getBrowser() public method

if no user agent is given, it uses {@see \BrowscapPHP\Helper\Support} to get it
public getBrowser ( string $userAgent = null ) : stdClass
$userAgent string the user agent string
return stdClass the object containing the browsers details. Array if $return_array is set to true.
  * @dataProvider providerUserAgent
  * @depends testCheckProperties
  * @group compare
  * @param string $userAgent
 public function testCompare($userAgent)
     $libResult = get_browser($userAgent);
     $bcResult = self::$object->getBrowser($userAgent);
     foreach (array_keys($this->properties) as $bcProp) {
         if (in_array($bcProp, array('browser_name_regex', 'browser_name_pattern', 'Parent'))) {
         $bcProp = strtolower($bcProp);
         self::assertObjectHasAttribute($bcProp, $libResult, 'Actual library result does not have "' . $bcProp . '" property');
         self::assertObjectHasAttribute($bcProp, $bcResult, 'Actual browscap result does not have "' . $bcProp . '" property');
         $libValue = (string) $libResult->{$bcProp};
         $bcValue = (string) $bcResult->{$bcProp};
         self::assertSame($libValue, $bcValue, 'Expected actual "' . $bcProp . '" to be "' . $libValue . '" (was "' . $bcValue . '"; used pattern: ' . $bcResult->browser_name_pattern . ')');
Example #2
  * @dataProvider userAgentDataProvider
  * @coversNothing
  * @param string $userAgent
  * @param array  $expectedProperties
  * @param bool   $lite
  * @param bool   $standard
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \BrowscapPHP\Exception
  * @group intergration
  * @group useragenttest
  * @group lite
 public function testUserAgentsLite($userAgent, $expectedProperties, $lite = true, $standard = true)
     if (!is_array($expectedProperties) || !count($expectedProperties)) {
         self::markTestSkipped('Could not run test - no properties were defined to test');
     if (!$lite) {
         self::markTestSkipped('Test skipped - Browser/Platform/Version not defined for Lite Mode');
     static $updatedLiteCache = false;
     if (!$updatedLiteCache) {
         self::$browscap->convertFile(self::$buildFolder . '/lite_php_browscap.ini');
         $updatedLiteCache = true;
     $actualProps = (array) self::$browscap->getBrowser($userAgent);
     foreach ($expectedProperties as $propName => $propValue) {
         if (!self::$propertyHolder->isOutputProperty($propName)) {
         if (!self::$propertyHolder->isLiteModeProperty($propName)) {
         $propName = strtolower($propName);
         self::assertArrayHasKey($propName, $actualProps, 'Actual properties did not have "' . $propName . '" property');
         self::assertSame($propValue, $actualProps[$propName], 'Expected actual "' . $propName . '" to be "' . $propValue . '" (was "' . $actualProps[$propName] . '"; used pattern: ' . $actualProps['browser_name_pattern'] . ')');
Example #3
 public function testGetBrowserWithDefaultResult()
     $formatter = $this->getMock('\\BrowscapPHP\\Formatter\\PhpGetBrowser', array('getData'), array(), '', false);
     $parser = $this->getMock('\\BrowscapPHP\\Parser\\Ini', array('getBrowser'), array(), '', false);
     $result = $this->object->getBrowser('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves/Teoma)');
Example #4
  * @param string $ua
  * @param string $mode
  * @return string
 private function testUA($ua, $mode)
     $data = $this->browscap->getBrowser($ua, true);
     if ($mode === GrepCommand::MODE_UNMATCHED && $data['Browser'] === 'Default Browser') {
         return GrepCommand::MODE_UNMATCHED;
     } elseif ($mode === GrepCommand::MODE_MATCHED && $data['Browser'] !== 'Default Browser') {
         return GrepCommand::MODE_MATCHED;
     return GrepCommand::FOUND_INVISIBLE;
Example #5
 public function testGetBrowserWithDefaultResult()
     $formatter = $this->getMockBuilder(\BrowscapPHP\Formatter\PhpGetBrowser::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods(['getData'])->getMock();
     $parser = $this->getMockBuilder(\BrowscapPHP\Parser\Ini::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods(['getBrowser'])->getMock();
     $cache = $this->getMockBuilder(\BrowscapPHP\Cache\BrowscapCache::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods(['getVersion'])->getMock();
     $result = $this->object->getBrowser('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves/Teoma)');
Example #6
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $loggerHelper = new LoggerHelper();
     $logger = $loggerHelper->create($input->getOption('debug'));
     $browscap = new Browscap();
     $result = $browscap->getBrowser($input->getArgument('user-agent'));
     if (!defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) {
         // not defined in PHP 5.3
         define('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT', 128);
     $output->writeln(json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
Example #7
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
  * @param \BrowscapPHP\Util\Logfile\ReaderCollection        $collection
  * @param \BrowscapPHP\Browscap                             $browscap
  * @param int                                               $line
  * @throws UnknownBrowserException
  * @throws UnknownBrowserTypeException
  * @throws UnknownDeviceException
  * @throws UnknownEngineException
  * @throws UnknownPlatformException
  * @throws \Exception
 private function handleLine(OutputInterface $output, ReaderCollection $collection, Browscap $browscap, $line)
     $userAgentString = '';
     try {
         $userAgentString = $collection->read($line);
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->undefinedClients[] = $userAgentString;
             throw $e;
         $type = '.';
     } catch (ReaderException $e) {
         $type = 'E';
     } catch (UnknownBrowserTypeException $e) {
         $type = 'T';
     } catch (UnknownBrowserException $e) {
         $type = 'B';
     } catch (UnknownPlatformException $e) {
         $type = 'P';
     } catch (UnknownDeviceException $e) {
         $type = 'D';
     } catch (UnknownEngineException $e) {
         $type = 'N';
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $type = 'U';
     $this->outputProgress($output, $type);
     // count all useragents
     if (isset($this->uas[$userAgentString])) {
     } else {
         $this->uas[$userAgentString] = 1;
     if ('.' !== $type && 'E' !== $type) {
         // count all undetected useragents grouped by detection error
         if (!isset($this->uasWithType[$type])) {
             $this->uasWithType[$type] = [];
         if (isset($this->uasWithType[$type][$userAgentString])) {
         } else {
             $this->uasWithType[$type][$userAgentString] = 1;
Example #8
  * Display the sessions and logs informations.
  * @return void
 public function security()
     $records = $this->SessionsActivity->getOnlineSessionsForUser($this->Auth->user('id'));
     $browscap = new Browscap();
     $sessions = [];
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $infos = $browscap->getBrowser($record->user_agent);
         $record->infos = $infos;
         array_push($sessions, $record);
     $this->paginate = ['maxLimit' => 25];
     $logs = $this->UsersLogs->find()->where(['UsersLogs.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')])->order(['UsersLogs.created' => 'DESC'])->formatResults(function ($logs) use($browscap) {
         return $logs->map(function ($log) use($browscap) {
             $log->infos = $browscap->getBrowser($log->user_agent);
             return $log;
     $logs = $this->paginate($logs);
     $user = $this->Users->find()->where(['' => $this->Auth->user('id')])->select(['id', 'two_factor_auth_enabled'])->first();
     $this->set(compact('sessions', 'logs', 'user'));