof Entity ? $this->what : null); foreach ($list as $entity) { $distance = $entity->distance($this->source) / $explosionSize; if ($distance <= 1) { $motion = $entity->subtract($this->source)->normalize(); $impact = (1 - $distance) * ($exposure = 1); $damage = (int) (($impact * $impact + $impact) / 2 * 8 * $explosionSize + 1); if ($this->what instanceof Entity) { $ev = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent($this->what, $entity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_ENTITY_EXPLOSION, $damage); } elseif ($this->what instanceof Block) { $ev = new EntityDamageByBlockEvent($this->what, $entity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION, $damage); } else { $ev = new EntityDamageEvent($entity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION, $damage); } $entity->attack($ev->getFinalDamage(), $ev); $entity->setMotion($motion->multiply($impact)); } } $air = Item::get(Item::AIR); foreach ($this->affectedBlocks as $block) { if ($block->getId() === Block::TNT) { $mot = (new Random())->nextSignedFloat() * M_PI * 2; $tnt = Entity::createEntity("PrimedTNT", $this->level->getChunk($block->x >> 4, $block->z >> 4), new Compound("", ["Pos" => new Enum("Pos", [new Double("", $block->x + 0.5), new Double("", $block->y), new Double("", $block->z + 0.5)]), "Motion" => new Enum("Motion", [new Double("", -sin($mot) * 0.02), new Double("", 0.2), new Double("", -cos($mot) * 0.02)]), "Rotation" => new Enum("Rotation", [new Float("", 0), new Float("", 0)]), "Fuse" => new Byte("Fuse", mt_rand(10, 30))])); $tnt->spawnToAll(); } elseif (mt_rand(0, 100) < $yield) { foreach ($block->getDrops($air) as $drop) { $this->level->dropItem($block->add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), Item::get(...$drop)); } } $this->level->setBlockIdAt($block->x, $block->y, $block->z, 0); $pos = new Vector3($block->x, $block->y, $block->z); for ($side = 0; $side < 5; $side++) { $sideBlock = $pos->getSide($side); if (!isset($this->affectedBlocks[$index = Level::blockHash($sideBlock->x, $sideBlock->y, $sideBlock->z)]) and !isset($updateBlocks[$index])) { $this->level->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new BlockUpdateEvent($this->level->getBlock($sideBlock))); if (!$ev->isCancelled()) { $ev->getBlock()->onUpdate(Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL); } $updateBlocks[$index] = true; } } $send[] = new Vector3($block->x - $source->x, $block->y - $source->y, $block->z - $source->z); } $pk = new ExplodePacket(); $pk->x = $this->source->x; $pk->y = $this->source->y; $pk->z = $this->source->z; $pk->radius = $this->size; $pk->records = $send; $this->level->addChunkPacket($source->x >> 4, $source->z >> 4, $pk); return true; }
/** * Returns the entities near the current one inside the AxisAlignedBB * * @param AxisAlignedBB $bb * @param Entity $entity * * @return Entity[] */ public function getNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB $bb, Entity $entity = null) { $nearby = []; $minX = Math::floorFloat(($bb->minX - 2) / 16); $maxX = Math::ceilFloat(($bb->maxX + 2) / 16); $minZ = Math::floorFloat(($bb->minZ - 2) / 16); $maxZ = Math::ceilFloat(($bb->maxZ + 2) / 16); for ($x = $minX; $x <= $maxX; ++$x) { for ($z = $minZ; $z <= $maxZ; ++$z) { foreach ($this->getChunkEntities($x, $z) as $ent) { if ($ent !== $entity and $ent->boundingBox->intersectsWith($bb)) { $nearby[] = $ent; } } } } return $nearby; }
public function getBlocksAround() { if ($this->blocksAround === null) { $minX = Math::floorFloat($this->boundingBox->minX); $minY = Math::floorFloat($this->boundingBox->minY); $minZ = Math::floorFloat($this->boundingBox->minZ); $maxX = Math::ceilFloat($this->boundingBox->maxX); $maxY = Math::ceilFloat($this->boundingBox->maxY); $maxZ = Math::ceilFloat($this->boundingBox->maxZ); $this->blocksAround = []; for ($z = $minZ; $z <= $maxZ; ++$z) { for ($x = $minX; $x <= $maxX; ++$x) { for ($y = $minY; $y <= $maxY; ++$y) { $block = $this->level->getBlock($this->temporalVector->setComponents($x, $y, $z)); if ($block->hasEntityCollision()) { $this->blocksAround[] = $block; } } } } } return $this->blocksAround; }