Example #1
 public static function injectDependencies($instance)
     // inject other instances that are annotated with @Inject
     $reflection = new ReflectionAnnotatedClass($instance);
     foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
         if ($property->hasAnnotation('Inject')) {
             if ($property->getAnnotation('Inject')->value != '') {
                 $dependencyName = $property->getAnnotation('Inject')->value;
             } else {
                 $dependencyName = $property->name;
             $dependency = Registry::getInstance($dependencyName);
             if ($dependency == null) {
                 LegacyLogger::log("WARN", "Registry", "Could resolve dependency '{$dependencyName}'");
             } else {
                 $instance->{$property->name} = $dependency;
         } else {
             if ($property->hasAnnotation('Logger')) {
                 if (@$property->getAnnotation('Logger')->value != '') {
                     $tag = $property->getAnnotation('Logger')->value;
                 } else {
                     $array = explode("\\", $reflection->name);
                     $tag = array_pop($array);
                 $instance->{$property->name} = new LoggerWrapper($tag);
  * @HandlesCommand("reloadinstance")
  * @Matches("/^reloadinstance (.+)$/i")
 public function reloadinstanceCommand($message, $channel, $sender, $sendto, $args)
     $instanceName = $args[1];
     $instance = Registry::getInstance($instanceName);
     if ($instance === null) {
         $msg = "Could not find instance <highlight>{$instanceName}<end>.";
     } else {
         try {
             $reflection = new ReflectionClass($instance);
             $syntaxResult = $this->checkSyntax($reflection->getFileName());
         } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
             LegacyLogger::log("WARN", "Registry", "RUNKIT: Failed to reflect class, reason was: '" . $e->getMessage() . "'");
         if (preg_match("/^No syntax errors detected/", $syntaxResult)) {
             Registry::getInstance($instanceName, true);
             $msg = "Instance <highlight>{$instanceName}<end> has been reloaded.";
         } else {
             $msg = "Error reloading instance <highlight>{$instanceName}<end>: {$syntaxResult}";
Example #3
 public function callEventHandler($eventObj, $handler)
     $this->logger->log('DEBUG', "Executing handler '{$handler}' for event type '{$eventObj->type}'");
     try {
         list($name, $method) = explode(".", $handler);
         $instance = Registry::getInstance($name);
         if ($instance === null) {
             $this->logger->log('ERROR', "Could not find instance for name '{$name}' in '{$handler}' for event type '{$eventObj->type}'");
         } else {
     } catch (StopExecutionException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->log('ERROR', "Error calling event handler '{$handler}': " . $e->getMessage(), $e);
 public function callCommandHandler($commandHandler, $message, $channel, $sender, CommandReply $sendto)
     $successfulHandler = null;
     foreach (explode(',', $commandHandler->file) as $handler) {
         list($name, $method) = explode(".", $handler);
         $instance = Registry::getInstance($name);
         if ($instance === null) {
             $this->logger->log('ERROR', "Could not find instance for name '{$name}'");
         } else {
             $arr = $this->checkMatches($instance, $method, $message);
             if ($arr !== false) {
                 // methods will return false to indicate a syntax error, so when a false is returned,
                 // we set $syntaxError = true, otherwise we set it to false
                 $syntaxError = $instance->{$method}($message, $channel, $sender, $sendto, $arr) === false;
                 if ($syntaxError == false) {
                     // we can stop looking, command was handled successfully
                     $successfulHandler = $handler;
     return $successfulHandler;
Example #5
 private function connectToDatabase()
     global $vars;
     $db = Registry::getInstance('db');
     $db->connect($vars["DB Type"], $vars["DB Name"], $vars["DB Host"], $vars["DB username"], $vars["DB password"]);
Example #6
 public function formatCharName($name, $online)
     if ($online == 1) {
         $text = Registry::getInstance('text');
         return $text->make_chatcmd($name, "/tell {$name}");
     } else {
         return $name;
Example #7

use Budabot\Core\DB;
use Budabot\Core\SQLException;
use Budabot\Core\Registry;
use Budabot\Core\LoggerWrapper;
$db = Registry::getInstance('db');
 * Returns array of information of each column in the given $table.
function describeTable($db, $table)
    $results = array();
    switch ($db->get_type()) {
        case DB::MYSQL:
            $rows = $db->query("DESCRIBE {$table}");
            // normalize the output somewhat to make it more compatible with sqlite
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $row->name = $row->Field;
                $row->type = $row->Type;
            $results = $rows;
        case DB::SQLITE:
            $results = $db->query("PRAGMA table_info({$table})");
            throw new Exception("Unknown database type '" . $db->get_type() . "'");
Example #8
  * @HandlesCommand("showcmdregex")
  * @Matches("/^showcmdregex (.+)$/i")
 public function showcmdregexCommand($message, $channel, $sender, $sendto, $args)
     $cmd = $args[1];
     // get all command handlers
     $handlers = $this->getAllCommandHandlers($cmd, $channel);
     // filter command handlers by access level
     $accessManager = $this->accessManager;
     $handlers = array_filter($handlers, function ($handler) use($sender, $accessManager) {
         return $accessManager->checkAccess($sender, $handler->admin);
     // get calls for handlers
     $calls = array_reduce($handlers, function ($handlers, $handler) {
         return array_merge($handlers, explode(',', $handler->file));
     }, array());
     // get regexes for calls
     $regexes = array();
     foreach ($calls as $call) {
         list($name, $method) = explode(".", $call);
         $instance = Registry::getInstance($name);
         try {
             $reflectedMethod = new ReflectionAnnotatedMethod($instance, $method);
             $regexes = array_merge($regexes, $this->commandManager->retrieveRegexes($reflectedMethod));
         } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
     $count = count($regexes);
     if ($count > 0) {
         $blob = '';
         foreach ($regexes as $regex) {
             $blob .= $regex . "\n";
         $msg = $this->text->make_blob("Regexes for {$cmd} ({$count})", $blob);
     } else {
         $msg = "No regexes found for command <highlight>{$cmd}<end>.";
  * @HandlesCommand("testevent")
  * @Matches("/^testevent (.+)$/i")
 public function testeventCommand($message, $channel, $sender, $sendto, $args)
     $event = $args[1];
     list($instanceName, $methodName) = explode(".", $event);
     $instance = Registry::getInstance($instanceName);
     if ($instance == null) {
         $sendto->reply("Instance <highlight>{$instanceName}<end> does not exist.");
     } else {
         if (!method_exists($instance, $methodName)) {
             $sendto->reply("Method <highlight>{$methodName}<end> does not exist on instance <highlight>{$instanceName}<end>.");
         } else {
             $this->eventManager->callEventHandler(null, $event);
             $sendto->reply("Event has been fired.");
  * @Event("1sec")
  * @Description("Checks timers and periodically updates chat with time left")
 public function checkTimers()
     //Check if at least one timer is running
     if (count($this->timers) == 0) {
     $time = time();
     foreach ($this->timers as $timer) {
         if (count($timer->alerts) == 0) {
         foreach ($timer->alerts as $alert) {
             if ($alert->time > $time) {
             list($name, $method) = explode(".", $timer->callback);
             $instance = Registry::getInstance($name);
             if ($instance === null) {
                 $this->logger->log('ERROR', "Error calling callback method '{$timer->callback}' for timer '{$timer->name}': Could not find instance '{$name}'.");
             } else {
                 try {
                     $instance->{$method}($timer, $alert);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->logger->log("ERROR", "Error calling callback method '{$timer->callback}' for timer '{$timer->name}': " . $e->getMessage(), $e);